Перепишите следующие предложения, переведите их, подчеркните слово that. Укажите, в — КиберПедия 

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Перепишите следующие предложения, переведите их, подчеркните слово that. Укажите, в

2021-04-18 254
Перепишите следующие предложения, переведите их, подчеркните слово that. Укажите, в 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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какой грамматической функции оно употреблено (союза, союзного слова, указательного местоимения):

1. «Can you see the car that has stopped over there?» «Yes, it’s got a flat tire».

2. Those students who failed the exam will have to take it again.

3. At that time I was living with my parents.

4. The fax that arrived in the morning is in your file.

5. We’ve got a lot of useful guide books. Look at this one, and let me fetch that one on that


9). Перепишите следующие предложения, переведите их, подчеркните слово one. Укажите, в какой грамматической функции оно употреблено (местоимения (в качестве слова - заместителя), неопределенного артикля, числительного):

  1. «I can’t find the model I’m looking for in this catalogue, I’m afraid». «Oh, can’t you? Then

      have a look through that one on the table over there».

  2. An American firm has started the production of one electronic phrase book.

  3. One can use such method in one’s work.

  4. One third of the board of directors was present at the meeting, so the quorum was not


10). Перепишите следующие предложения, переведите их, подчеркните слово it. Укажите, в какой функции оно употреблено в предложении (подлежащего или дополнения):

  1. It’s becoming more and more interesting to learn law.

  2. It used to be called «The English Club» before Revolution.

  3. He did it to secure himself.

  4. It would be very convenient for me if we could put off our appointment till next Thursday.

  5. If I were you, I wouldn’t waste so much time on it.

11). Перепишите следующие бессоюзные сложноподчинённые предложения, переведите их. Укажите тип придаточного предложения:

1. The work I am doing now is very difficult.

2. I cannot find the house we lived in when I was a boy.

3. He says they will go to the top of the hill next week.

4. The specialist I want to see about our new contract is coming in a week.

12). Перепишите и письменно переведите текст «THE COUNCIL OF EUROPE AND HUMAN RIGHTS». Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания из текста:

aftermath – последствия

unaware – незнающий

virtually – фактически

adhering – твёрдо держаться, придерживаться

acceding – присоединение

comply – уступать, соглашаться

enhance – увеличивать, повышать

diversity – разнообразие

scourge – кара, наказание

permanent – постоянный



The history of the Council of Europe

The Council of Europe was Europe’s first intergovernmental organization established in the aftermath of the Second World War - a fact of which many people are unaware. The objective was to make states work together in order to avoid future conflicts. In 1949 ten countries - Belgium, Denmark, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and the United Kingdom - signed the treaty setting up the Council of Europe. Since its foundation the organization has had its seat in Strasbourg. It has two official languages - English and French. Today, with 41 member states, the Council covers virtually all of Europe. This pan-European organization is a forum for discussion of the concerns and desires, the doubts and the hopes of almost 800 million people in an area extending from the shores of the Atlantic to the far-eastern border of Russia.

Principles and conditions of accession

Any European state may become a member of the Council of Europe on condition that it undertakes to safeguard the dignity of its citizens by upholding their fundamental rights and adhering to ethical values. The aim of the Council of Europe is to achieve greater unity among its members. States acceding to the organization’s statute commit themselves to acknowledge the principles of:

• the rule of law

• human rights

• and pluralist democracy.

Moreover, the statute expressly provides that a member state which ceases to comply with these principles and obligations may be excluded from the organization.


The Council of Europe aims to heighten awareness of and enhance the cultural identity of Europe in all its diversity. It seeks to help find solutions to some of the key problems of our era:

• racism, discrimination against minorities

• social exclusion

• organized crime, corruption

• trafficking in human beings, violence

• drug abuse, and the scourges of AIDS, malaria and cancer

• bioethics and the issue of cloning

• protection of the environment.

It also seeks to promote democratic stability in Europe by supporting political, legislative and constitutional reforms.

Вариант 3

1). Перепишите следующие предложения, переведите их, подчеркните глагол to be. Укажите, в какой грамматической функции он употреблен (смысловой глагол, вспомогательный глагол, модальный, глагол-связка):

1. She was in Leningrad during the war.

2. The government is worried because the number of people without jobs is increasing.

3. He is the best student in the first course.

4. The goods were to be delivered at the end of the month.

2). Перепишите следующие предложения, переведите их, подчеркните глагол to have. Укажите, в какой грамматической функции он употреблен (смысловой глагол, вспомогательный глагол, модальный глагол):

1. I shall have translated the article by ten o’clock.

2. They have a lot of flowers in their garden every summer.

3. She had to change her shoes after walking in the garden.

4. They have built excellent shelters for tourists in these mountains.

3). Перепишите следующие предложения, переведите их, подчеркните глагол to do. Укажите, в каком значении он употреблен (смысловой глагол, вспомогательный глагол, слово-заместитель, усилительный глагол):

1. Do stay with us a little longer.

2. He didn’t know that Jennie had gone to Cleveland to see her father.

3. The professor asked his student why he hadn’t done his home assignment.

4. He speaks French more fluently than his elder sister does.

4). Перепишите следующие предложения, переведите их, подчеркните глагол-сказуемое в одном из времен группы Indefinite (Passive):

1. He said that our class would be taught by another teacher next year.

2. These letters will be mailed tomorrow.

3. The newspapers and magazines are delivered by the postman every day.

4. A note was brought in, addressed to Eleanor, and was put on the table to await her.

5. One child in a household of grown people is usually made very much of, and in a quiet way I was a good

    deal taken notice of by Mrs. Bretton, who had been left a widow, with one son, before I knew her.

5). Перепишите следующие предложения, переведите их, подчеркните глагол-сказуемое в одном из времен группы Continuous (Passive):

1. New children’s books were being sold in that shop when I entered it yesterday.

2. She felt she was being looked at.

3. The cases are being counted by the customs officer.

4. When we entered the room, the contract was being checked by the legal adviser.

6). Перепишите следующие предложения, переведите их, подчеркните Participle I. Укажите инфинитив глагола, от которого оно образуется:

1. This mountain has never been climbed before.

2. She told me that those newspapers had been carefully put away where they would not be lost.

3. Evidently Nick had been told to go home at once when I gave him the things his mother had asked for,

     for he refused even to take a cup of coffee.

4. Invitations have been sent to all the old pupils to be present at the school’s thirtieth anniversary.

5. By three o’clock everything will have been prepared.

7 ). Перепишите следующие предложения, переведите их, подчеркните инфинитив. Укажите, в

 какой грамматической функции он употреблен: а) подлежащего, б) составной части

сказуемого, в) определения, г) обстоятельства цели:

1. I was silent in order to give him time to think.

2. He brought me some letters to type.

3. To find a cook was his most urgent problem.

4. My plan was to spend a year there until I had learned Spanish.

5. He had the courage to tell them what he thought of them.

8). Перепишите предложения, переведите их, подчеркните слово that. Укажите, в какой грамматической функции оно употреблено в предложении (союз, указательное местоимение, союзное слово):

    1. At that moment I heard a noise in the corridor.

    2. The difficulty is that it is impossible to charter a ship in such a short time.

    3. It was his sister that I met in the park.

    4. 1 have found the book that I was looking for.

    5. I said that be would come in the evening.

9). Перепишите предложения, переведите их, подчеркните слово one. Укажите, в какой грамматической функции оно употреблено (числительного, слова-заместителя, неопределенного местоимения, неопределенного артикля):

     1. The book is more interesting than the one we read last week.

     2. One should be careful when crossing the street.

     3. One of my friends knows German very well and he’ll help us with this difficult article.

     4. The cases are too small; we need some bigger ones.

10). Перепишите следующие предложения, переведите их, подчеркните слово i t. Укажите, чем оно является в предложении (подлежащим, формальным подлежащим, дополнением, формальным дополнением):

     1. It is one kilometer from our house to the river.

     2. The plan isn’t ready. It has been discussed for two hours.

     3. We received a letter yesterday. I showed it to the director.

     4. I find it difficult to explain anything to him.

     5. It is no use telling him about it.

11). Перепишите следующие бессоюзные сложноподчинённые предложения, переведите их. Укажите вид придаточного предложения:

   1. I know he has returned.

   2. He posted the letter he had written.

   3. The man you are speaking about is in the next room.

   4. We were sorry we didn’t find them at home.

12). Перепишите и письменно переведите текст «THE COUNCIL OF EUROPE AND THE EUROPEAN CONVENTION ON HUMAN RIGHTS (ECHR)». Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания из текста:

bind – связывать, обязывать, вязать

devise – завещание

signatory – сторона, подписавшая договор

secure – охранять

assert – утверждать, доказывать

deem – думать, полагать

lodge – подавать жалобу

exhaust – исчерпывать

remedy – средство, мера

available – доступный, полезный, пригодный

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