What does the term protocol designate in the sphere of international agreements? — КиберПедия 

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What does the term protocol designate in the sphere of international agreements?

2022-07-07 131
What does the term protocol designate in the sphere of international agreements? 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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The term “protocol” designates different kinds of official documents recording in an authoritative and solemn manner, the results of a negotiations.

What is the original meaning of this term?

Derived from the Latin “protocollum”. The word “protocol” has come to mean the form used in drawing up public documents and in diplomacy the register in which the minutes of a conference are kept.

What is the main distinction between protocols treaties and conventions?

In the field of international agreements, the term “protocol” is most often used to designate particular agreements, less formal than a treaty or convention, which supplement a basic agreement.

When are additional protocols signed and ratified?

They signed on the same day and in the same form as the principal text. Sometimes they can be signed and ratified on later dates.

Which instrument is generally employed to amend multilateral international agreements?

Protocols are frequently used to amend multilateral international agreements or to prolong their existence. The Convenant of the League of Nations, for example, was amended in various articles by a series of protocols.

6. What is a final signature protocol?


What is the name of the department in the British Foreign Office charged with the preparation of diplomatic documents?

In Great Britain, this work is shared between the Protocol and the Treaty and the Nationality Departments of the Foreign Office.


1. Procès-verbal – протокол (мероприятия)

2. règlements internationaux – международные правила

3. protocol – протокол

4. status quo – статус-кво

5. ultimatum – ультиматум


1. The duly appointed plenipotentiaries – официально назначенные полномочные представители;

2. According to the formalities in force – в соответствии с действующими формальностями;

3. Except for any notification to the contrary - за исключением какого-либо имеющего противоположный смысл извещения;

4. On the basis of equality and mutual advantage – на основе равенства и взаимовыгодности;

5. Before the date of expiry – до окончания срока действия;

6. In the course of the negotiations – в ходе переговоров;

7. On the date of the deposition of the last instrument of ratification – в день сдачи на хранения последнего инструмента ратификации;

8. To affix one`s signature to the Protocol – поставить подпись под протоколом;

9. To be valid for a period of five years – признаваться действительным в течение 5 лет;

10. To denounce the Protocol – денонсировать протокол

Words with – ACT –

1. Constituent act – учредительный акт

2. Final act – заключительный акт

3. Hostile act – враждебный акт

4. Internationally injurious act – международно-неправомерное действие

5. Legal act - законный акт

6. Legislative act – законодательный акт

7. Legitimate act – законный акт\действие

8. Unfriendly act – недружественный акт

9. Unilateral act – одностороннее действие\акт

10. Unlawful act – неправомерный акт

11. Act of accession – акт о присоединении

12. Act of (armed) aggression – акт (вооруженной) агрессии

13. Act of capitulation – акт о капитуляции

14. Act of discrimination – дискриминационный акт

15. Act of good will – акт доброй воли

16. Act of lawlessness and arbitrary rule – акт беззакония и произвола

17. Act of terrorism – террористический акт

18. Act of violence – акт насилия

19. To issue (promulgate) an act – опубликовывать закон

Words with – AMENDMENT –

1. Draft amendment – проект поправки

2. Drafting amendment – поправка на стадии законопроекта

3. To approve an amendment – одобрять поправку

4. To consider an amendment – рассматривать поправку

5. To make an amendment – вносить поправку

6. To move an amendment – вносить поправку

7. To pass an amendment – принимать поправку

8. To propose an amendment – внести поправку

9. To ratify an amendment – ратифицировать поправку

10. To reject an amendment – отвергать поправку

11. To second an amendment – поддерживать поправку

12. To vote down an amendment – голосовать против поправки

Words with – PROVISION –

1. The basic (main) provision,-s of a treaty – основные положения договора

2. Treaty provision,-s – условия договора

3. The provision,-s of law – положения закона

4. In accordance with the following provision,-s – в соответствии со следующим положением

5. Under the provision,-s of the article – согласно положениям статьи

6. To agree on the following provision,-s – прийти к соглашению по следующим пунктам

Unit № 6



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