Ex. 16. Answer the following questions. — КиберПедия 

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Ex. 16. Answer the following questions.

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1. Where were you educated? 2. Did you do further studies after graduation? 3. Did you move anywhere after graduation? 4. Have you ever given any lectures? 5. What part do you take in research carried on at your laboratory? 6. Who is head of your laboratory? 7. What is he distinguished for? 8. Is he the author of any text­books or monographs? 9. Has he received any awards? 10. Who do you think has advanced the most fundamental ideas of modern physics (biology, physiology, astro­nomy, chemistry, etc.)? 11. Are you familiar with these theories? 12. What are your plans for the nearest future?



Text 2

Charles Robert Darwin, English naturalist and author, was born at Shrewsbury, February 12, 1809. His father, Robert Warning Darwin, was a distinguished physician at Shrewsbury.

Charles Darwin studied at Shrewsbury School under Dr. S. Butler. After attending school Darwin spent two years at Edinburgh University in the study of me­dicine. In 1817 he enrolled at Cambridge University, He early devoted himself to the study of natural history. In 1831 he was appointed naturalist to a naval vessel, then about to sail on an extended surveying expedition. Darwin came home with rich stores of knowledge. He had been much impressed by the manner in which closely allied animals replace one another in proceeding south­wards in South America.

In 1837 Darwin had started a notebook in which he entered facts concerning natural selection. He saw that selection was the key-stone of man's success. Various ideas as to the causes of evolution had to be abandoned.

In 1842, he wrote out his first outline on the origin of species. He corresponded with Asa Gray, the United States naturalist, and sent Gray a letter explaining his views in 1857. This letter became afterwards classical.

Charles Lyell, author of the widely discussed “Prin­ciples of Geology”, urged Darwin to prepare a more extensive treatise. The revision was only half finished when Darwin received a letter and manuscript from A. R. Wal­lace. Wallace asked Darwin to read the manuscript and to forward it to Lyell. Darwin was much startled to find in the essay a complete abstract of his own theory of na­tural selection. It was an unusual situation: two natura­lists, working independently of each other, had simulta­neously developed theories that were identical. Both had been influenced by Th. R. Malthus' work on popula­tion, both were familiar with Lyell's views on geology, each had observed widely varying species.

Darwin sent Wallace's manuscript, together with the second draft of his own treatise, to Lyell, who con­sulted Josef D. Hooker, English botanist. On their recom­mendation both Wallace's and Darwin's essays were read as a joint paper before the Linnae Society at London. In 1859 Darwin published “The Origin of Species by Na­tural Selection”.

Although Darwin and Wallace differed in some opinions they remained friends. Darwin was, with Wallace, the first to attempt to work out a logical explanation of the variations of species, and to collect and arrange facts upon which the theory of evolution could be based.

Because of the emphasis placed upon “The Origin of Species” and “The Descent of Man” Darwin's numerous of other important contributions are frequently overlooked.

Darwin received many honours from learned societies in Great Britain and on the continent. He died at Down, Kent, England, April 19, 1882.




Ex. 1. Comprehensive check.


1. Who was Charles Darwin? 2. Can you tell me where he was born? 3. Who was his father? 4. Will you tell me under whom Darwin studied at Shrewsbury school? 5. How long did he attend school? 6. What did he do after leaving school? 7. He was interested in the study of na­tural history, wasn't he? 8. On what expedition did he go? 9. Darwin corresponded with many scientists, didn't he? 10. Why is his correspondence with Asa Gray of special interest to us? 11. Whom did Lyell consult when Darwin sent him his own treatise and the manu­script received from Wallace? 12. What did Lyell and Hooker recommend Darwin? 13. Were Darwin and Wallace of the same opinion on all the problems concerning the theory of evolution? 14. Are you familiar with Dar­win's view on the descent of man? 15. What is your opi­nion on Darwin's main contribution to science?



Ex. 2. Answer the following questions. Note that no article is used before nouns denoting a branch of knowledge (archaeology, astronomy, biology, biochemistry, botany, chemistry, history, mathematics, mechanics, philosophy, philology, physiology, phy­sics, etc.).



1. What examinations have you already pas­sed?

2. I have passed my exams in history, li­terature, general linguistics and phonetics.


1. What examination are you going to take next spring? 2. What subjects did you like best while at school? 3. What subjects were you interested in while at the Institute (University)? 4. What course of lectures did you at­tend while a postgraduate? 5. In what field are you doing research?



Ex. 3. Insert the definite article where necessary and road the sentences aloud. Note that we say “He gives lectures in chemistry” but “He gives lectures on the chemistry of proteins”.


1. Do you take interest in... science? 2. Botany is... science of plants. 3. Pavlov studied... biology at the University. 4.... astronomy is a branch of... knowledge. 5. I am sure that... knowledge of English will help me greatly in doing... research. 6. What is... knowledge? 7.... nature has always inspired poets and artists. 8. Are you familiar with... nature of... radioactivity? 9. He had to take into account... radioactivity of this element. 10. Rutherford determined... nature of alpha-particles and worked out... theory of radioactive disintegration of elements. 11. Mendeleyev discovered... Law of... Periodicity. 12. In his youth Dr. Nash studied... law. 13. My sister is fond of... music. 14.... music of Chopin is very beautiful. 15. I am not interested in... nuclear physics. I want to do... research in... field of... solid-state physics.



Ex. 4. Insert articles where necessary. Remember that we say “He works at и plant” hut “He works at the Lomonosov plant”. Note that no article is used before the words school and college when they denote an educational establishment, while the word University is mostly preceded by the definite article.


1. Lomonosov managed to secure admission to... school by pretending to be... son of... nobleman. 2. In 1745 he returned to St. Petersburg and was appoin­ted professor of... chemistry at... University. 3. Are you going to take post-graduate courses at... research institute? 4. Next month my friend is going to give... lecture at... Department of Plant Anatomy of... In­stitute of... Botany. 5. My younger brother goes to... school. He hopes to enter... University and study... physics. 6. Does your sister work as... secretary at... office or at... plant? 7. Dr. Ivanov is... secretary of... scientific council of... Department of... theo­retical physics.



Ex. 5. Answer the following questions and give some additional information. Note that after the verbs answer, attend, con­sult, enjoy, enter, join, leave no preposition is needed.



1. Can you answer all my questions?

2. Sorry, I can't. I'll try to answer one question, if you please.


1. Were you able to answer all the questions put to you? 2. Have you answered the letter you received from your friend? 3. Do you regularly attend English classes? 4. Did you attend the last seminar at your lab? 5. Are you going to attend our meeting tonight? 6. When are you going to consult your scientific adviser? 7. Do you often consult the head of your laboratory on problems concerned with your work? 8. Do you have to consult the dictionary when translating texts on your speciality? 9. Did he enjoy his stay in London? 10. Did you enjoy your holiday? 11. At what age did you enter the Institute? 12. Is your sister (brother) going to enter the University? 13. Did you join any scientific circle while at the Uni­versity? 14. When did you join this laboratory? 15. When did you leave school? 16. When did you leave your na­tive town?



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