Execute the sentence in stages within 21 days. — КиберПедия 

Организация стока поверхностных вод: Наибольшее количество влаги на земном шаре испаряется с поверхности морей и океанов (88‰)...

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Execute the sentence in stages within 21 days.

2021-02-01 115
Execute the sentence in stages within 21 days. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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― first to be witnesses of those who receive the well-deserved, earned retribution, with complete annihilation of the soul and consciousness throughout the Family, up to the seventh generation.


― first to be witnesses of those who will be moved to other planes, other planets to R. Gravett (which is Satan, who had a recognized earthly, human image, person and personality of R. Gravett), for not fulfilling His Will!


- to be witnesses of those who sincerely repent of their crimes, willingly or unwittingly, who want to purify their soul, return all the loot and compensate morally and financially, to take the path of serving their Kind, people, the One!


All of the above was sent to the above addresses:" 13 " April 2019,

the text at the beginning, which in "..." is sent as a preamble to the document: "BBB Notification" © Copyright: Milena Shashkova, 2020 Certificate of publication no. 220042001064

"20" April 2020,13-13."23 "and"26" April 2020g.

Updated and sent:"may 5":"may 8": "11»may 2020

"Without prejudice to me"UCC 1-308 (old 1-207)

Zhivaya zhenchina::: owner: Full Name: "Elena Borisovna SHASHKOVA"::: Autograph:__________

Let me REMIND you!

Everyone! Everyone! Everyone!

"The Supreme Natural Right and Absolute divine Will, in accordance with the absolute, eternal, immutable and inviolable, Testamentary Will of His Excellency Mr. R. Gravett (which is Satan, who had a recognized earthly, human form, person and personality of R. Gravett). Gravett), on the transfer of all his Rights, benefits, property, holdings, assets, fortunes, etc., - to the irrevocable Heirs, - to the Sovereigns, - citizens of the USSR, Living Men and Women, as Subjects of continuous, Higher Natural, life-long Rights (85%) and partially (15%) to Her Highness Elizabeth II, by the grace of God, Queen of the United Kingdom of great Britain and Northern Ireland, other kingdoms and Territories, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith, Autocrat of the Orders of Knighthood, as Full sovereign and Executor, Custodian, Administrator and Guarantor since 30.10.2006 of the said Testamentary Will, since 2014. extended its protection and patronage over Subjects of life rights born in the USSR, according to the Testamentary Will of Mr. R. Gravett, all thrones, Vatican, houses, churches, international organizations, Committees, Lodges, Bodies, high priests, patriarchs, primates, Heads of Churches and denominations, Zion, Rabbis, Lamas, Heads, Heads of States, Governments and Initiates of all religious, secret and explicit occult and theological organizations, leaders and participants of monasteries, societies, churches, ecclesiastical, knightly and secret orders, special services of any States and systems, sorcerers, Magicians, psychics, members of Lodges, Freemasons, Freemasons, Illuminati, and So on and so Forth, as well as All, who has taken any oaths, vows, oaths in favor of and among these and similar organizations and societies, secretly or openly, secretly or openly, - to the face, image, name and / or personally to His Excellency Mr. R. Gravett, - as their only ultimate, unconditional Ultimate Beneficiary, the Only Lord God, Lord, Full Ruler, Administrator of their Soul and Body, it behooves all named, - unconditionally, eternally and inviolably, according to the given vows, to serve for the good and benefit of the named Sovereigns specified by them in the Testamentary Will, without causing them any harm under any conditions, either in thought, secretly, or openly!

The entire force of vows, oaths and obligations made by anyone within the framework and rules mentioned above remains unbreakable and immutable. His Excellency Mr. R. Gravett, of course, irrevocably and forever, requires anyone who breaks their vow, oath and / or oath before him, which has become an unconditional, inviolable and irrevocable obligation to serve the Sovereigns-citizens of the USSR, Living Men and/or Women and Her Majesty Elizabeth II-as the administrator of the Testamentary Will, immediately on the spot, on occasion, question or refusal of performance or obedience, send to him Mentally (to separate the Soul from the body and send it to his court), depriving the stomach! And everyone who has given him a vow\oath\oath, - is obliged to follow this, fulfilling his final Will!»


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