Ex . 37. Speak about a book (an article) you have recently read. Use the following questions as a guide for your talk. — КиберПедия 

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Ex . 37. Speak about a book (an article) you have recently read. Use the following questions as a guide for your talk.

2022-07-06 29
Ex . 37. Speak about a book (an article) you have recently read. Use the following questions as a guide for your talk. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. What book have you recently read? 2. Who is the author of the book? 3. Who edited the book? 4. Where and when. was it published? 5. Is this its first edition? What edition is if? 6. What does the subject of investigation include? 7. What do different chapters "(or articles) deal with? 8. How many chapters (articles) does the book consist of? 9. What is given much (little) atten­tion to? 10. Are there any drawbacks in the book? What are they, if there are any? 11. How is the material illu­strated? 12. What can you say about the style of the book? 13. Who is the book addressed to? 14. What is of particular interest in it? 15. What does the book begin (end) with? 16. What is the purpose of the book? 17. Who do you think this Kook will be useful to?



Ex. 38. Speak about your own publications. Use the following questions as a guide for your talk.

1. What is the subject of your thesis? 2. Have you already published any articles? 3. Where and when did you publish them? 4. What are the titles of your published papers? 5. What problems do you deal with in those papers? 6. What are you going to prove in the course of your research? 7. Is there much or little material pub­lished on the subject of your investigation? 8. Who are your published papers addressed to? 9. What do you give much (little) attention to in your published papers? 10. What is of particular interest in your papers? 11. What have you succeeded in showing? 12. What did you fail to show? 13. How many parts does your paper consist of? 14. Are there any shortcomings in your paper, do you think? What are they? 15 How did you begin (finish) your paper? 16. What is the purpose of your paper? 17. What do you treat in your introductory part? 18. What do you say in conclusion?






(to be used in discussing a scientific publication)


1. The book (volume, handbook, text-book, article, essay) to be discussed is... The discussed book (volume, etc.) is...

2. The articles represent papers (reports) given at the conference.

3. The author (editor, publisher) of the book is... The contributor of the journal (magazine) is...

4. The book was published (edited) in 19...The article originally appeared in (the Soviet Union; in Rus­sian, in a journal).

5. The author is a well-known (distinguished, outstanding) scien­tist in the field of... The author is a Nobel prize winner (State prize winner, Lenin prize winner).

6. The title (name) of the book is... The heading of the chapter (section, part) is... The headline (title, name, heading) of the newspaper article is...

7. The book consists of... (10) chapters (sections, parts, articles, contributions). The book contains (includes, falls into)... (3) parts.

8. The book contains a summary (a treatment of..., a list of references, a large amount of useful information).

9. The book is addressed to scientific workers (professional scientists, interested laymen, undergraduates, post-graduates, those working in the field of..., those studying the problems of..., those familiar with the field of..., those approaching the problems of...). The book is written for researchers.

10. Reference is made to workers (works) in

11. The subject of the book is... (includes..., is reviewed, is covered).The topic (theme) of the book is... The topic of the research (investigation, thesis) is...

12. The subject matter of the book relates to (includes, is devo­ted to)... The subject matter of the book falls into two parts.

13. The book (the author) discusses (deals with, is concerned with, covers, considers, gives consideration to, describes, gives an accurate description of, outlines, emphasizes, places emphasis on) the problem of...

14. The book provides the reader with some data on... (some material on..., some information on..., an intro­duction to..., a discussion of..., a treatment of..., a study of..., a summary of..., some details on..., a use­ful bibliography, a list (set) of references, key references).

15. A careful account is given of... A detailed description is given of I the theory (problem, A thorough description is given of | method)' of... Much attention is given to... Little attention is given to...

16. Of: particular (special, great,    little) interest is the method of... Of particular interest is the     theory (discussion, treatment) of...

17. Of great (little) importance is the method of..

18. It is notable (noteworthy, praiseworthy, fortunate, unfor­tunate, a mistake, a slight disappointment, to the author's credit) that..,

19. The author has succeeded in showing (providing, presenting) the results of...

20. The author faile'1 to show (to exhibit, to provide, to present, to give an account of, to direct our attention to...

21. The author (editor, publisher, proof-reader is to blame for the drawbacks in the book. The book suffers from some mistakes (errors, limita­tions, shortcoming,?, careless proof-reading).

22. In spite of these drawbacks the book is а useful reference work (a valuable source 0} ready information). In spite of these drawbacks the book was useful to (helpful to)

23. The book begins with а discussion of (chapter on, introduction to, introductory discussion of... The book begins with introductory notes (remarks).

24. The book ends with a discussion of...

25. In concision (in summary, summarizing) the author…

26. The purpose (aim, object) of the book is to provide...

27. The book aims to provide (acquaint, present, -,how)...

28. The book is profusely (poorly) illustrated with diagrams (tables, colour plates, photographs, sketches).

29. The author (editor) is to be congratulated on the success of the book (the timeliness of the book, producing this book).



ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ............................................................................................................................................................. 1

BIOGRAPHY OF A SCIENTIST.................................................................................................................................. 2

Text I NIELS BOHR (1885—1962)........................................................................................................................ 2

Exercises....................................................................................................................................................................... 2

Text 2 CHARLES ROBERT DARWIN (1809—1882)........................................................................................ 8

Exercises....................................................................................................................................................................... 9

Text 3 THOMAS HUNT MORGAN (1866—1945)......................................................................................... 17

exercises..................................................................................................................................................................... 18

Text 4 FREDERIC HOPKINS.............................................................................................................................. 24

Exercises..................................................................................................................................................................... 25

SUPLEMENT............................................................................................................................................................ 30

SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTION...................................................................................................................................... 32

Text 1 CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON.................................................................................. 32

Exercises..................................................................................................................................................................... 33

Text 2 LABORATORY FOR THE HUMAN ENVIRONMENT....................................................................... 39

Exercises..................................................................................................................................................................... 40

Text 3 IMPERIAL COLLEGE, LONDON............................................................................................................ 46

Exercises..................................................................................................................................................................... 47

SCIENTIFIC GATHERING........................................................................................................................................ 57

Text 1 TWELFTH INTERNATIONAL ASTRONAUTICAL CONGRESS.................................................... 57

Exercises..................................................................................................................................................................... 57

Text 2 CHEMICAL WARFARE ON PLANT PESTS AND DISEASES.......................................................... 62

Exercises..................................................................................................................................................................... 63

Text 3 FIFTH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF BIOCHEMISTRY......................................................... 68

Exercises..................................................................................................................................................................... 69

DISCUSSING CURRENT PROFESSIONAL LITERATURE............................................................................... 86

Text 1 MODERN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY........................................................................................... 86

Exercises..................................................................................................................................................................... 86

Text 2 A HISTORY OF THE MODERN BRITISH CHEMICAL INDUSTRY............................................. 99

Exercises..................................................................................................................................................................... 99

SUPPLEMENT........................................................................................................................................................ 110


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