Treaties and other international compacts — КиберПедия 

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Treaties and other international compacts

2022-07-07 25
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Unit №1

Treaties and other international compacts


What are the most typical forms of international agreement?

In diplomatic literature, the terms “treaty”, “convention” and “protocol” are all applied more or less indiscriminately to international agreements. International agreements can be concluded even by exchange of letters and notes.

What does the term “treaty” imply in a generic and a restricted sense?

In a generic sense, it refers to all agreements between states which are of a binding character, and in a restricted sense it refers to a title given to instruments containing such international agreements.

3. What is the compositional design of treaties and conventions?


Which part of a treaty contains a statement of the purpose?

A statement of the purpose usually contains in the preamble. Sometimes accompanied by a recital of principles and circumstances

And which part embodies the substantive commitments undertaken by the contracting parties?

The text generally containing, in the form of numbered articles, the respective agreements of the signatories. It also indicates: the requirements for bringing the treaty into force, its duration and the place where the exchange of ratifications will take place.

How is the authenticity of the text established?

The authenticity of the text is established by means of the signatures of the plenipotentiaries. It will depend on the circumstances whether signature alone is sufficient to bring the treaty into force or whether some further step, such as ratification, is necessary.

What languages are used in treaties and other international compacts?

The usual practice was to use French, but now French and English. Those concluded under the auspices of the United Nations normally have texts in its official languages, all equally authentic.


1. Accession – присоединение (к межд. договору), вступление (в должность, организацию)

2. the authenticity of the text – подлинность текста

3. a binding international agreement – связывающее, обязательное международное соглашение

4. contractual (treaty) obligations – договорные обязательства

5. entry into force – вступление в силу

6. the exchange of ratifications – обмен ратификационными грамотами

7. equality authentic – подлинное равенство

8. the final clauses of a treaty – последние статьи договора

9. a multilateral treaty – многосторонний договор

10. a party to a treaty – сторона договора

11. the plenipotentiaries – уполномоченные представители

12. the provisions of a treaty – положения договора

13. the signatory governments – подписавшиеся государства

14. under the auspices of the United Nations – под эгидой ООН

15. to affix one`s seal – ставить печать

16. to place (an instrument) in the custody of a depositary –


1. Determined to continue negotiations

2. Expressing their firm resolve to contribute to

3. Firmly believing that

4. Guided by the interests of consolidating peace

5. Proceeding from the close relations of all-round cooperation existing between them

6. Recalling the Declaration of the UN Conference

7. Striving to continue the development of

8. Wishing to contribute to the cause of halting the arms race

9. Have resolved to conclude this Treaty

10. And have agreed as follows

Words with – TREATY –

1. A basic treaty – основополагающий договор

2. A binding treaty – обязывающее соглашение

3. A boundary treaty – договор о границе

4. A collective treaty – коллективный договор

5. A commercial treaty – торговый договор

6. A demarcation treaty – договор о демаркации границ

7. An (in)equitable treaty – (не)равноправный договор

8. An international treaty – международный договор

9. A non-aggression treaty – договор о ненападении

10. A non-proliferation treaty – договор о нераспространении ядерного оружия

11. An open treaty – открытый договор

12. A peace treaty – мирный договор

13. A restricted treaty – закрытый договор

14. Strategic Offensive Arms Limitation Treaty – договор об ограничении стратегических наступательных вооружений (ОСВ)

15. A trade treaty – торговый договор

16. A universal treaty – универсальный договор

17. A treaty of alliance – союзный договор

18. A treaty of cession – договор передачи территории

19. A treaty of commerce and navigation – договор о торговле и мореплавании

20. A treaty of friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance – договор о дружбе, сотрудничестве и взаимопомощи

21. A treaty of guarantee – гарантийный договор

22. A treaty of mutual security – договор о взаимной безопасности

23. A treaty of neutrality – договор о нейтралитете

24. A treaty of unlimited duration – бессрочный договор

25. Breach of an international treaty – нарушение международного договора

26. The coming of a treaty into force – вступление договора в силу

27. Denunciation of a treaty – денонсация договора

28. Prolongation of a treaty – продление договора

29. Renunciation of a treaty – денонсация договора

30. The substantive articles of a treaty – основные статьи договора

31. To accede to a treaty – присоединиться к договору

32. To adhere to a treaty – придерживаться договора

33. To conclude a treaty – заключать договор

34. To denounce a treaty – денонсировать договор

35. To enter into a treaty – вступать в договор

36. To extend the validity of a treaty – продлить срок действия договора

37. To initial a treaty – парафировать договор

38. To observe a treaty – соблюдать договор

39. To prolong the validity of a treaty - продлить срок действия договора

40. To ratify a treaty – ратифицировать договор

41. To register a treaty – регистрировать договор

42. To render a treaty invalid – делать договор недействительным

43. To renounce a treaty – отказываться от договора

44. To sign a treaty – подписывать договор

45. To violate a treaty – нарушать договор

46. To withdraw from a treaty – выйти из договора

Words with – NEGOTIATIONS –

1. Arms-control negotiations – переговоры о контроле над вооружениями

2. Bilateral negotiations – двусторонние переговоры

3. Cease-fire negotiations – переговоры о прекращении огня

4. Diplomatic negotiations – дипломатические переговоры

5. Fruitful negotiations – продуктивные переговоры

6. Multilateral negotiations – многосторонние переговоры

7. Peace negotiations – мирные переговоры

8. Separate negotiations – сепаратные переговоры

9. Stage-by-stage negotiations – поэтапные переговоры

10. Top-level negotiations – переговоры на высшем уровне

11. Trade negotiations – торговые переговоры

12. Negotiations on medium-range nuclear force – переговоры по ракетам средней дальности

13. Negotiations of a wide range of issues – переговоры по широкому кругу вопросов

14. A new round of negotiations – новый этап\раунд переговоров

15. A breakdown in the negotiations – прорыв в переговорах

16. Completion of negotiations – завершение переговоров

17. An outcome of negotiations – исход переговоров

18. Postponement of negotiations – отсрочка переговоров

19. Progress of negotiations – ход переговоров

20. Results of negotiations – результаты переговоров

21. By means of negotiations – путем переговоров

22. In the course of negotiations - в ходе переговоров

23. Through negotiations – путем\посредством переговоров

24. Within the framework of negotiations – в рамках переговоров

25. To begin negotiations – начинать переговоры

26. To break off negotiations – прерывать переговоры

27. To carry on negotiations – продолжать переговоры

28. To complete negotiations – завершать переговоры

29. To conduct negotiations – вести переговоры

30. To continue negotiations – продолжать переговоры

31. To delay negotiations – откладывать переговоры

32. To discontinue negotiations – прерывать переговоры

33. To enter into negotiations – вступать в переговоры

34. To hold negotiations – вести переговоры

35. To initiate negotiations – начинать переговоры

36. To resume negotiations – возобновлять переговоры

37. To suspend negotiations – приостанавливать переговоры

38. To torpedo negotiations – подорвать переговоры

39. To wreck negotiations – срывать переговоры

Words with – NEGOTIATE –

1. To negotiate a loan – договариваться об условиях займа

2. To negotiate a sale – заключать сделку на продажу товара

3. To negotiate a treaty – заключать договор

4. To negotiate terms of peace – договариваться об условиях мира

5. To negotiate for a cease-fire – вести переговоры о прекращении огня

6. To negotiate for peace – вести переговоры о мире

7. To negotiate for a truce – вести переговоры о перемирии

8. To negotiate from a position of strength – вести переговоры с позиции силы


Words with – STATE –

1. An aggressor – государство агрессор

2. The contesting – s –

3. The contracting – s – договаривающееся государство

4. A dependent – зависимое государство

5. A depositary – государство-депозитарий

6. A founder – государство-инициатор, государство-основатель

7. A friendly – дружественное государство

8. A guarantor – государство-гарант

9. A host – принимающее государство

10. A hostile – враждующее государство

11. An Independent – s – независимое государство

12. A member – государство-член

13. A Neighbouring – пограничное государство

14. A (non) belligerent – воющее государство

15. A (non) nuclear – ядерное государство

16. An offending – государство-нарушитель

17. A participating – участвующие государства

18. A receiving – принимающее государство

19. A recipient – государство-получатель

20. A sending –

21. A signatory – подписавшее государство

22. A third –

23. A transgressing – государство нарушитель

24. A trustee – государство-опекун

25. A – party to the present convention –

26. The – s concerned –

27.  – s with different social systems – государство с различными социальными системами

28. Head of – глава государство

Words with – PARTY –

1. An adverse – враждебная партия

2. A belligerent – воюющая партия

3. The (High) Contracting – ies -

4. A hostile – враждующая партия

5. States Parties to the Present Convention –

6. The -ies to the dispute – партийная полемика

7. The -ies concerned –

8. To become a – to a treaty –


Words with – PROVISION –

1. The basic (main) provision,-s of a treaty – основные положения договора

2. Treaty provision,-s – условия договора

3. The provision,-s of law – положения закона

4. In accordance with the following provision,-s – в соответствии со следующим положением

5. Under the provision,-s of the article – согласно положениям статьи

6. To agree on the following provision,-s – прийти к соглашению по следующим пунктам

Unit № 6



Other diplomatic acts

1. What is the usual procedure of appointing an ambassador or a minister to another government?

When one government wishes to accredit an ambassador or a minister to another government, it is necessary that the appointee should be approved by the government of the country to which he is being assigned.

2. Why is the necessary to sound a foreign government privately before making a formal application for agrement?

To avoid personal embarrassments

3. What provisions are laid down in Article 4 of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations?

The sending State must make certain that the agrement of the receiving State has been given for the person it proposes to accredit as head of the mission to that State. The receiving State is not obliged to give reasons to the sending State for a refusal of agrement.

4. When is the appointment of an ambassador or a minister usually announced?

The ambassador-designate should take steps to proceed to the receiving state. Several weeks are usually allowed to elapse before the announcement of the appointment and the departure.

5. When can an ambassador-designate be admitted to the exercise of his functions?

In fact, it is particularly undignified to appear too eager to get down to work. There is a certain stylized, slow-motion pace that must be observed. Several weeks are usually allowed to elapse before the announcement of the appointment and the departure.

6. What can be the reason for a refusal of agrement?

The nomination was made suddenly and without previous notice of the facts that the proposed envoy had made a speech critical of the receiving state, or the nominee had accorded ill treatment to the nationals of the receiving state.

7. How should agrement be distinguished from agreation?

Agreation should be distinguished from agrement in that the former is the process of determining whether the proposed envoy is acceptable to the receiving state, while the latter is the approval of the nomination by the receiving state.


1. Accreditation – аккредитация

2. Agreation – предоставление агремана

3. Agrement - агреман

4. Ambassador-at-large – посол по особым поручениям

5. Ambassador-designate – назначенный, но не вступивший в должность посол

6. Charge d’affaires – временный поверенный в делах

7. Diplomatic immunity – дипломатический иммунитет


1. A non-career diplomat – некарьерный дипломат

2. The proposed envoy – предложенный посланник

3. Unless there is express objection by any of the receiving states – если нет возражений со стороны

4. To accord ill-treatment to smb – оказывать (выказывать) плохое отношение (обращение)

5. To accredit an ambassador to another government – аккредитовать посла

6. To announce the appointment – объявить о назначении

7. To approve the appointee – утвердить назначенца (кандидата)

8. To give reasons for a refusal of (an) agrement – мотивировать отказ агремана

9. To give due notification to the receiving state - дать надлежащее уведомление для принимающего государства

10. To make a formal application for (an) agrement - сделать официальное заявление о соглашении

11. To make a nomination – назначить (утвердить назначение)

12. To make a speech critical of the receiving state

Words with – Ambassador –

1. Ambassador-designate – назначенный, но не вступивший в должность посол

2. Ambassador Extraordinary – Чрезвычайный посол

3. Ambassador Plenipotentiary – Полномочный посол

4. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary – Чрезвычайный и Полномочный посол

5. Resident Ambassador – посол-резидент

6. Ambassador-at-large – посол по особым поручениям

7. The newly appointed Ambassador – вновь назначенный посол

8. To accredit an Ambassador to another Government – аккредитоваться в другое правительство

9. To confer the rank of Ambassador – присвоить ранг посла

10. To exchange Ambassadors – обмен послами

11. To hold the rank of Ambassador – занимать ранг посла

12. To raise to the rank of Ambassador – повысить ранг посла

13. To recall an Ambassador – отозвать посла

Words with – Exequatur –

1. The issuance of an exequatur – выдача экзекватуры

2. Before obtaining the exequatur – до получения экзекватуры

3. Pending delivery of an exequatur – в ожидании получения экзекватуры

4. To issue an exequatur – выдать экзекватуру

5. To obtain an exequatur – получить экзекватуру

6. To revoke an exequatur – аннулировать экзекватуру

7. To refuse to grant an exequatur – отказать в предоставлении экзекватуры


1. What is the usual practice of applying for agrement?

The request for agrément or acceptance is presented either through the head of mission of the recieving state or the charge d’affaires who is temporarily in charge of the mission, or through the diplomatic mission of the sending state in the receiving state.

2. When is the appointment of a diplomatic envoy made public?

As soon as consent (согласие дано) is obtained the appointment is made public.

3. What is the “true copy” of the credentials? When is it delivered?

A true copy (copie d’usage) is added which is destined to be delivered by the head of mission to the Minister for Foreign Affairs at the time of his arrival. These letters confer upon the foreign envoy the authority for his mission and determine bearing of his appointment.

4. Which document accredits a new head of mission to the head of state requesting faith and credence in the former’s statements?

The protocol forms of his official document include one which accredits, personally, the new head of mission to the head of state and requests faith and credence in the former’s statements.

5. Why should a charge d’affaires call on the Dean of the diplomatic corps before the arrival of the newly appointed ambassador?

To announce the arrival of the new head of mission.

6. What is considered an official recognition of an ambassador or a minister plenipotentiary?

The reception by the head of state of an ambassador or a minister plenipotentiary constitutes official recognition of this representative

(Прием главы государства посла или полномочного министра является официальное признание этого представителя)

7. When are the letters of credence usually presented?

When the head of mission is received by the head of state.

(Когда глава миссии принимается главой государства.)


1. To contribute to the maintenance of the friendly relations so happily existing between the two countries – внести вклад в поддержание дружественных отношений, существующих между государствами в настоящий момент

2. To give smb another appointment – дать кому-то другое назначение

3. To recall smb from the post of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary – отозвать кого-то с поста Чрезвычайного и Полномочного посла

4. To receive favourably one’s Letters of Recall – положительно отреагировать при получении отзывной грамоты

Words with – Diplomatic –

1. Diplomatic act – дипломатическое соглашение (акт)

2. Diplomatic activity – дипломатическая деятельность

3. Diplomatic agent – дипломатический агент

4. Diplomatic bag – дипломатическая сумка

5. Diplomatic circles – дипломатические круги

6. Diplomatic contacts – дипломатические контакты

7. Diplomatic corps – дипломатические корпусы

8. Diplomatic courier – дипломатический курьер

9. Diplomatic identity card – дипломатическое удостоверение личности

10. Diplomatic immunity – дипломатический иммунитет

11. Diplomatic intercourse – дипломатическое общение (переговоры)

12. Diplomatic mail – дипломатическое письмо

13. Diplomatic mission – дипломатическая миссия

14. Diplomatic law – дипломатический право

15. Diplomatic personnel – дипломатический персонал

16. Diplomatic pouch – дипломатический багаж

17. Diplomatic practice – дипломатическая практика

18. Diplomatic privileges – дипломатические привилегии

19. Diplomatic recognition – дипломатическое признание

20. Diplomatic relations – дипломатические отношения

21. Diplomatic representative – дипломатический представитель

22. Diplomatic service – дипломатическая служба обслуживания

23. Diplomatic sources – дипломатические источники

24. Diplomatic status – дипломатический статус

25. Through diplomatic channels – через дипломатические каналы

Words with – Immunity –

1. Consular immunity – консульский иммунитет

2. Diplomatic immunity – дипломатический иммунитет

3. Parliamentary immunity – парламентский иммунитет

4. Deprivation of parliamentary immunity

5. Immunity of a deputy – неприкосновенность депутата

6. Immunity of office – неприкосновенность помещения или офиса

7. Immunity of residence – неприкосновенность места проживания

8. Immunity from taxation – иммунитет (освобождение) от налогообложения

9. To accord smb immunity – предоставить кому-то иммунитет

10. To enjoy immunity – пользоваться иммунитетом

11. To guarantee immunity – гарантировать иммунитет


1. What is a full power?

Full power is a special authorization for a diplomatic agent to whom particular negotiation is entrusted for the conclusion of a treaty or convention, or an agent who is deputed to take part in a congress or conference for a similar purpose, from the head of state or government.

2. When does the diplomatic agent require a special authorization called a full power, from the head of the state whom he represents?

When negotiation is entrusted to him for the conclusion of a treaty or convention, or he is deputed to take part in a congress or conference for a similar purpose

3. When and where are the full powers of the plenipotentiaries exhibited for verification?

When the representatives of the negotiating states enter upon their task, their first step is the mutual submission of their full powers for verification.

4. What was the custom observed in former times?

A Full power invested its recipient with power to bind his principal, provided that he acted within the limits of its authority.

5. What is the form of the full powers issued nowadays to representatives for such purposes as the negotiation and signature of a treaty?

Today a full power invests the agent with power to negotiate and to sign a treaty, but not with power to bind his principal

6. Who performs the duty of verification of the full powers?

“Headquarters government” or if in UN- its Secretariat, assisted by asmall committee of plenipotentiaries

7. What seems to be the most essential feature of such document?

They should show by their terms that the representative to whom they are issued is invested with all necessary authority on the part of the state concerned to take part in the negotiations pending, and to conclude a sign, subject if necessary to ratification, the treaty instrument which may result from these negotiations.


1. Everything so agreed upon and concluded – всё согласовано и

2. The full powers conferred by the high contracting parties – полные полномочия, возложенные высокими договаривающимися сторонами

3. The full parties given ab hoc

4. An instrument that may tend to the attainment of the above-mentioned end – инструмент, который может иметь тенденцию к достижению вышеупомянутого итога

5. Ministers, commissioners or plenipotentiaries as may be vested with similar power and authority - министры, уполномоченные или полномочные, которые могут быть наделены подобными полномочиями и властью

6. For the purpose aforesaid – с вышеупомянутой целью

7. In a sample manner and form, and with equal force and efficacy as

8. In testimony whereof, I have caused the Seal of the United States of America to be hereunto affixed – для удостоверения, взяв печать США, я скрепил настоящий документ

9. I do hereby certify that – я настоящим подтверждаю, что

10. Who is by these Presents named, constituted and appointed as Plenipotentiary and Representative having Full Power and Authority – кто был назван, учреждён и назначен как полномочный представитель, имеющий полные полномочия и власть

Words with – Power –

1. Absolute power – абсолютная власть

2. The great powers – великие державы

3. The leading powers – ведущие державы

4. A colonial power – колониальная власть

5. A maritime power – морская держава

6. A nuclear power – ядерное оружие

7. A party in power – партия у власти

8. To be beyond one’s power – быть за пределами своей власти

9. To come to power – придти к власти

10. To seize power – захватить власть

Words with – Powers –

1. Emergency powers – чрезвычайные полномочия

2. Large powers – крупные полномочия

3. Official powers – официальные полномочия

4. Wide powers – широкие полномочия

5. Delegation of powers – передача (делегирование полномочий)

6. Verification of powers – проверка (верификация) полномочий

7. Vested with powers and authority – наделённый властью и полномочиями

8. Within one’s powers – в рамках своих полномочий

9. To confer the necessary powers to smb – даровать (дать) необходимые полномочия

10. To delegate one’s powers to smb – делегировать полномочия

11. To exceed one’s powers – превысить свои полномочия

12. To exercise one’s powers – осуществлять свои полномочия

13. To exhibit one’s full powers – выставлять свои полномочия

14. To invest smb with full powers – инвестировать в кого-то с полными полномочиями

15. To preserve one’s powers – сохранить свою власть (полномочия)

16. To prolong the powers of parliament – продлить срок полномочий парламента

Unit №1

Treaties and other international compacts


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Наброски и зарисовки растений, плодов, цветов: Освоить конструктивное построение структуры дерева через зарисовки отдельных деревьев, группы деревьев...

Своеобразие русской архитектуры: Основной материал – дерево – быстрота постройки, но недолговечность и необходимость деления...

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