III. Read these texts. Look up all unknown words in the dictionary and learn them. Translate them into Russian. — КиберПедия 

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III. Read these texts. Look up all unknown words in the dictionary and learn them. Translate them into Russian.

2022-07-07 29
III. Read these texts. Look up all unknown words in the dictionary and learn them. Translate them into Russian. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Something about student's life*

Where and how students live. – A lot of lucky students live with their parents who take care of them. But there are other students who come to study from other places. They live in a hall of residence or a hostel. Usually they share a room with one or two other students. If a full-time student gets on well in all subjects he or she gets a scholarship. A grant is a kind of a scholarship that is given to a student to fulfill some project. A part-time student doesn't get any scholarship. In our institute the training is not free, students must pay tuition fee.

Get on well in / at smth – хорошо успевать по какому-то предмету. He gets on well in Computer Science. She doesn't get on well at any subject, she always plays truant. This student gets on very well in physics; I think he will be a great scientist in future.

Be good at smth – хорошо уметь делать что-либо. What are you good at? – I think I'm good at singing but not in English. My cousin is good at cooking. Daddy is good at everything, he is a real Jack of all trades (мастер на все руки).

Catch up (with) – наверстывать упущенное, догонять. I was ill and missed a lot of classes last month, so I had to catch up with subject. Don't be a lazy-bone, or you'll have to catch up.

Devote much time to studies – посвящать много времени учебе. My son devotes all his time to studies. If you want to succeed in something you must devote all your time to the subject chosen by you, work hard, be eager to go into details and you mustn't be afraid to make mistakes.

Keep in one's head – держать в голове. I can't understand how he can keep a lot of formulas in his head. Wait a moment, I can't keep everything in my poor head, I'll write it down.


Student's days*

It's a hard work to be a student. So many classes, so many new subjects are in the timetable. And you should attend them all. Lectures, seminars and tutorials. Home preparations, a lot of homework. If you can't cope with that work you begin to lag behind at once. You should make notes of the lectures, write tests and yearly essays, hand in your works. Your teachers check up them and hand out. And at the end of the term you have a test week when you have to get several passes. There is a session with several exams then. Junior students become senior. But it is one family – undergraduates. Students' parties in the students' club. Meeting people and parting people. You know, he is going to be expelled, and she is going to graduate with honour. A freshman, a sophomore, a senior student, and you are a graduating student. You write your graduation dissertation, have finals and at last take your Bachelor degree. And you begin to remember how you cheated at some tests and exams or prompted to somebody. And there is one thought more – you want to do postgraduate work and write a thesis, have an oral and take a degree in Philology, for example. But… but I don't want to make my brain boil any more… for a while.


IV. Match the English idioms in the left column with their Russian equivalents in the right column. Illustrate the meaning of the English idioms by your own examples.

1. to go into details 2. to drum smth into smbd's head 3. a brain twister 4. two and two make four 5. a stumbling block 6. the key word 7. the brain of a pigeon 8. to come easy 9. to start from scratch 10. a blue stocking A. начать с азов B. как дважды два – четыре C. куриные мозги D. синий чулок E. вдаваться в подробности F. головоломка G. легко даваться H. ключевое слово I. камень преткновения J. вдолбить что-либо в голову

V. Translate into Russian.

1. What a silly girl! I think she has the brain of a pigeon, she understands nothing in Maths. 2. When we started our studying of English we began from scratches – letters and sounds. 3. I'm exhausted, every day I have to drum grammar rules into the heads of those stupid children. 4. My daughter is a bright child, all subjects come easy to her. 5. I can't stand that Phonetics any more; all those sounds are stumbling blocks in my head. 6. It's a real brain twister for me to use computer properly. 7. At last I have understood the difference between Past Indefinite and Present Perfect; it's as two and two make four. 8. I don't want to be like she – work - home, home – work and nothing more. I'd like to use the life to the full (использовать жизнь на всю катушку). 9. I don't want to go into details, but as the result you won't be expelled from the college. 10. The key words of any well-bred child are 'please' and 'thank you'.


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