Афтогафировано после распечатки, будет предъявлено при погашении долгов. — КиберПедия 

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Афтогафировано после распечатки, будет предъявлено при погашении долгов.

2022-05-10 34
Афтогафировано после распечатки, будет предъявлено при погашении долгов. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Роспись(подпись/афтограф) без явный(не является) индоссамент(а)-надпись без передачи, (не является) без явный конглюдента действа/сделки, без оборота на нас*: "все права защищены" - ЕТК(UCC)1308, без передачи к три(3) лица, без трансграничный передачи, без права индоссирований, не приказу(без приказа)."

рукопись подлина, ас есь laɪv:име: е лена (ж.р.), собиручна:печать(есль есь):роспись(афтограф):печать перста(собиручна пальца): Ас есь начало и продление боже, свободы природы рост простапуть неба(космо) и на земле: Ас(божич): меж неба(космо) и земли без посредника. О том от Ас(ы) повеление (разпорежение о воле). Так есь и так буде векивечные

генральный разпоредитель: ФИО/ИОФ, ФИЗ./ЮР. ЛИЦА."

категорично отвержение от власть понтиф над име и име род-навезали через обман и мошеничьи дела по бланки по разный документ против доброй воли ас."




My will is inviolable! The right of good will is inalienable!

"Catechumens me::: volatilize name: © "SHASHKOVA E. B."::: PJSC "Sberbank" in the face of German Gref, the system of payment of the lifetime of a living person is not challenged (the contract – offer, standing to challenge was max until 7 June 2018.):

@ "The value of human life translated into economic units under the laws of the Russian Federation and estimated 4,5(million Russian rubles):2500(market price gr.gold RF) =1800 rubles of the USSR (application pieces;1 Russian ruble =0,0004 g.gold at the Central Bank of the Russian Federation) and 14 billion 868 million rubles of the USSR (1st Soviet ruble=1 Gy.gold 1991).

Average– 7 434 000 900 USSR rubles(1 ruble USSR=1 Gy.gold),7 434 000 900*2500=18 585 002 250 000 rubles of the Russian Federation.

The average life expectancy of a woman with multiple sclerosis does not exceed 70 years. Take the best option-70 years =70*365*24*60=36 792 000 minutes.

18 585 002 250 000 rubles: 36 792 000 minutes = 505 137.05 rubles / minute (rubles 643RUB - code of the Russian Federation)" or 505 137.05:2575.7=196.12 (999 grams of gold).

All the details were announced on the same day, Vkontakte on the page I created:

©: https://vk.com/id72378488. "

List of my debtors:


2. MUNICIPAL Unitary Enterprise "SETTLEMENT CENTER": responsible person: founder: Mytishchi City Administration: Azarov Viktor Sergeevich: =50041,7 grams of gold of 999 tests.

3. Presidential Administration: responsible: Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich: =48 512.0 grams of 999 gold.

4. Government of the "Russian Federation": responsible person:Medvedev Dmitry Anatolyevich: = 15733,6 grams of gold of 999 tests.

5. Mosobleirts LLC: responsible person:Saveliev Oleg Yurievich: =76132,4 grams of gold of 999 tests.+ N*50,000 (fifty thousand)Euros(N is the number of beggars received from the organization)See below.

6. PJSC BANK OTKRITIE FINANCIAL CORPORATION: responsible person:Zadornov Mikhail Mikhailovich: = 111808,2 grams of gold of 999 tests.

7. Central Bank of the Russian Federation and / or Russia:the responsible person:Nabiullina Elvira Sakhipzadovna: = 393340.8 grams of 999 gold.

8. PJSC " POCHTA BANK":Responsible person: Dmitry V. Rudenko: = 33831.7 grams of 999 gold.

9. SOVCOMBANK PJSC":Responsible person: Dmitry Gusev: = 12018.8 grams of 999 gold.

10. VEB of the Russian Federation: responsible person: Igor Ivanovich Shuvalov: = 393340.8 grams of 999 gold.

11.PJSC"SBERBANK OF RUSSIA":responsible Gref Herman Oskarovich: The debt of PJSC "Sberbank" to me Owner Full name: "SHASHKOVA ELENA BORISOVNA" on "17" December 2019 was: "314195245.10 [Three hundred fourteen million one hundred ninety five thousand two hundred forty five rubles 10 kopecks] tickets of the Bank of Russia",+ 8.5% per annum, "which gives me the right to issue documents "Bill of exchange" with a transfer to the debtor and send all fines, bills of exchange, etc.other my debt documents to your address, for payment"(see below).

I will recalculate it in a year from %.

12. Treasury of the Russian Federation: =25,256,852. 5 (twenty-five million two hundred and fifty-six thousand eight hundred and fifty-two rubles 50 kopecks)rubles of the Russian Federation-expressed in tickets of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation), on Artyukhin Roman Yevgenyevich, Saul Svetlana Nikolaevna, Sahakyan Tatyana Vasilyevna: or 10926.1 grams of gold 999 samples for each.

13. JSC " Electroset»:responsible person: Shitov Alexander Viktorovich: =33 564.8 grams of 999 gold.

14. Mosoblgaz, the Pension Fund, the FSSP and the Tax Queen and Mytishchi, will receive their accounts as they apply.

 15.On " 27 " November 2019, the list of debtors was added:


FOR THE MOSCOW REGION: responsible person: physical person.person: Head of the inspection: Tulupova Oksana Yuryevna, will be: 126 minutes of my personal time+ 200 thousand for the second written appeal to the Person, will be added to the debt of the Person:" 8 " November 2019.

+8.5% per annum.

16. On " 4 "September 2020: "from" 27 " February 2020 ["Start paying for the debt of LLC" EOS "to the owner of the full name "Shashkova E. B.": 38 895 552.85[thirty-eight million eight hundred ninety-five thousand five hundred fifty-two rubles eighty-five kopecks] tickets of the Bank of Russia and 3*50000= 150000[one hundred fifty thousand ] Euros.Russian Post transfers money regularly. " – not protested-accepted as an offer]

increased by: 505 137.05 rubles / minute (call from tel.+79263853730)+ 50,000 (fifty thousand) Euros (the fact of the call itself).»


Responsible person: Minister:Irina Raevska Tenisheva

18. GKU MO Mytishchi tsn

The responsible person:Director: Elena Veniaminovna Donskova.

"40 minutes were spent on the answer, in a month it will be the debt of each company in the amount of ½ of the selected amount and the accrual of 8.5% per annum will begin. The debt can be used to issue documents: "Bill of exchange".

19. "The debt of your company: from" 27 " February 2020 ["Start paying for the debt of LLC "EOS": General Director: Dmitrakov Anton Alexandrovich: to the owner of the full name "Shashkova E. B.": 38 895 552.85 [thirty-eight million eight hundred ninety-five thousand five hundred fifty-two rubles eighty-five kopecks] tickets of the Bank of Russia and 6*50000=300 000 [ three hundred thousand ] Euros. Russian Post transfers money regularly. " – not protested-accepted as an offer] increased by 196.12 grams of gold 999proby / minute (call from tel.+79263853730)+ 50000(fifty thousand)Euro (the fact of the call itself)."

20." Your debt as a responsible person for the company: LLC "Moebliert",Olga Y., 20 April 2020 taking into account all time spent on communication with"Nosebleeds" is:131 399 755,51 [ one hundred thirty-one million three hundred ninety-nine thousand seven hundred fifty-five rubles and/or ticket Bank of Russia and/or the Russian Federation fifty-one penny] + 14 [number sent beggars]*50,000 Euros (fifty thousand Euros for bills sent §5 section 13 POOVU © Copyright: Milena Shashkova, 2019 Certificate publication №219102101593).»

All offers, claims and transfers are accepted at the address of residence.

The right of interpretation belongs to the author.

"2" September 2019. " The

list will be updated and supplemented.

In the event of my physical death, my heirs will become creditors of the above-mentioned firms.

As by the power of my inner and higher self, I abolish the power of parasites, creatures and traitors to the human race. All contracts, offers, coronavirus epidemics, introduction of punitive, fascist regime, electronic concentration camps, imposition of punitive measures, fines, levies, taxes, prohibitions, introduction of self-isolation regimes (house arrest), introduction of passes and qr codes, measures to restrict freedom of movement, declaration of quarantine, Emergency (emergency), State of Emergency (State of Emergency), Martial law (VP), curfew, universal vaccination and chipization, holodomor, extermination and global genocide, turning me and my PEOPLE into slaves and organ donors, anti-human laws, decrees, orders, regulations that violate my rights and freedoms, my FAMILY and my PEOPLE, everything that harms me, my FAMILY, my PEOPLE, white people, I CANCEL.

Turn to GOD FAMILY, all uniform SOURCE of ALL THINGS, to PERFOMMANCE LIGHT, the REPRESENTATIVES of UNIVERSAL LAW, to the Space of the Coalition, to all friendly civilizations in all universes and all dimensions, on all planes of reality, turn to GOD PERUN and give his divine sanction to PUNISH all enemies and traitors of the human race, parasites, creatures, bots, bio-robots, aliens, beings and entities that violate my free will, the will of GOD the CREATOR KIND, the LAWS of the UNIVERSE, Cosmic Principles, Laws, Canons and Laws. All those who intentionally, knowingly, directly or indirectly caused and are causing harm to me, my FAMILY, my PEOPLE, white people, Mother Earth and nature. I disconnect them all from the energy of the genus and declare them without a genus and tribe, turn on the divine utility and remove them from the territory where they live and from the territory where white humanity has ever lived. I manifest them all, annul them, annihilate them, and send them to the galactic core. I return all the potential, energy, and resources they have stolen, with interest multiplied a billion times, to me, my family, my people, and the white people. I give them back, all their negativity and negative energy, all the pain, all the evil that they caused us, all the karmic workings that they dropped on us, multiplied by a billion times, I don't need them, and let them cook in their own shit themselves. This is my will, this is the will of my higher and inner self, this is the will of the FIRST CREATOR OF ALL THINGS, the GOD OF THE RACE, this is my, our will. And so be it.

Claims for the amount of money owed were accepted within a calendar month – there are no protests!

"4" September 2020.

Updated " 10 " January 2021.

Published and sent to many addresses known to me in the leading countries of the world.

Avtoreferaty after printing, will be issued at maturity of debt.

Mural (signature/autograph) without explicit (not) endorsement (a)-inscription without transfer, (not) without explicit conglomerate of action/transaction, without turnover on us*: "All rights reserved" - ETC (UCC) 1308, without transfer to three (3) persons, without cross-border transfer, without right of endorsement, not by order(without order)."

The podlin manuscript, as es laɪv:ime:е lena (zh.r.), sobiruchna: seal (esl es): painting (aftograph): seal of the finger (sobiruchna finger): As is the beginning and extension of God, the freedom of nature growth prostaput heaven (cosmo) and on earth: As (bozhich): between heaven(cosmo) and earth without an intermediary. About that from the As (s) command (disdain for the will). So be and so be forever

genralny rasporyaditel: name/IOF, P. atk./JUR. FACE."

a categorical renunciation of the power Pontiff over the ima and the ima rod-naveshali through deceit and mosheniki cases on different forms in the document against goodwill as."

                                               The manuscript:_______________

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