Ex. 2. Answer the questions according to the model. — КиберПедия 

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Ex. 2. Answer the questions according to the model.

2022-07-06 50
Ex. 2. Answer the questions according to the model. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. What kind of research was Niels Bohr awarded for?

2. He was awarded the Nobel prize for his study of atomic structure and radiation.


1. What kind of research was Darwin engaged in? 2. What research does your team carry on? 3. What kind of research did you carry on last year? 4. I know many biologists who do research in field stations. What kind of research do they carry on there? 5. What kind of re­search is carried on by means of electron microscopy? 6. What research is usually carried on at the Biochemi­cal department (laboratory)?



Ex. 3. Try to answer the questions as in the model.



1. Are you going to read for your exam?

2. Yes, I am. I am going to take my exam next month and I am reading for it now.


1. Do you work on your thesis? 2. Is it important to read for the paper you are going to present at the semi­nar? 3. Were you asked to participate in the foregoing discussion? 4. Do you generally have to read much for your lectures (classes, seminars)? 5. Was your previous research associated with experimenting? 76. Will you be engaged in the solution of any fundamental problem next year? 7. Is anyone of your fellow-researchers working for a higher degree at present? 8. Is your Institute growing in size and numbers?



Ex. 4. Find out all you can about the Imperial College by asking questions. Follow the model. Make up a short talk.



1. Is the Imperial College of Science and Technology an English scientific insti­tution?

2. I think (As far as I know) the Imperial College is the oldest and most important scientific institute in England.


1. What are the dual purposes of the Imperial Col­lege? 2. What famous scientists were associated with the Imperial College? 3. What are the main departments of the Imperial College at present? 4. How many students and research students are studying at the Imperial Col­lege at the present time? 5. What new research groups have been formed at the Imperial College? 6. What is the main goal (task, purpose) of the I. C.?



Ex. 5. Insert prepositions.




1. Imperial College is fostering research... science and technology. 2. It was founded as the Royal College... the middle... the nineteenth century. 3. The aim... its foundation was to keep Britain... the forepost... technological advance. 4. Many famous scientists were associated... the College. 5. There are large engineering facilities... addition... those... pure scientific research. 6. One... the departments is headed... Professor Chain. 7. The College is fortunate... having several new buildings... many laboratories. 8. The College has facilities... London... a biologi­cal field station. 9.... the present time many research students are working... higher degree... Imperial College. 10. Much research work is undertaken... Imperial College... a wide range... subjects. 11. The College is growing... size and numbers. 12. Very soon it will develop... a separate University.




 l3. What well-known scientists are associated... your Institute? 14. This Institute is fostering research... cytology. 15. The Institute of Semiconductors was founded... the middle... the twentieth century... Academician Joffe. 16. Our Institute is... the forepost... physical science. 17. The Laboratory... Biochemistry is headed... Professor N. 18. The post graduates... our Institute are now studying... higher degrees.

19. I do a lot of reading... my examination in English.20. We hope to train specialized scientists... many ways.



Ex. 6. Respond to the statements as in the model.



1. He learns English (French).

2. As far as I know (I think) he learns English in addition to French.


1. Most of the University professors carry on research work (teaching). 2. The laboratory staff is engaged in applied research (pure scientific one). 3. Dr. H. has published a monograph (several papers). 4. Important theoretical investigations (experimental work) are carried on at the Institute. 5. Recently a new building has been built for the Institute (two old ones). 6. At present the computer centre has several quite modern installations (several older computers).



Ex. 7. A. Find out whether your fellow-student: often applies modern methods and techniques; knows how to apply the law of gra­vitation; is going to apply for a new position; can apply a new theory in his experiments.



1. Do you apply the theory of conductivity in your experiments?

2. Yes, I do. In fact I apply it rather often.


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