Глава 1 в каждом мужчине обитают боги — КиберПедия 

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История создания датчика движения: Первый прибор для обнаружения движения был изобретен немецким физиком Генрихом Герцем...

Глава 1 в каждом мужчине обитают боги

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[1] William Broyles. Jr., "Pushing the Mid-life Envelope", Esquire, June 1987

[2] Rollo May, The Courage to Create (New York: Bantam Books, 1975), p. 45.



[1] Hesiod, Theogony, trans. and intro. Norman O. Brown (Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1953), p. 57.

[2] Hesiod. p. 58.

[3] С.G.Jung, "Sigmund Freud", in Memories, Dreams, and Reflections, ed. Aniela Jaffe, trans. Richard and Clara Winston (New York: Pantheon, 1961), pp. 159-162.

[4] Alice Miller, Thou Shalt Not Be Aware: Society's Betrayal of the Child, trans. Hildegarde and Hunter Hannum (New York: New American Library, 1986), p. 145.

[5] Miller, p. 145.

[6] Bruce Ogilvie, "Interview", Omni (September 1987), p. 82.

[6] Gen. 22:7-8. The Holy Bible, RSV (New York: Nelson, 1953). p. 20.

[7] Gen. 22:12.

[8] Gen. 22:16-17.

[9] George Lucas. Return of the Jedi (motion picture).



[1] Epigraph: Edith Hamilton. Mythology (Boston: Little, Brown, 1942), p. 25.

[2] Epigraph: Arianna Stassinopoulos and Roloff Beny. The Gods of Greece (New York: Abrams, 1983), p. 131.

[3] Lee Iacocca with William Novak, Iacocca: An Autobiography (New York: Bantam Books, 1984), pp. 55-56.



[1]Epigraph: Arianna Stassinopoulos and Roloff Beny. Gods of the Greeks (New York: Abrams, 1983). p. 42.

[2] Epigraph: Homer, "Hymn to Poseidon", in The Homeric Hymns, trans. Charles Boer (Irving, TX: Spring Publications, 1979), p. 86.

[3] Dylan Thomas, "Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night", in Deaths and Entrances, 1946.



[1] Epigraph: Philip Mayerson, in Classical Mythology in Literature, Art, and Music. (New York: Wiley, 1971), p. 229.

[2] Epigraph: Arianna Stassinpoulos and Roloff Beny, in Gods of the Greeks (New York: Abrams, 1983), p. 187.

[3] Walter F. Otto. Dionysus: Myth and Cult, trans. and intro. Robert B. Palmer (Bloomington: Indiana University Press. 1965), p. 116.



[1] Epigraph: W.К.С.Guthrie. The Greeks and Their Gods (Boston: Beacon Press. 1980), pp. 73, 183.

[2] Epigraph: Walter F. Otto, The Homeric Gods: The Spiritual Significance of Greek Religion. Trans. Moses Hadas (Great Britain: Thames & Hudson, 1979), p. 78.

[3] W.К.G.Guthrie, The Greeks and Their Gods (Boston: Beacon Press, 1980), p. 184.

[4] Walter F. Otto, The Homeric Gods: The Spiritual Significance of Greek Religion, Trans. Moses Hadas (Great Britain: Thames & Hudson, 1979), p. 76.

[5] Otto, p. 64.

[6] Homer, "The Hymn to Delian Apollo." in The Homeric Hymns, trans. Charles Boer (Irving. TX: Spring Publications, 1979), p. 157.

[7] Homer, p. 157.

[8] Homer, p. 157,

[9] Karl Kerenyi, Apollo: The Wind, the Spirit, and the God, trans. Jon Solomon (Dallas: Spring Publications, 1983), p. 41. 8. "A Pair for the Court", Newsweek, June 30, 1986.



[1] Epigraph: Arianna Stassinopoulos and Beny Roloff, The Gods of Greece (New York: Abrams, 1983), p. 190.

[2] Epigraph: Walter F. Otto, The Homeric Gods: The Spiritual Significance of Greek Religion, Trans. Moses Hadas (Great Britain: Thames & Hudson, 1979), p. 124.

[3] C.G.Jung, "Psychology and Alchemy", CW, vol. 12. pp. 293-294.

[4] Murray Stein. "The World of Hermes, God of Significant Passage: Reflections on the Mid-Life Transition", lecture at C.G.Jung Institute, San Francisco, February 28, 1981, to March 1, 1981. Tape.

[5] Homer, "Hymn to Hermes", The Homeric Hymns, Trans. Charles Boer (Irving, TX: Spring Publications, 1979). p. 29.

[6] "Hymn to Hermes", p. 45.

[7] Adelaide M. Johnson, "Sanctions for Superego Lacunae of Adolescence", in Searchlight on Delinquency: New Psychoanalytic Studies, edited by K.R.Eissler (New York: International Universities Press, 1949), pp. 225-245.

[8] Gerri Hirshey, "Sting Feels the Burn", Rolling Stone, September 1985, p. 32.

[9] Jeffrey Peisch, "Sting", Record, September 1985, p. 31.

[10] Rafael Lopez-Pedraza, Hermes and His Children (Zurich: Spring Publications, 1957).



[1] Epigraph: Arianna Stassinopoulos and Roloff Beny, The Gods of Greece (New York: Abrams, 1983), p. 170.

[2] Epigraph: Philip Mayerson, Classical Mythology in Literature, Art, and Music (New York: Wiley, 1971), p. 181.

[3] Walter F. Otto, The Homeric Gods: trans. Moses Hadas (Great Britain: Thames & Hudson, 1979), p. 47.

[4] Homer, "Hymn to Ares", The Homeric Hymns, trans. Charles Boer (Irving, TX: Spring Publications, 1979), p. 60.

[5] Associated Press, "Sean Penn Sentenced -- 60 Days in Jail", San Francisco Chronicle, June 24, 1987.

[6] Homer, The Iliad of Homer, trans. and intro. Richmond Lattimore (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1951), Book 1, Lines 206-211, p. 64.



[1] Epigraph: Arianna Stassinopoulos and Roloff Beny, The Gods of Greece (New York: Abrams, 1983), p. 175.

[2] Epigraph: Murray Stein, "Hephaistos: A Pattern of Introversion", Spring 1980 (Irving, TX: Spring Publications, 1980), p. 35.

[3] James Hillman, "Puer Wounds and Ulysses Scar", in James Hillman, ed., Puer Papers (Irving, Texas: Spring Publications, 1979), pp. 101-102.

[4] Walter F. Otto, The Homeric Gods: The Spiritual Significance of the Greek Religion, trans. Moses Hadas (Great Britain: Thames & Hudson. 1979), p. 130.

[5] С.G.Jung, Memories, Dreams, Reflections, ed. Aniela Jaffe; trans. Richard and Clara Winston (New York: Pantheon Books, 1961), pp. 173-175.

[6] Richard Corliss, "Andrew Wyeth's Stunning Secret", Time, August 18, 1986.

[7] Corliss.

[8] Philip Slater, "Self-Emasculation: Hephaistos", in The Glory of Hera (Boston: Beacon Press, 1968), p. 193.

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