Example: - social parasites of different levels of influence on The human mind, manipulate, provoke and push people to take away mental energy, these parasites can be well recorded in the photo. — КиберПедия 

Типы оградительных сооружений в морском порту: По расположению оградительных сооружений в плане различают волноломы, обе оконечности...

Архитектура электронного правительства: Единая архитектура – это методологический подход при создании системы управления государства, который строится...

Example: - social parasites of different levels of influence on The human mind, manipulate, provoke and push people to take away mental energy, these parasites can be well recorded in the photo.

2021-02-01 49
Example: - social parasites of different levels of influence on The human mind, manipulate, provoke and push people to take away mental energy, these parasites can be well recorded in the photo. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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AZM ESM! UNITED! I TESTIFY: - that against ZHMZH, the people are used - weapons bacteriological, genetic, psychotronic, as well as nuclear, ionospheric, seismic – torsion-vibration,

as well as artificial false opposite warring rights:

- religious and legal;

- civil and military;

- people's (national) and state;

- labor and banking;

- public and private;

- Cannibalism-ritual, medical and cosmetological,

- Ritual homicide and infanticide,

- restoration of destructive demonic cults.

- Ecological fascism with the sanitary destruction of billions of "extra" people and dozens of "wrong" peoples

- the imposition of internalization and sodomization all areas of upbringing, education and life.

- Elimination of the family institution,

- Elimination of real rights to private and personal property

- Elimination of national States

This is how GENOCIDE is carried out against living men and women-the degradation of consciousness and the corruption of the soul, people are only engaged in the struggle for the survival of themselves and their children!

Broken the LINE! And Svbodny Choice of every living man and woman!!!!!

I bear witness to all that has been said above as a living, live-born woman: the Owner of her name:Elena:Borisovna:Shashkova-Morzhova:

I confirm: – on the territory of the USSR and throughout Mother Earth-GENOCIDE is being carried out against living men, women(hereinafter-Zh. M. Zh.) and children: the owners and lands of Russia!

Shows each resident J. M. J. - Here and Now!

Encourage here in this Space of the universal Tribunal, at the same time to hold the Supreme Divine court of the United Supreme Court the mind of the Gods – Creators of the Creators of the Court Supreme Mind of the Gods Birth - he's the last judgment, where the Mind judges of the Supreme Court United,

- which, righteously attest to all of the above, committed against J. M. J., noble Birth, Slavs, natives of the planet now called Earth

- and make a righteous decision with instant enforcement of the decision of this Tribunal over each resident and present, living or moved to another more subtle dimension (dead) traitors to their Fatherland, their homeland, their Kind, People, the Kona of their Cosmos, etc., improving or affecting the mind of the condemned.

― all without exception: Absolutes, Creators, Gods, divine entities, Demons and demonic entities of all Peoples, all kinds of social parasites, all planes and dimensions, all representatives of alien-technocratic, all Spaces, Times, Dimensions from the microcosm to the macrocosm of all Universes, all Universes, all Cosmoses, in all dimensions and time cells, and all phantom formations;

- all, without exception, the leaders of all countries and corporations, leaders and performers of all ranks, all forms of religions and ideologies,

― all reptilian-technocratic destructive entities, energies, thought forms, programs, social parasites;

― all those who blocked and recoded the divine DNA of the J. M. J.-the firstborn;

― all those who carried out genetic and medical manipulations to degrade the consciousness of J. M. J., people of the white race and native inhabitants of the earth,

― all those who use legal, psychological, psychological and the power of secret knowledge and conduct a war against the white race and indigenous peoples here on Earth;

― all those who launched and promoted a destructive process on Earth, zombify, program, parasitize and take away the life force of people of the white race and indigenous peoples;

― All those who through religion, ideologies, economic levers, GMOs, pharmacology, drug addiction, alcoholism - destroy people of the white race and indigenous peoples here on earth;

― All those who use nuclear, ionospheric, seismic, ethnic, as well as bacteriological, genetic, mental, psychotropic, chemical and other weapons against the indigenous peoples of the planet and the white race;

- On all without exception Ministers (government, cult, religion, law, army, special services, and so on) who rejected the truth and directly acting natural true law, which-split into different indirectly acting artificial false opposing warring rights:

- religious and legal;

- civil and military;

- people's (national) and state;

- labor and banking;

- public and private;

― and so on.

― All those who started using it without checking it for truth;

― All those who, who took it upon themselves to judge, realizing not only its falsity, harmfulness, but also harmfulness and destructiveness for all and to whom it is applied;

― All those who use it as a weapon to plunder and destroy the indigenous peoples of the planet and the people of the white race in order to take away their rights of dominion given to them by the Creator (see Genesis 1:26-29).

― all those people who have the gift of all-seeing, all-hearing, all-feeling, all-action, received by them from the Absolutes, Creators, Gods, divine entities, Demons and demonic entities-using their gift for destructive purposes and for profit;

― all those people who went to Church and studied science, but lived a worldly life, and who spiritually killed their soul, who gave up their Kind.

― all those soldiers who took the oath and gave the oath, received their salaries, but did not fulfill their professional duties - neither the Land, nor the country, nor the Union, nor the state, nor even their family from external and internal enemies, and began to live a worldly life, spiritually enslaving their bright soul.

We call on each participant of this Tribunal and Court to realize that they are simultaneously on two courts:

"The Cosmic Universal Tribunal Of The One;

― The Supreme Divine Court of the One-the Supreme Court Of the mind of the Creators-the Court of the Supreme Mind of the Gods, also known as the Last Judgment, where the Mind of the Supreme Court judges.

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