Present Perfect Continuos Forms — КиберПедия 

Особенности сооружения опор в сложных условиях: Сооружение ВЛ в районах с суровыми климатическими и тяжелыми геологическими условиями...

Папиллярные узоры пальцев рук - маркер спортивных способностей: дерматоглифические признаки формируются на 3-5 месяце беременности, не изменяются в течение жизни...

Present Perfect Continuos Forms

2022-07-03 57
Present Perfect Continuos Forms 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Формы образуютс я по схеме: have/has + been + Present


Statement             Negation                        Question

l have (I've) been          I have not (1 haven't)   Have you been

learning                                           been learning                        learning?

You have been             You have not been         Has he been learning?

learning                                           learning

Не has (he's) been        Не has not (he

learning                        hasn't) been learning

We have been      We have not been      Have we been

learning                                           learning                                                  learning?

You have been              You have not been     Have you been

learning                         learning                              leaning?

They have been            They have not been   Have they been

}earning                       learning                               learning?

Времена группы Present Perfect Continuous используются для обозначения действия, которое началось в прошлом и продолжается до сих пор или только что закончилось. В таких предложениях, в качестве показателя продолжительности дей­ствия используется предлог for + период времени (for а week).

1 have been working as the office manager for two years. Я

paбomaю o ffice менеджером два года.

Для обозначения того момента, когда началось действие (точка отсчета), используется предлог since.

I have been working for Sca1a Croup since 1999. Я работаю в

Скала Груп с 1999 года.

I've been trying to reach her since 10:00 АМ (She's just answered the telephone). Я пытался дозвониться до нее c 10 часов утра

(Наконец-то она взяла трубку).

Выбор между Present Perfect и Present Perfect Continuous, используемых для обозначения действия, которое началось в прошлом и продолжается до сих пор, обусловлен следующим: если говорящий акцентирует внимание на отрезке времени (продолжительности действия во времени), то используется время группы Continuous '

Не has been working оn th is report for four days already. Он

работает над составлением отчета уже четыре дня.

Если время с точки зрения говорящего не важно, то ис­пользуется Present Perfect.

The secretary has typed ten letters. Секретар ша напечатала

десят ь писем.


Past Perfect Continuos Forms

Формы образуются по схеме: had + been + Present Participle


Statement             Negation                       Question

1 had been living          1 had not been living

You had been living You had not been  Наd you been living?


Не had been living        Не had not been  Наd he been living?


We had been living We had not been      Наd we been living?


You had been living You had not been          Наd you been living?


They had been living They had not been    Наd they been living?


Past Perfect Continuous используется для обозначения дей­

ствия, которое, начавшись в какой-то момент в прошлом, продолжалось и продолжается до другого момента в прошлом (обычно этот момент указан) или закончилось непосредствен­но перед наступлением обозначенного момента в прошлом.


I had been waitig for an hour when ту job interview finally

started. Я ждал целый час, прежде чем началось собеседование.

Ву noon the Director had been speaking for an hour and а half, and he had covered five of six points оn the agenda. К полудню директор говорил уже полтора часа и осветил пять из шести пунктов повестки дня.



Future Perfect Continuous Forms


Формы образуются по схеме: will/shall + have + been + Present Participle

statement              Negation                                   Question

I'11 have been trading I won't/shan't have been trading

You'll have been           You won't have been               Will you have been

trading                          trading                                                trading?

He'll have been             Не won't have been                 Will he have been

trading                          trading                                               trading?

We'll have been            We won't/shan't have                 Will/shah1 we have

trading                          been trading                                          been trading?

You'll have been          You won't have been               Will you have been

trading                          trading                                              trading?

They'll have been          They won't have been            Will they have been

trading                          trading                                     trading?

Future Perfect Continuous используется для обозначения

длительного действия, которое, начавшись в прошлом, про­должается и закончится до наступления какого-то момента в будущем или будет продолжаться в этот момент.


Ву next Monday, I'!1 have been working on this project for two weeks. В следующий понедельник будет две недели, как я работаю над этим проектом.

Unit 12

Cargo Transportation

And Insurance




При покупке и продаже товаров неизбежно встает вопрос о том, как доставить товары от продавца к покупателю вцелости и сохранности. В ходе переговоров по данному вопросу Вы можете использовать следующие слова и выражения:


We сап deliver goods                        Мы можем доставить товар

а) by sea                                                                           а) морским путем

b) by rail                                            b) по железной дороге

с) by road                                                                        с) автомобильным транспор­


д) by air                                             д) воздушным путем

е) by combined transport                  b) несколькими видами


We can arrange shipment to any   Мы можем организовать пере­-

part of the country.                               возку в любую часть страны.


We'll undertake а11 formalities on   Мы возьмем на себя все фор-­

your behalf.                                                      мальности.

The goods that you have ordered        Заказанные Вами товары упа­-

are packed and ready for dispatch.           кованы и готовы к отправке.


Your goods are packed                      Ваши товары упакованы

а) for sea transportation                     а) для транспортировки

морским путем

b) in metallic containers                     b) в металлические контей­


с) in wooden crates                           с) в деревянные упаковоч­

ные клети

д) in plastic boxes д) в пластмассовые коробки.


 The most economical size for you           для Вас наиболее экономич-

­would be our 30 liter drum.                     ной тарой был бы 30-литровый

                                                                 цилиндрический контейнер.

We'll pack the merchandize in '           Мы упакуем Ваш товар в

bails of size approximately two                  двухметровые тюки.

 meters length.


Your order No, 19 has been dis-             Ваш заказ Ns 19 уже отправлен,

patched. So, that the goods should             так что Вы должны получить

reach you on Friday                                                 товар в пятницу.

Если Вы покупатель, то Ваши требования к поставщику могут быть изложены следующим образом:

When packing, please take into          Когда будете упаковывать, не

account that the goods are fragile,              забудьте, что товар легко


Please use normal export                   Пожалуйста,      воспользуйтесь

containers,                                                                     обычными экспортными контейнерами.

Please wrap every item                     Пожалуйста,       заворачивайте

individually.                                      каждую единицу товара от-                    ' дельно.

Please limit the weight of а case       Вес ящика не должен превы­-

to 20 kg.                                                   шать 20 кг.

Please ship the goods by first yes- Пожалуйста, отправьте товары

se(available.                                                                  первым судном.

Если Вы собираетесь воспользоваться услугами иностранной транспортно й компании, не забудьте спросить о следующем:

Please quote your rates on the         Пожалуйста, сообщите Ваши

 following goods.                                                       расценки на следующие то­

вары.                                                                                       ,

Could you tell us the present fre-   Не могли бы Вы сообщить,

ight rates for...?                                   сколько будет стоить транс-         '

                 портировка...?                i

Could you send us your current     Сообщите, пожалуйста, Ваши                  1

tariffs?                                                                                           тарифы на настоящий момент.



Would you tell us the difference              Сообщите, пожалуйста, на­

in cost between transport by train-                         сколько отличается стоимость

ship and road-ship?                    транспортировки по железной дороге-морю от стоимости пе­ревозки автотранспортом­морём?


Does the quoted price include                 Включает ли назначенная цена

loading and unloading?                      погрузку и разгрузку?

В ответ на свои вопросы Вы можете услышать:

The cost of freight Heathrow/JFK                Стоимость фрахта Хит­is...

per kilo, plus... airway bill,                          роу/ДжФК составляет..:за кг,

and... customs clearance and                  плюс авиагрузовая накладная,

 handling charges.                                        ... таможенная очистка и по-

            грузочно-разгрузочные работы.



The first availaЫe vessel will be               Первое судно, которым. мы

[the name of the ship]. 1t will                 можем отправить Ваш товар,

 accept cargo from 7 June to 10                       это O. Оно будет стоять под

June.                                                                                  погрузкой с 7 до 10 июня.

The ship is due in Le Havre on                   Судно должно прибыть в Гавр

 27 March.                                                                        27 марта.

Shipping Briefs

Having come to an agreement upon the prices and the terms of payment, the parties moved on 1о the next item of the agenda. They started to discuss the best possible way of transporting the goods from the USA to Russia.


John Boden: 1t was not by chance that the prices I gave you were quoted c.i.f. Helsinki. We have been trading with the Nordic countries for several years. The trade flow was so intense that we decided to build our own warehouse near Helsinki. I think

-                   we can use this warehouse to our advantage.

Dmitry.      Helsinki is an exceptionally good location. You can reach Norway, the Baltic countries and Rus­sia in а matter of hours. Helsinki and St. Peters­burg are less than 500 km. away.

John Boden: Oh, yes. We pride ourselves on fast delivery.

То achieve this, we use different modes of trans­portation. Dynaleam has had considerable experi­ence in sending goods by sea, rail and road. With Sweden we use а land option. То customers in Estonia we deliver goods by ferry.

Din игу:         Do you ever send goods by air?

John Bode,,: Yes, of course. If the question of speed is impor­tant, goods go by air. Usually, air freight is much faster and more expensive. But sometimes you may find that the total cost of sending goods by air is less than the cost of surface freight.


Dmitry:          You must be kidding.

John Boden: No, I am not. When а shipment is delivered by air, you don't have to pay as much for packing and documentation as you до when goods are delivered by sea.

Dmitry: Yes, I see а11 the advantages. It saves time, the buyer gets the goods quicker and can sell them quicker, but I don't think we can afford it now.

iiitaly:            The best solution for us is to arrange transporta­tion from Helsinki to 5t. Petersburg by lorries. We have established close contacts with three transportation companies. I'11 contact them and ask them for an estimate to deliver the merchandise to us. And I need to know how our goods will be packed.

John Boden: T-shirts are packed in strong polythene bags to ensure protection from damp and put in cardbo­ard boxes. The size of the boxes may vary. The most common for а land option is 65 cm wide, 110 cm high and 55 cm long. Our experience tells us that this is а safe and the most economi­cal way to pack this kind of goods. When you receive the first lot, you let us know whether the packing seems adequate. But, Fm sure there will be no damage.

vitaly:            I hope so, but in case anything happens, we are covered against а11 risks.

John Boden: We normally purchase all risk insurance, which covers nearly а11 risks.

Dmitry:           Nearlly а11?

John Boden: It does not cover loss or damage caused by war. Nor does а11 risk insurance cover losses caused by strikes, riots, or civil commotion.

Dmitry:           Does the insurance cover late arrival?

John Boden: No, it does not. But don't worry. The ocean line, which services we use, sails on а regular schedule. As you know, scheduled lines are more reliable than nonscheduled ones. I must tell we are more than satisfied with our insurance company.

Vitaly:       You have not told us how it is called yet?

John Boden: Noramco. They are great experts. When we started export operations, we knew very little about export packing. Noramco advised us how to pack goods for shipment by sea.



А11 risk insurance                  Страхование от всех рисков

Cardboard box            Картонная коробка

Civil commotion         Беспорядки, волнения

Cover v.                                Покрывать

~ against а11 risks                              ~ все риски

~ damage                              ~ ущерб

~ losses                                                       ~ убытки.

Estimate                                Оценка (предварительный подсчет)

Ferry                                     Паром

Freight                                  Фрахт, плата за провоз

Air ~                         Плата за перевоз груза воздушным


Surface ~                             Плата за перевоз груза наземным


Insurance company               Страховая компания

Моде of transportation         Способ транспортировки

Pack v.                                  Упаковывать

Packing                                 Упаковка

Polythene bag                       Полиэтиленовый пакет

Protection from damp           Защита от сырости

sail on а regular schedule Ходить по расписанию (о судах) Warehouse Склад



Shipping Briefs. Review


Are these statements true or false? Put +(true) or -(false) in the box.

· 1. John Boden's current price list quoted FOB prices Helsinki.

· 2. Dynateam Innovations has been trading with Norway, Sweden and Finland for several years.

· 3. Dynateam decided to build а new warehouse near Helsinki because the trade flow with the Benelux countries was very intense.

· 4. Dynateam mainly delivers goods to Estonia by air.

· 5. Air freight is faster and more expensive than sea freight.

· 6. Sometimes the total cost of sending goods by air is less than the cost of surface freight.

· 7. The Russian partners are going to arrange transportation from Helsinki to St. Petersburg by rail.

· 8. T-shirts will be packed in polythene bags to ensure protection from heat.

· 9. An а11 risk insurance covers losses caused by strikes and riots.

·  10. Dynateam Innovations prefers scheduled lines bёcause they are cheaper than nonscheduled ones.

Your own business

Which mode of transportation до you normally use when you deliver goods to your customers?

Which shipping terms до you prefer?

Do you handle transportation yourself or employ а transportation company?

What insurance до you buy when dealing with foreign and domestic customers?


Wall Street - the name of this street has become а symbol of the American financial world

The City - the oldest part of London, now has become а symbol of the British finance and commerce




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