Ex. 6. Answer the following questions using the verbs in italics. — КиберПедия 

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Ex. 6. Answer the following questions using the verbs in italics.

2022-07-06 27
Ex. 6. Answer the following questions using the verbs in italics. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. What mark did your teacher give you in li­terature? (answer).

2. He gave me a five. I answered all his ques­tions.



1. What do you do to learn philosophy? 2. What did you do yesterday? I called on you but was told you were away. 3. How often are seminars held at your In­stitute?



4. What do you do if you feel unwell? 5. What do you do if you come across an unfamiliar word in your text? 6. What do you do if you encounter difficulties when solving some problem?



7. Did you like the film you saw yesterday? 8. Did you go to Kiev on holiday?



9. How old is your sister? 10. Is that room vacant? Is there anybody there? 11. What Institute did your husband (wife) graduate from?



12. Do you attend the meetings of the Learned Geo­graphical Society? 13. How long have you been working at this laboratory?



14. When did you finish school? 15. Where did you live before coming to Leningrad?



Ex. 7. Translate the following sentences into English using the verbs answer, attend, consult, enjoy, follow, join, leave.


1. Преподаватель вошел в класс. 2. Он уехал из Ле­нинграда. 3. Кто может ответить на мой вопрос? 4. Идите вперед (You go first), а я пойду за вами. 5. На лекции присутствовало только двадцать студентов. 6. On всту­пил в студенческое научное общество. 7. Советова­лись ли вы со своим руководителем? 8. Я поступил в университет в 1976 году. 9. Когда вы закончили школу? 10. Вы следили за падением температуры?



Ex. 8. Answer the questions using the verb attend.



1. Were you present at the last lecture?

2. Yes, I attended it. It was very interesting.


1. How many people were present at the lecture on polymers? 2. Are you going to be present at the next seminar on Shakespeare? 3. Did you go to English classes last year? 4. You studied at the University, didn't you? 5. Does your son (daughter) go to school?



Ex. 9. Answer the questions using the verb visit.



1. When did he go to England?

2. He visited England last year.


1. When did you go to see your friend? 2. Did you go to Petrodvoretz last Sunday? 3. Have you called on your colleague at the hospital? 4. Have you seen the new exhibition? 5. How often do you go to the Hermitage?



Ex. 10. Insert the verbs attend or visit and read the sen­tences aloud.


1. All children over seven must... school. 2. Have you... this exhibition? 3. Who... the meeting? 4. Will you... your friend to-morrow? 5. Many foreign tourists... our country every year. 6. While in Moscow I... the Gallery of Russian Art. 7. Who's going to... the next lecture in mathematics? 8. During my stay in Prague I... many places of interest.



Ex. 11. Translate the following sentences into Russian using the verbs attend от visit.


1. Он не ходит на лекции. 2. Посещаете ли вы се­минары по цитологии? 3. Вы были на выставке в Эрмитаже? 4. Правильно ли я вас понял (Am I to understand), что вы собираетесь посетить наш город? 5. Сколько людей посещает эти лекции? 6. Они никогда не ходят на наши семинары.



Ex. 12. Insert the verbs advise or consult. Note that you consult your manager (teacher); your manager advises something to you.


1. The problem you are studying is rather difficult. Did you... your scientific adviser on this point? What did he... you? 2. Who... you to use this method? 3. He had to... the reference book. 4. I... my doctor. He... me to go to the Black Sea shore.



Ex. 13. Translate the following sentences into Russian using he verbs in italics.



1. Я должен посоветоваться с моим научным руко­водителем (scientific adviser, supervisor). 2. Вы должны посоветоваться с заведующим (manager, head) лабора­тории. 3. Они не советовались со мной.



4. Кто посоветовал вам использовать этот метод? 5. Мой руководитель советовал мне использовать дру­гой метод (different approach). 6. Я советую вам про­верить (check) ваши данные еще раз.



Ex. 14. Give a short answer to the following questions and then add some details, using the verbs consult or advise.



1. Did you consult your scientific adviser on the subject of your work?

2. Yes, of course. I always consult him when I have some difficulties. He advised me to use a different approach.


1. Do you often consult reference books? 2. Did your supervisor advise you to read your paper at the con­ference? 3. When do you consult the dictionary? 4. Did the doctor advise you to take your leave now? 5. Are you going to consult your scientific adviser on how to do the calculations?



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