Тема № 2.1 Mass Media - Средства массовой информации. — КиберПедия 

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Двойное оплодотворение у цветковых растений: Оплодотворение - это процесс слияния мужской и женской половых клеток с образованием зиготы...

Тема № 2.1 Mass Media - Средства массовой информации.

2022-01-17 31
Тема № 2.1 Mass Media - Средства массовой информации. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Тема № 12 Cinema

Работа с текстом: прочитать текст, понять содержание, записать и запомнить лексику, ответить на вопросы письменно.

Cinema plays an important role in the life of any society. It is an available popular form of art. Lots of people find going to the cinema one of the best ways of spending their leisure time. The movie audience is predominantly a young one.

Due to numerous video facilities, cinema attendances have снизилась sharply. But there is no denying the fact that the cinema-going habit is still a strong one.

No matter how large the place you live in is (whether it's a big city or a small provincial town, or even a settlement) there's most likely to be a cinema there.

There are such genres of feature films as the western, the thriller, the musical, the drama and the comedy. The performance lasts from two or three hours and most cinemas have at least 4 performances a day. There is no doubt that a good cinema show is an excellent entertainment and quite cheap. Of late cinema screens in this country have been dominated by films produced in the USA. And this tendency is growing.

As for me, i'm fond of going to the cinema. It's a pity, I don't always have time for it. It's an open secret that we live in a very difficult time now. But people do need something amusing and pleasant, something to laugh at. That's why I give my preference to comedies. The last comedy, I saw is «Crocodile Dandy». The film tells about amusing adventures of a young lovely woman - reporter and a strong and brave crocodile hunter. At first, their relations were not friendly. She even looked down on him and he in return neglected her. But after he rescued her out of some difficult situations, their relations became more friendly. A happy end is an essential feature of American films. The same is true of this comedy. The main characters fall in love with each other in the end of the film.


1. How do lots of people find going to the cinema?

2. Who makes up the movie audience?

3. Why have cinema attendances снизиласьs harply?

4. Is the cinema-going habit still a strong one?

5. How many performances have many cinemas a day?

6. Are you fond of going to the cinema?


to spend one's leisure time - проводить свободное время

cinema-going habit - привычка ходить в кино

adventures - приключения

grown-ups - взрослые

not without pleasure - не без удовольствия

to include - включать

feature film - художественный фильм

performance - сеанс

entertainment - развлечение

cinema screens - киноэкран

to be fond of - любить что-либо, нравиться кому-либо

adventures - приключения

1. Music in My Life

Music plays an important role in my life. I simply can’t live without music. There are so many kinds of music nowadays, including rap, hip-hop, rock-n-roll, dance, classical, opera, alternative, drum & bass, techno, rock, metal, jazz, reggae, blues, etc. I like nearly all these types. When I’m sad I listen to alternative music or rock. When I’m in good mood I listen to either hip-hop or dance music. Sometimes my teacher takes us to classical concerts or operas, which I also enjoy. When there is a school disco I like dancing at rap and techno music. Once or twice I went to a jazz concert, which I thought was marvelous. At the moment my favourite band is “Linkin Park”. I love their songs and listen to them every time I get a spare minute. The reason why I like them is the unusual melody and intelligent texts. The band was formed in 1996 and was named after one of Californian parks. There are six people in the band. The most talented of all is Chester Bennington. Although I like all their songs and albums, my favourite one if “Skin to Bone”. Their songs follow different styles. Some songs refer to rock, some – to alternative style, others – to metal. Speaking of British music, I enjoy one of the oldest and non-existent now bands – “The Beatles”. I think their music will never die as it’s legendary. Reggae is another style I follow and my all-time favourite singer is Bob Marley. To sum up, I’d like to say that music can influence people. It can inspire and enrich them. It can remind of some places and times. Music is not only another art form but a powerful force, which helps us to live.

Контрольные вопросы:

1. Can you think of a single day without music?

2. What part does music play in your life?

3. What does it mean for you?


Дистанционное задание для студентов группы ТО-201

Преподаватель Сусидко Светлана Ивановна

Уважаемые студенты, выполненные задания присылайте на мою электронную почту: susidko [email protected]

ТО-201, английский язык,09.11., преподаватель Сусидко Светлана Ивановна


mass media — средства массовой информации
it goes without saying — само собой разумеется
integral part — неотъемлемая часть
necessity — необходимость
to satisfy — удовлетворять
means of communication — средства связи
to keep up with — быть в курсе, поспевать за
vogue — мода
discovery — открытие
invention — изобретение
branch — ветвь
to appear — появляться
steady — постоянный
advantage — достоинство
disadvantage — недостаток
on the one hand — с одной стороны
possibility — возможность
according to — в соответствии с
mood — настроение
channel — канал
various — разный
feature film — художественный фильм
soap opera — сериал
cartoon — мультипликационный фильм
fashion — мода
to enrich — обогащать
knowledge — знание
inner world — внутренний мир
attention — внимание
to be focused on — быть нацеленным на
to develop — развивать
exhausted — измотанный, обессиленный
to relax — отдыхать, расслабляться
source — источник
entertaining — развлечение
thriller — триллер
horror — фильм ужасов
action film — боевик
to limit — ограничивать
to download — загружать
spare time — свободное время
celebrity — знаменитость
harmful — вредный
screen — экран
eyesight — зрение
to suffer — страдать
to include — включать, содержать
violent — жестокий
to have a negative influence on — оказывать негативное влияние на
enormous — огромный
advertising — реклама
useless — бесполезный
drawback — недостаток
goods — товары
to take into account — принимать во внимание

Контрольные вопросы:

1. What kinds of mass media do you know?
2. Have you got a TV-set at home?
3. How often do you usually watch it?
4. What are your favourite channels?
5. Do you usually watch TV alone or with your family?
6. What films do you prefer to see?
7. Do you like soap operas?
8. Are you a TV-addict?
9. Do you prefer to see films on TV or at the cinema?
10. What disadvantages of watching television can you name?

Задание: Работа с текстом:прочитать, понять содержание, составить рассказ или диалог с помощью вопросов и лексики.


  Television, also called TV, is one of our most important means of communication. It brings moving pictures and sounds from around the world into millions of homes.

The name «Television» comes from Greek word meaning «far», and a Latin word meaning «to see», so the word «television» means «to see far».

Commercial TV stations broadcast mostly entertainment programs because they must attract larger number of viewers in order to sell advertising time at high prices. These programs include light dramas called situation comedies; action-packed dramas about life of detectives, police officers, lawyers and doctors; shows featuring comedians, dancers and singers; movies; quiz shows; soap operas; cartoons. Commercial TV broadcasts also documentaries and talk shows. Documentary is dramatic, but nonfictional presentation of information. It can be programs about people, animals in faraway places or programs on such issues as alcoholism, drug abuse, racial prejudice. On talk shows a host interviews politicians, TV and movie stars, athlets, authors. There are also sport programs and brief summaries of local, national and international news. Advertising is an important part of commercial TV. Commercials appear between and during most programs. They urge viewers to buy different kinds of products.

Public television focuses mainly on education and culture. Public TV also broadcasts plays, ballets, symphonies as well as programs about art and history. Public TV attracts less viewers than commercial TV.


moving pictures — движущееся изображение
Greek — греческий
Latin — латинский
commercial station — коммерческая станция
advertising time — рекламное эфирное время
operating costs — издержки
entertainment — развлечение
to attract — привлекать
viewer — зритель
action-packed — полный событий
talk show — ток-шоу
issue — проблема, вопрос
drug abuse — наркомания
racial prejudice — расовые предрассудки
host — ведущий
to interview — брать интервью
athlet — спортсмен
summary — обзор
advertising — реклама
commercial — рекламный ролик
play — пьеса
art — искусство

Контрольные вопросы:

1. What does the word television mean?
2. What kind of stations are there in the US?
3. Why do commercial stations broadcast mostly entertainment programs?
4. What programs are broadcasted on commercial TV? ^
5. What programs does public TV broadcast?
6. Which kind of TV — commercial or public — attracts more viewers?


Дистанционное задание для студентов группы МР-191

Преподаватель Сусидко Светлана Ивановна

Уважаемые студенты, выполненные задания присылайте на мою электронную почту: susidko [email protected]

МР-191, немецкий язык,09.11., преподаватель Сусидко Светлана Ивановна

Words and expressions

structure - структура

industry - промышленность

economic growth - экономический рост

heavy industry - тяжелая промышленность

industrial output – промышленное производство

aerospace technology - авиационные технологии

machine-building - машиностроение

industrialization - индустриализация

manufacturing - производство

electrification - электрификация

economic planning – экономическое планирование

natural resources - природные ресурсы

industrial regions - промышленные регионы

transportation equipment - транспортное


shipbuilding - cсудостроение

motor-vehicle manufacturing - автомобилестроение

railroads - железные дороги

construction project - строительные проекты

agricultural machinery – сельскохозяйственные машины

sizable exporter - значительный экспортер

productive capacity – производственные мощности

cotton yarn - хлопковое волокно

natural silk - натуральный шелк

synthetic fiber - синтетическое волокно

plastics - пластмассы

raw material - сырье

population concentration - концентрация населения

decline - спад

synthetic rubber - синтетический каучук

Exercise 1

Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Why was heavy industry promoted above all during the Soviet Union period?

2. Did national defense receive high priority in Soviet industrial plans?

3. Why do we consider that Russian industries are technologically advanced?

4. Where machine-building industries in Russia are mainly located?

5. Why machine-building industries are located in big cities?

6. When did Soviet government begin electrification?

7. What are the Urals known for?

8. What were installed in the electric-power areas?

9. Why did the government install huge manufacturing complexes in electric power areas?

10. Is manufacture of transportation equipment concentrated in northern European Russia?

Exercise 2.

Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:

Большие запасы угля и минералов; значение промышленности в экономическом развитии страны; производственные предприятия; сконцентрированы в Москве и Санкт-Петербурге; новые крупные производственные комплексы; максимально использовать; преимущества природных ресурсов; производство транспортного оборудования; промышленное производство России значительно упало за последние годы; производство некоторых видов продукции возросло.


Дистанционное задание для студентов группы СП-181

Преподаватель Сусидко Светлана Ивановна

Уважаемые студенты, выполненные задания присылайте на мою электронную почту: susidko [email protected]

СП-181, немецкий язык,09.11., преподаватель Сусидко Светлана Ивановна

Работа с лексикой по теме № 3.8.4 Профессиональные заболевания сварщика: записать, запомнить, составить 4- 5 предложений, связанных с вашей специальностью.

das Herz – сердце
die Niere – почка
die Lunge – лёгкое
die Haut – кожа
die Leber – печень
das Gelenk – сустав
die Bronchien – бронхи

husten – кашлять
niesen – чихать
atmen – дышать
keuchen – задыхаться
Krankheit – болезнь
die Atemwegserkrankung – заболевание дыхательных путей
der Herzanfall – сердечный приступ
die Hypertonie – гипертония
der Infarkt – инфаркт
die Insomnie/ die Schlaflosigkeit – бессонница
der Krebs – рак
die Atembeschwerden – затруднение дыхания
starkes Keuchen beim Atmen – тяжело дышать

die Morbidität = заболеваемость


Тема № 12 Cinema

Работа с текстом: прочитать текст, понять содержание, записать и запомнить лексику, ответить на вопросы письменно.

Cinema plays an important role in the life of any society. It is an available popular form of art. Lots of people find going to the cinema one of the best ways of spending their leisure time. The movie audience is predominantly a young one.

Due to numerous video facilities, cinema attendances have снизилась sharply. But there is no denying the fact that the cinema-going habit is still a strong one.

No matter how large the place you live in is (whether it's a big city or a small provincial town, or even a settlement) there's most likely to be a cinema there.

There are such genres of feature films as the western, the thriller, the musical, the drama and the comedy. The performance lasts from two or three hours and most cinemas have at least 4 performances a day. There is no doubt that a good cinema show is an excellent entertainment and quite cheap. Of late cinema screens in this country have been dominated by films produced in the USA. And this tendency is growing.

As for me, i'm fond of going to the cinema. It's a pity, I don't always have time for it. It's an open secret that we live in a very difficult time now. But people do need something amusing and pleasant, something to laugh at. That's why I give my preference to comedies. The last comedy, I saw is «Crocodile Dandy». The film tells about amusing adventures of a young lovely woman - reporter and a strong and brave crocodile hunter. At first, their relations were not friendly. She even looked down on him and he in return neglected her. But after he rescued her out of some difficult situations, their relations became more friendly. A happy end is an essential feature of American films. The same is true of this comedy. The main characters fall in love with each other in the end of the film.


1. How do lots of people find going to the cinema?

2. Who makes up the movie audience?

3. Why have cinema attendances снизиласьs harply?

4. Is the cinema-going habit still a strong one?

5. How many performances have many cinemas a day?

6. Are you fond of going to the cinema?


to spend one's leisure time - проводить свободное время

cinema-going habit - привычка ходить в кино

adventures - приключения

grown-ups - взрослые

not without pleasure - не без удовольствия

to include - включать

feature film - художественный фильм

performance - сеанс

entertainment - развлечение

cinema screens - киноэкран

to be fond of - любить что-либо, нравиться кому-либо

adventures - приключения

1. Music in My Life

Music plays an important role in my life. I simply can’t live without music. There are so many kinds of music nowadays, including rap, hip-hop, rock-n-roll, dance, classical, opera, alternative, drum & bass, techno, rock, metal, jazz, reggae, blues, etc. I like nearly all these types. When I’m sad I listen to alternative music or rock. When I’m in good mood I listen to either hip-hop or dance music. Sometimes my teacher takes us to classical concerts or operas, which I also enjoy. When there is a school disco I like dancing at rap and techno music. Once or twice I went to a jazz concert, which I thought was marvelous. At the moment my favourite band is “Linkin Park”. I love their songs and listen to them every time I get a spare minute. The reason why I like them is the unusual melody and intelligent texts. The band was formed in 1996 and was named after one of Californian parks. There are six people in the band. The most talented of all is Chester Bennington. Although I like all their songs and albums, my favourite one if “Skin to Bone”. Their songs follow different styles. Some songs refer to rock, some – to alternative style, others – to metal. Speaking of British music, I enjoy one of the oldest and non-existent now bands – “The Beatles”. I think their music will never die as it’s legendary. Reggae is another style I follow and my all-time favourite singer is Bob Marley. To sum up, I’d like to say that music can influence people. It can inspire and enrich them. It can remind of some places and times. Music is not only another art form but a powerful force, which helps us to live.

Контрольные вопросы:

1. Can you think of a single day without music?

2. What part does music play in your life?

3. What does it mean for you?


Дистанционное задание для студентов группы ТО-201

Преподаватель Сусидко Светлана Ивановна

Уважаемые студенты, выполненные задания присылайте на мою электронную почту: susidko [email protected]

ТО-201, английский язык,09.11., преподаватель Сусидко Светлана Ивановна

Тема № 2.1 Mass Media - Средства массовой информации.

Nowadays information communication is an important part of our life. It goes without saying that mass media has become an integral part of modern people's life. People need information in order to keep up with the whole world around them — with vogue, new trends of life, discoveries and inventions. We live to learn news; we breathe and live with this.

Television now plays an important role in our life. It takes a steady place in our daily timetable.

We can choose any programme according to our interests, mood and needs. There is a great amount of channels which are specialized in various spheres. It can be the sphere of politics, news, sports, animals, feature films, soap operas, art, talk-shows, cartoons, educational programmes, music, fashion and many others.

The second advantage of watching television is that it gives families an opportunity to spend some time together. Nowadays adults are often too busy to give enough attention to their children. When they come home from work in the evening, so tired and exhausted, — the only possible way to relax for many is just lay on the sofa in front of TV In such situations it's high time to choose a family comedy and see it together with your spouse and children. So, watching TV helps us to relax and forget about it all — work, worries and problems that are on our mind.

Moreover, television is a great source of entertaining. Every day there is a wide choice of films and serials on TV — detectives, dramas, comedies, action films, thrillers, horrors, cartoons and others.

However, watching television has its negative side. It is well-known that television may turn to be harmful for our health. Spending too much time in front of a TV screen may affect our eyesight badly.

Moreover, nowadays some TV programmes and films include a lot of violent scenes that can have a negative influence on a child's psychic development.

Another disadvantage of television is an enormous amount of advertising.

Undoubtedly, we need TV, for it is one of the main and most convenient means of mass media.


mass media — средства массовой информации
it goes without saying — само собой разумеется
integral part — неотъемлемая часть
necessity — необходимость
to satisfy — удовлетворять
means of communication — средства связи
to keep up with — быть в курсе, поспевать за
vogue — мода
discovery — открытие
invention — изобретение
branch — ветвь
to appear — появляться
steady — постоянный
advantage — достоинство
disadvantage — недостаток
on the one hand — с одной стороны
possibility — возможность
according to — в соответствии с
mood — настроение
channel — канал
various — разный
feature film — художественный фильм
soap opera — сериал
cartoon — мультипликационный фильм
fashion — мода
to enrich — обогащать
knowledge — знание
inner world — внутренний мир
attention — внимание
to be focused on — быть нацеленным на
to develop — развивать
exhausted — измотанный, обессиленный
to relax — отдыхать, расслабляться
source — источник
entertaining — развлечение
thriller — триллер
horror — фильм ужасов
action film — боевик
to limit — ограничивать
to download — загружать
spare time — свободное время
celebrity — знаменитость
harmful — вредный
screen — экран
eyesight — зрение
to suffer — страдать
to include — включать, содержать
violent — жестокий
to have a negative influence on — оказывать негативное влияние на
enormous — огромный
advertising — реклама
useless — бесполезный
drawback — недостаток
goods — товары
to take into account — принимать во внимание

Контрольные вопросы:

1. What kinds of mass media do you know?
2. Have you got a TV-set at home?
3. How often do you usually watch it?
4. What are your favourite channels?
5. Do you usually watch TV alone or with your family?
6. What films do you prefer to see?
7. Do you like soap operas?
8. Are you a TV-addict?
9. Do you prefer to see films on TV or at the cinema?
10. What disadvantages of watching television can you name?

Задание: Работа с текстом:прочитать, понять содержание, составить рассказ или диалог с помощью вопросов и лексики.


  Television, also called TV, is one of our most important means of communication. It brings moving pictures and sounds from around the world into millions of homes.

The name «Television» comes from Greek word meaning «far», and a Latin word meaning «to see», so the word «television» means «to see far».

Commercial TV stations broadcast mostly entertainment programs because they must attract larger number of viewers in order to sell advertising time at high prices. These programs include light dramas called situation comedies; action-packed dramas about life of detectives, police officers, lawyers and doctors; shows featuring comedians, dancers and singers; movies; quiz shows; soap operas; cartoons. Commercial TV broadcasts also documentaries and talk shows. Documentary is dramatic, but nonfictional presentation of information. It can be programs about people, animals in faraway places or programs on such issues as alcoholism, drug abuse, racial prejudice. On talk shows a host interviews politicians, TV and movie stars, athlets, authors. There are also sport programs and brief summaries of local, national and international news. Advertising is an important part of commercial TV. Commercials appear between and during most programs. They urge viewers to buy different kinds of products.

Public television focuses mainly on education and culture. Public TV also broadcasts plays, ballets, symphonies as well as programs about art and history. Public TV attracts less viewers than commercial TV.


moving pictures — движущееся изображение
Greek — греческий
Latin — латинский
commercial station — коммерческая станция
advertising time — рекламное эфирное время
operating costs — издержки
entertainment — развлечение
to attract — привлекать
viewer — зритель
action-packed — полный событий
talk show — ток-шоу
issue — проблема, вопрос
drug abuse — наркомания
racial prejudice — расовые предрассудки
host — ведущий
to interview — брать интервью
athlet — спортсмен
summary — обзор
advertising — реклама
commercial — рекламный ролик
play — пьеса
art — искусство

Контрольные вопросы:

1. What does the word television mean?
2. What kind of stations are there in the US?
3. Why do commercial stations broadcast mostly entertainment programs?
4. What programs are broadcasted on commercial TV? ^
5. What programs does public TV broadcast?
6. Which kind of TV — commercial or public — attracts more viewers?


Дистанционное задание для студентов группы МР-191

Преподаватель Сусидко Светлана Ивановна

Уважаемые студенты, выполненные задания присылайте на мою электронную почту: susidko [email protected]

МР-191, немецкий язык,09.11., преподаватель Сусидко Светлана Ивановна

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Историки об Елизавете Петровне: Елизавета попала между двумя встречными культурными течениями, воспитывалась среди новых европейских веяний и преданий...

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