Witnesses to Notice of Divine Redemption — КиберПедия 

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Witnesses to Notice of Divine Redemption

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By this most sacred Covenant, all Living members who have undertaken the Act of
Redemption shall represent the 1st living witnesses to the truth and validity of the
Notice of Divine Redemption.

24.4 Remedy by Special Qualification may not be offered after
Day of Redemption

The less senior of officials of all alternate societies given fair notice by due

process of the Day of Judgment and Remedy have until UCA E8:Y3210:A0:S1:M27:D6
also known as [Wed, 21 Dec 2011] also known as the Only True Day of Judgment to
agree or provide superior remedy to the Divine Creator.

The Offer of Remedy by Extraordinary Qualification is not permitted to be
extended beyond the Day of Judgment.

Therefore the Day of Judgment is so named as it represents the last Day
appointed by the Divine Creator to offer those in power across planet Earth
Extraordinary Remedy. Their choice shall be their Judgment including if they remain
silent, as their silence shall legally represent their full and unconditional consent to
this and all associated Original law.

One and Only True Day of Redemption

By this most sacred Covenant the Day of Redemption of UCA E1:Y1:A1:S1:M9:D1
also known as [Fri, 21 Dec 2012] shall be the one and only true Day of Redemption.
All other claimed dates are hereby rendered null and void through absence of any
Covenant greater then hereby demonstrated.

Year of Redemption and corporations

From the first day of the year of Redemption being UCA E1:Y1:A1:S1:M9:D1 until
UCA E1:Y2:A1:S1:M30:D1 also known as [Sat, 21 Dec 2013] all corporations have
fifty two weeks in which to register and redeem themselves with the Society of
One Heaven and its associated Societies. Thereafter:

(i) No “for profit” non-registered corporation may be registered at any point
in the future, even if they confess to their mistakes and seek recognition; and

(ii) All non-registered “for profit” corporations shall be considered unlawful
entities, possessing no rights, nor property, nor legitimacy; and

(iii) Members shall not be permitted with engaging in business or transactions
other than by necessity with non-registered “for profit” corporations; and

(iv) It shall be a primary goal of the society to see the winding up, closure,
arrest, seizure and cessation of each and every non-registered “for profit”
corporation to be replaced by legitimate and registered companies.

24.7 Year of Redemption and conversion of fiat currencies to
true currency

From the first day of the year of Redemption being UCA E1:Y1:A1:S1:M9:D1 until
UCA E1:Y2:A1:S1:M30:D1 also known as [Sat, 21 Dec 2013] all registered living men,
women and corporations shall have fifty two weeks in which to redeem all fiat
currency and register assets beyond their domicile.

The maximum limit for redemption of both currency as well as legitimate assets to
one man, or woman or company shall continue to decline over the Year of
Redemption, being:

Week Maximum Amount

1 unlimited
2 unlimited
3 unlimited
4 unlimited
5 10,000,000,000
6 9,700,000,000
7 9,300,000,000
8 9,000,000,000
9 8,500,000,000
10 8,200,000,000
11 7,800,000,000
12 7,500,000,000
13 7,000,000,000
14 6,500,000,000
15 6,000,000,000
16 5,500,000,000
17 5,000,000,000
18 4,500,000,000
19 4,000,000,000
20 3,500,000,000
21 3,000,000,000
22 2,500,000,000
23 2,000,000,000
24 1,500,000,000
25 1,000,000,000
26 500,000,000
27 400,000,000
28 300,000,000
29 200,000,000
30 100,000,000
31 90,000,000
32 80,000,000
33 70,000,000
34 60,000,000
35 50,000,000
36 40,000,000
37 30,000,000
38 20,000,000
39 10,000,000
40 9,000,000
41 8,000,000
42 7,000,000
43 6,000,000
44 5,000,000
45 4,000,000
46 3,000,000
47 2,000,000
48 1,000,000
49 500,000
50 250,000
51 100,000
52 50,000


(i) No fiat currency or old assets may be redeemed or registered at any point
in the future, even if they confess to their mistakes and seek recognition,
unless inherited; and

(ii) Excluding primary domiciles and small self-owned businesses, all non-
registered assets shall be considered abandoned property legally and
rightfully the property of the Society of One Heaven and its associated
societies; and

(iii) All non-registered fiat currencies shall be considered worthless; and

(iv) It shall be a primary goal of the society to see the recovery of all

abandoned property and for its fair distribution to members by campus,
province, university and union.

Article 25 - UCADIA


UCADIA represents a spiritual and legal presence, a structure of knowledge and a
language of pure symbolic semantic meaning. UCADIA is the founding energy upon
which these words are based.

UCADIA stands for Unique Collective Awareness of DIA.

DIA are pure symbolic representations of meaning, the units of meaning upon
which the UCADIAN language of pure symbolic semantic meaning is constructed.
Hence, DIA is equivalent to defining "rules"

Unique Collective Awareness means the unique collection of all things, a pure
concept defined as the ultimate paradox, the absolute.

Therefore, UCADIA is a technical definition of the Universe whereby all things are
part of the Divine Creator. Therefore, UCADIA is also a more perfect equivalent to
the word God, The Almighty, The One and Only and The Absolute.

UCADIA Language

Ucadia defines all knowledge that exists and will exist into 10 numbers, 10
categories and 10 standard symbolic shapes. This is called the wisdom class.



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