Ex. 37. Listen to the following texts and answer the questions. — КиберПедия 

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Ex. 37. Listen to the following texts and answer the questions.

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A symposium on “Ecological Problems in the Tropics” was held in Allahabad during February 3—5, 1961. The meetings were attended by more than one hundred scientists from all parts of the country. Dr. Randhawa, vice-president of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research in his opening address specifically stressed the importance of ecological research in various deve­lopment projects that the Governement of India has now taken in hand. Dr. G. S. Puri, director of the Central Botanical Laboratory, Allahabad, who had organized the symposium, pointed out the progress so far made in Indian ecology, and the need for a coordinated re­search programme in ecological studies in the tropics. He emphasized that the vegetation and animal life in the tropics raised problems peculiar to these climatic conditions.

Forty-five papers were contributed to the symposium. A committee to implement and expand the results of the symposium and to raise the necessary funds needed for supporting the project in co-operation -with the In­ternational Society for Tropical Ecology was formed.


1. When and where was the symposium held? 2. What was the number of its participants? 3. Who presided at this symposium? 4. What was the main subject under discussion? 5. How many papers were contributed to this scientific gathering?





68 flags, signifying participants from as many coun­tries, flew at the main entrance of the imposing Moscow State University during the Eighth International Can­cer Congress held in Moscow during July 22—27, 1962. Estimates of the number of persons attending the six-day meeting varied from five to nine thousand. The in­ternational congresses sponsored by the International Union Against Cancer, are held every four years to give scientists from all countries an opportunity to discuss developments and exchange ideas on every aspect of the cancer problem. Nine hundred or more papers, as well as a number of scientific exhibits and films were presen­ted at the 1962 meeting.


1. When and where was the 8th International Can­cer Congress held? 2. How long did it last? 3. What was the number of countries participating and the number of people attending the meetings? 4. How many papers were presented?




The scientific sessions, some 78 in number, were held in six halls of the massive new buildings of Moscow State University on Lenin Hills. The opening and closing ceremonies, however, were held in the Palace of Congresses in the Kremlin.

For many delegates this was a first visit to Moscow and there was considerable curiosity about accommoda­tions, facilities, surroundings, and attitudes to be en­countered. But both the hospitality and organization were certainly praiseworthy. Transportation — an ob­vious problem because of language difficulties and the six-mile distance to the University from the hotels in which most visitors stayed — was remarkably easy; accommodations were good, and the two formal entertainments of the Congress were excellent. As a whole, the Congress proved to those who attended an enjoyable and stimulating experience. In affording this opportu­nity to exchange scientific ideas on a world-wide basis, the Eighth International Cancer Congress achieved its purpose.


5. How many scientific sessions were held? 6. Was this congress well organized? 7. What is the main purpose of such international gatherings? Was it achieved?





The First International Space Science Symposium held during the second week of January, 1960 at Nice was attended by nearly 200 delegates from all over the world. In the foyer was arranged an exhibition of in­struments for space research with a display of some experimental results.

The meeting at Nice was the first opportunity for a comprehensive presentation of the work being done in various parts of the world, and it provided time for the discussion. Much of the work had been carried out during the International Geophysical Year, but impor­tant results obtained since were also presented.

The hundred papers read at the conference were clas­sified under seven headings.

In the opening session, on the Earth's atmosphere, Wexler discussed some of the doubts which have been current concerning the value of meteorological pictures made from satellites. A comprehensive paper by Poloskov presented the7 Russian results on the neutral gas and the ionization.


1. When and where was the 1st International Space Science Symposium held? 2. What 'л as the attendance?

3. How many papers were read at this symposium?

3. What was the opening session devoted to?




The great importance of the discovery of Van Alien belts of charged particles was reflected in the session on cosmic radiation and interplanetory gas. 18 papers were read with important contributions from Van Alien, Vernov, Dolginov, Kursanova and their collaborators. The Russian data agreed fairly well with Van Alien's.

The study of solar radiation is one of the most impor­tant branches of space science. The extensive and sys­tematic work of the team at the Naval Research Labo­ratory, Washington, was reported at the symposium. The session on the Moon and the planets contained a number of papers, reflecting the stimulation of inte­rests in these fields by the rapid development of space technology. Of special note is the serious consideration now being given to space biology. The only results reported in this session concerned the well-known Lunik III photography of the reverse side of the Moon.


5. What was the session on cosmic radiation and interplanetory gas noteworthy for? 6. Was there an ag­reement between the data presented by the Russian and the American researchers? 7. What is one of the most important branches of space science? 8. What results were presented at the session on the Moon and the pla­nets?



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