Take steps to achieve your dreams — КиберПедия 

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Take steps to achieve your dreams

2022-05-08 44
Take steps to achieve your dreams 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Believe in yourself

Without a doubt, this is the first step on the road to achieving your dreams! And this means not listening to anyone who tells you, ‘You can’t.’ Einstein, Beethoven and Edison, all knew about this. Einstein was considered an ‘unteachable fool’ by his early teachers, Beethoven’s music teacher told him he was a ‘hopeless composer’, and Thomas Edison’s mother was told to 3)........ him from school because he was ‘too stupid to learn’. Sometimes, though, it’s not others that we have to worry about. Many times, we are our own worst enemy. We look at ourselves and all we can see are our weaknesses, failings and defeats. But when you banish self-doubt, you are capable of doing everything you attempt to the best of your 4)........ because you believe you can succeed. As Henry Ford once put it, ‘If you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re probably right.’

Take steps to achieve your dreams

Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day! In other words, achieving your dreams is usually a process involving a lot of 5)........ work and perseverance. Therefore, read books, take courses, practise for hours or do whatever you need to do that will give you the skills to achieve your goals. After all, in the words of Thomas Edison, ‘Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. ’

Don’t give up

Finally, don’t be afraid of failure on the way to achieving your dreams. Michael Jordan is someone who understands this very well. ‘I’ve failed over and over again in my life,’ he once said, ‘and that is why I succeed.’ Thomas Edison’s life proves to us that this is true. After

thousands of failures, each of which showed him how not to make a light bulb, he was able to achieve a success that would change people’s lives forever. In the same 6)........, George Lucas’ script for Star Wars was initially rejected by various studios. If he had given up at this point, he

would have never seen Star Wars become one of the most popular films of all 7)........!

So, never say never. Believe you can climb that mountain, swim that ocean or reach that place, and surely one day you will. There would be no Ford cars, Star Wars, light bulbs or Beethoven symphonies if this was not true!

1 A accept B pass C get D succeed
2 A take B have C make D find
3 A pull B erase C cut D remove
4 A power B skill C ability D gifts
5 A strong B hard C heavy D tough
6 A idea B way C method D means
7 A years B moments C days D time

Task 2. Learn the new words

Run for- баллотироваться в

Insurmountable- непреодолимый

Perseverance- упорство, настойчивость

Inspiration- вдохновение

come up against- сталкиваться с

make a difference- изменить что-то к лучшему

initially- первоначально

defeat- побеждать

failings- недостатки

banish- выгонять

reject- отвергать, не принимать

overcome- преодолевать

achieve- достигать

long to- страстно желать, стремиться к

reach one’s goal- достичь цели

take things as they come- принимать как есть

face- столкнуться

move on- продвигаться

come true- осуществить, реализовать

self-doubt- неуверенность в себе


prove- доказывать

Task 3. Learn the following set expressions with the word «hope»

dash one’s hopes- разбить чьи-то надежды

in the hope that- в надежде, что

hope for the best- надеяться на лучшее

get one’s hopes up- успокаивать, подбадривать

give up hope- потерять надежду, оставить надежду

have high hopes of- возлагать большие надежды на

pin one’s hopes on somebody -возлагать надежды на кого-либо

Task 4. Match the words from the text with their meanings

be a candidate initially
continuing with smth. even when it’s difficult inspiration
be faced with banish
at first insurmountable
get rid of failings
so big that it cannot be solved run for president
source of a new, creative idea defeated
faults come up against
lost reject
turn down perseverance

Task 5. Fill in the words into each gap

I 1f you _______for President, you would need a lot of money to pay for the campaign.

2 _______is necessary if you want to learn a foreign language.

3 Don’t worry if you _____________people criticizing you. Ignore them!

4__________, her ambition was to be a vet, but now she wants to be an accountant.

5 Only a king can ___________his subjects from his country.

6 Lack of money was an _________problem to their night out.

7 Writers get ____________from just walking down the street.

8 One of his ____________is his constant self-doubt.

9 My team was ______________in the first round.

10 His marriage proposal was unexpectedly____________.

Word bank: insurmountable, come up against, ran, initially, banish, perseverance, rejected, inspiration, failings, defeated.


Believe in yourself

Without a doubt, this is the first step on the road to achieving your dreams! And this means not listening to anyone who tells you, ‘You can’t.’ Einstein, Beethoven and Edison, all knew about this. Einstein was considered an ‘unteachable fool’ by his early teachers, Beethoven’s music teacher told him he was a ‘hopeless composer’, and Thomas Edison’s mother was told to 3)........ him from school because he was ‘too stupid to learn’. Sometimes, though, it’s not others that we have to worry about. Many times, we are our own worst enemy. We look at ourselves and all we can see are our weaknesses, failings and defeats. But when you banish self-doubt, you are capable of doing everything you attempt to the best of your 4)........ because you believe you can succeed. As Henry Ford once put it, ‘If you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re probably right.’

Take steps to achieve your dreams

Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day! In other words, achieving your dreams is usually a process involving a lot of 5)........ work and perseverance. Therefore, read books, take courses, practise for hours or do whatever you need to do that will give you the skills to achieve your goals. After all, in the words of Thomas Edison, ‘Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. ’

Don’t give up

Finally, don’t be afraid of failure on the way to achieving your dreams. Michael Jordan is someone who understands this very well. ‘I’ve failed over and over again in my life,’ he once said, ‘and that is why I succeed.’ Thomas Edison’s life proves to us that this is true. After

thousands of failures, each of which showed him how not to make a light bulb, he was able to achieve a success that would change people’s lives forever. In the same 6)........, George Lucas’ script for Star Wars was initially rejected by various studios. If he had given up at this point, he

would have never seen Star Wars become one of the most popular films of all 7)........!

So, never say never. Believe you can climb that mountain, swim that ocean or reach that place, and surely one day you will. There would be no Ford cars, Star Wars, light bulbs or Beethoven symphonies if this was not true!

1 A accept B pass C get D succeed
2 A take B have C make D find
3 A pull B erase C cut D remove
4 A power B skill C ability D gifts
5 A strong B hard C heavy D tough
6 A idea B way C method D means
7 A years B moments C days D time

Task 2. Learn the new words

Run for- баллотироваться в

Insurmountable- непреодолимый

Perseverance- упорство, настойчивость

Inspiration- вдохновение

come up against- сталкиваться с

make a difference- изменить что-то к лучшему

initially- первоначально

defeat- побеждать

failings- недостатки

banish- выгонять

reject- отвергать, не принимать

overcome- преодолевать

achieve- достигать

long to- страстно желать, стремиться к

reach one’s goal- достичь цели

take things as they come- принимать как есть

face- столкнуться

move on- продвигаться

come true- осуществить, реализовать

self-doubt- неуверенность в себе


prove- доказывать

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