Ex. 2. Answer the following questions. — КиберПедия 

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Ex. 2. Answer the following questions.

2022-07-06 36
Ex. 2. Answer the following questions. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. Where did Hopkins receive his primary educa­tion? 2. Where did he take his first training? (Where did he do his first studies?). 3. Was he engaged in any activities outside his research? 4. Where did he take his degree? 5. What hospital did he work at? 6. What


 did M. Foster propose to him? 7. What was one of the urgent needs of biochemistry at that time? 8. What was Hopkins famous for? 9. In what field of science did he work? 10. Why can Hopkins be considered the father of vitamin chemistry? 11. What research did he do in collaboration with Fletcher? 12. In what areas was he a pioneer? 13. What fundamental contribution did ho make in 1921? 14. What won Hopkins the Nobel prize? 15. Did he hold any scientific degrees?



Ex. 3. Confirm the statements below. Use words and expres­sions from the text instead of those in italics.


Model: 1. To my knowledge, Hopkins was a distin­guished scientist.

2. Yes, (that's right; you're right; exactly, etc.) he was a famous biochemist.

1. As far as I know, Hopkins received education at private schools. 2. He did his first studies in the labo­ratory of Consulting. Chemist, didn't he? 3. From what I know, he took up his medical studies in 1888. 4. I know that Hopkins not only did research but also carried out clinical work. 5. If I am not mistaken, Hopkins gradua­ted from the University of London. 6. As far as I re­member, after graduation Hopkins came to work at the medical school of Guy's hospital. 7. He became world-famous for his researches and discoveries, didn't he? 8. If I remember right, working together with W. Fletcher Hopkins studied chemical changes that accompany muscle contraction. 9. As far as I know, in 1929 he shared the Nobel prize in medicine and physiology with Eijkman for his contribution on growth-promoting vitamins.



Ex. 4. Answer the following questions. Use one of the verbs:

explain, realize, graduate, join, invite instead of those in italics.



1. Would you like to become a member of our club?

2. Yes, I would gladly join it, if possible.


1. Where did Hopkins take his degree? 2. When did he become a member of the staff of a medical school? 3. Why was he called to Oxford? 4. Was he aware of

the importance and urgency of his work? 5. Did his report clear up some facts concerning nutrition?



Ex. 5. Insert prepositions where necessary and read the sentences aloud.


1. Hopkins was educated... private schools. 2. His activities... research were generally recognized. 3.... 1899 he joined... the illustrious school... physiology. 4. Biochemistry was then entering... its modern phase. 5. Hopkins became world-known... important researches and discoveries... the field... bioche­mistry. 6. He based his experiments... sound theore­tical considerations. 7. He succeeded... isolating a new substance. 8. He was a reader... chemical physiology. 9. He did important research... the chemical changes that accompany muscle contraction. 10. He was joint winner... the Nobel prize... physiology... his contributions... growth-promoting vitamins. 11. My supervisor's activities... experimental work are well-known. 12. Dr. N. combines deep theoretical knowledge... great experimental skill. 13. My wife joined... the laboratory two years ago. 14. While a student I joined... a learned society. 15. My scientific adviser became known... his paper issued... 1960. 16... what field do you do research? 17. Do you base your work... evidence provided... experiment? 18. Last year I succeeded... passing my entrance examination and was admitted to the Institute.



Ex. 6. React to the wrong statements below using some of the following introductory phrases: you are not quite right, you are mistaken, you are wrong, it is not quite so, it would be wrong to say so, I can't agree with you, just the reverse.


Model: 1. If I a not mistaken, Hopkins was a

well-known chemist.

2. No, it's not quite so. As far as I know (as a matter of fact) Hopkins wasn't a chemist. He was engaged in biochemistry and was a famous biochemist.

1. Can you clear up one point to me? Did Hopkins really come to work at the medical school of Guy's hospital before graduation? 2. I believe that Hopkins was only engaged in theoretical work. Is it really so? 3. I thought it was Hopkins who invited Forster to Cambridge. 4. I was of the opinion that biochemistry enters its modern phase nowadays. 5. To my mind, Hopkins' experiments with rats (on rats) are of no in­terest to us. 6. As far as I know Hopkins is regarded as the father of vitamin chemistry. This gave me the idea that Hopkins must have isolated some of the vita­mins himself.

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