Ex. 8. Insert articles where necessary and read the text aloud. — КиберПедия 

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Ex. 8. Insert articles where necessary and read the text aloud.

2022-07-06 39
Ex. 8. Insert articles where necessary and read the text aloud. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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... conference I attended... month ago was orga­nized by... Academy of... Sciences of... USSR.... number of registered participants was larger than at... previous conference of this kind which was held... last year.... conference attracted... large num­ber of... outstanding scientists.... number of people came from abroad.... opening ceremony was held in... assembly hall of... Moscow University. At... end of each session... hour was set aside for discussion.... most significant communication at... conference was given by... Professor L. There was... most interesting exhibition of... books arranged in... room number 3 of... main building of... University.... series of... interesting tours followed... scienti­fic programme.... most of... participants were accommodated in... students' quarters of... Moscow Uni­versity. Abstracts of... most important contributions were published in... current issue of... journal “Cy­tology”.



Ex. 9. Answer the following questions. Use the expression be interested (in something)



1. Does biology interest you?

2. Yes, I am greatly interested in biology. Or: No, I am not interested in biology. I am interested in mathematics.


1. Do you take any interest in cybernetics? 2. What problems interest you particularly? 3. Do these experi­ments interest you? 4. Are the problems of plant growth of any special interest for you? 5. Do you take any in­terest in modern art?


Ex. 10. Translate into English making use of the expression be interested (Hi).


1. Он не интересуется естественными науками (na­tural sciences). 2. Он очень интересуется этой пробле­мой. 3. Какими аспектами биохимии вы интересуетесь? 4. Этот случай (case) интересует всех нас. 5. Нас ин­тересуют ваши планы на будущее.



Еx. 11. Say a few words about your (your friend's, your brother's, sister's) interests. Ask your fellow-student about his(her) interests.



1. I think biochemistry is very interesting. I am interested in biochemistry. And what about you?

2.  I am not particularly interested in bioche­mistry. I am interested in bionics.


Ex. 12. Translate into Russian pacing special attention to the expression deal (with).


1. It is very unpleasant to deal with such people. 2. This man is difficult, to deal with. 3. This book deals with semiconductors. 4. What problems does he deal with in his book? 5. What problems are dealt with in his book? 6. What is the best way to deal with this diffi­culty? 7. Entomology deals with all kinds of insects.



Ex. 13. Confirm the statements using the verb deal (with} Instead of the words in italics.



1. I think his paper is on nucleotides.

2. You are quite right. His paper really deals with nucleotides.


1. I believe that this book is about proteins. 2. Arithmetics has to do with numbers and how to work with them. 3. As far as I know, the first session was concer­ned with subcellular particles. 4. To my knowledge the pa­per in question considers some problems of nuclear phy­sics. 5. I am afraid it is not very pleasant to have to do with such people.



Ex. 14. Translate into English using the expression deal (with).


1. Эта статья касается очень важной проблемы.

2. Астрономия изучает небесные тела (celestial bodies).

3. Он умеет (knows how to) обращаться с животными (animals). 4. Какими вопросами вы занимаетесь в на­стоящее время? 5. Вечернее заседание было посвящено спутникам связи (communication satellites). 6. Я не люблю иметь дело с такими людьми.



Ex. 15. A. Mention 3 or 4 books (papers) you have recently read and say what problems each of them deals with.

Model: I am interested in.... Recently I've read a most interesting paper on....It deals with important problems of....



В. Discuss in the same way a lecture you have recently attended.


Model: I have recently attended an interesting lec­ture on....

It dealt with.... The main subject under discussion was....



Ex. 16. Put questions to the words in italics. Note the place of the preposition in the interrogative sentence.



1. The lecture by Professor Sorm dealt with proteins.

2. What did the lecture by Professor Sorm deal with?


1. The session closed with a masterly lecture by Prof. Green. 2. The opening plenary session was followed by a most enjoyable concert. 3. The largest part of the scien­tific programme was associated with the activities of 28 sections. 4. The book deals with many aspects of bio­chemistry. 5. They are interested in bionics. 6. The clo­sing plenary session was especially noteworthy for the lecture on proteins. 7. She specializes in cybernetics.



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