The Four (4) Keys of One Heaven — КиберПедия 

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The Four (4) Keys of One Heaven

2022-07-07 23
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In accordance with all symbols of power and authority hereby being conveyed to
the exclusive use and custody of the society of One Heaven and associated
entities, four (4) most sacred symbols of keys are commissioned as the Four (4)
Keys of One Heaven:

(i) The First Key represents the unity of One Heaven itself and is represented
by a key with two distinct sets of teeth, representing the unity of Heaven and
Hell; and

(ii) The Second Key represents the authority of the Society of One Heaven
over Time and Space and the power and authority to correct the lies and
corruptions and injuries against Heaven particularly in false history and false
scripture ab initio; and

(iii) The Third Key represents the authority of the Society of One Heaven over
all forms of property, land, claims of ownership and financial instruments as
the key of the Treasury of One Heaven; and

(iv) The Fourth Key represents the authority of the Society of One Heaven
over all Laws and the administration of Justice through the Supreme Court of
One Heaven and all lesser courts.

As these four (4) keys have been forged and formed, let it be known to all that the
locks of Heaven and Earth have been changed and all prior claims of keys no
longer work, are ineffective and must be returned to the Society of One Heaven.

Furthermore, the use of a symbol of one (1) or more keys by any entity not duly
authorized by this Covenant shall be a direct insult and repudiation against the
authority of the Divine Creator and the forces of united Heaven and Earth and shall
place such organizations in immediate supreme dishonor without any right to
ecclesiastically, legally or lawfully issue any instrument of authority.

The Covenant of Creators

The Covenant is a sacred covenant between all who believe in the true wisdom of
Unique Collective Awareness, the Absolute and the wisdom of all the saints of all
the religions and cultures that have ever lived. That a time has come for a new
covenant, for the coming of peace and wisdom on Earth.

That together in peace we see once again a great time of spirit and awakening, of
renewal and protection from harm. That united Heaven heals every soul, every
higher order being and protects those who still live and all men, women and life.

This is the promise of this Covenant. That in peace we see Jerusalem as an
international city. A city of peace. A city of life. No more is it the prize of one (1)
faith or another, one (1) warlord or another.

That we see peace amongst religions and nations. That we see peace amongst
our unique differences. That the Homo Sapien species achieves great things. That
we have great spiritual elected leaders. That the Homo Sapien species never
again feel alone.

That we are creators. That we are poets. That we are warrior-poets at heart. To
lower the sword. To bear the breast. To smile at death. To give life to save live.
These are the bonds of the new covenant.

The Power of the One United Higher spirit

More powerful than any external force or life form, the united power of the
collective spirit of Level 6 (self aware) life forms can change worlds, can bring the
dead back to life. To change whole planets. If one (1) of us are cursed, then we
are all cursed.

By the power and purpose of this document, all curses are lifted. Civilization is free
of any past belief of curses.

We are free to shine and radiate our inner knowledge and wisdom, that to be a
man or a woman is greater than any god of old. We are Homo Sapien, we are
more. And for that we are blessed.

That all souls now and forever are saved

By this document and Covenant, not one soul is evermore cursed, not one soul is
damned. Every soul that has lived or will ever live is named and blessed. All souls
are saved.

Hell is emptied of every tortured soul. That the most ancient of curses are lifted.
That the gates of Hell are closed forever, upon the power and authority of this
Covenant and the seven seals that close these gates.

Article 4 - Existence of One Heaven

Existence of One Heaven

By the power and authority of this Divine Covenant, the Society of One Heaven is
real and possesses valid existence and independence upon the ratification of the
Treaty of the Divine Masculine, the Treaty of the Divine Feminine, the Treaty of the
Divine Apostles, the Treaty of Angels, Saints and Demons and the Treaty of United
States of Spirits either by the Day of Judgment or the Day of Redemption by
Notorial Process for and on behalf of the Divine Creator.

Therefore by the Day of Redemption, the Society of One Heaven is to be regarded
by all laws of all societies according the most fundamental and sacred principles
common to all law that it holds the highest immortal incorporation, with no
company higher, nor greater spiritual, legal, moral or temporal authority than the

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