In the web of Lawyers and lawyers, the whole world is controlled. — КиберПедия 

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In the web of Lawyers and lawyers, the whole world is controlled.

2021-02-01 61
In the web of Lawyers and lawyers, the whole world is controlled. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Legal presumptions of the private bar Guild.

In its construction, IBA, which emerged from the British BAR founded by Rothschild, allows international bankers to exercise control over world law. It is important to remember that when we go to court, we are in a commercial international jurisdiction.

The court is basically not interested in any arguments that suggest that we have "constitutional rights." In the context of the "account", our constitutional rights are essentially irrelevant to the case, and the judge does not take into consideration the Federal law, the CPC, the CPC of the Russian Federation, the USSR, and does not take into account international laws. The judge is sitting on the bench. The word" bench " in Latin is a Bank, so the judge runs the Bank. The word "captain" comes from the word capital = money = water.

The justice system has nothing to do with justice. We were led into a profit-making scheme.

AZM ESM! - ONE! I TESTIFY: - the Common law of the people has been replaced by naval Admiralty and contract law, there are two types of law On earth: one is called civil law, which is the Law of the Land, and the other is called the Sea Admiralty, which is called the law of water. The Maritime Admiralty is a banking authority. The earth consists of earth and water, so there is the Law of the earth and the Law of the sea.

The law of the land is a natural right in the country where the people live. The law of the sea is international and is known as MERchant, BANKing, CORPorate, Maritime or ADMIRALty Law. The law of the Admiralty States that you are descended from your mothers, are a marine product of the Admiralty, the ship and therefore is in its birth and tied to the dock, and the captain must provide a manifest certificate to the ports. Children are produced by the father. A mother in the hospital DELIVERS a baby when her WATER runs out and it is born through the BIRTH CANAL. According to the Black Law, the hospital is considered a BANK. When a child is DELIVERED, he or she is provided with a birth Certificate and a citizen on the ship (SHIP). The informant is displayed at the bottom of the BIRTH certificate. Our informants are our parents. As soon as you are born, you become the Property of the country where you were born, and are now the legal property of the ComMERce Department. A series of red numbers on the document is the security number on the world exchange. Check these numbers on the new York stock exchange, through a good stock broker, and get confirmation that it's worth it. A birth certificate is a stock exchange in America. Why? Because you are worth money in international banks.

Both Maritime law and contract law are based on Roman law and are based on the Canon law of the Church. The Roman court does not operate in accordance with any legal principles, but with the assumptions of law. Failure to read the contract with the system is the first violation of the contract itself

AZM ESM! - ONE! I TESTIFY: - all finances printed in favor of Zh. M. Zh are controlled and used by international corporations - members of the Belderberg club, the IMF, the fed, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, as well as their alien owners, through private banks. As noted earlier, after the emergence of the "Persona", the international banking system issues a share, which forms the corresponding credit resources, which can not be returned due to their huge size, however, these funds are charged 4% per annum. Representatives of this English system therefore "float" in money, since the English Kingdom owns the property (shares for each of the issued "Persons") of all, approximately, 7 billion" dead "people older than 7 years, according to the" Zestsuyukeyuaktu", signed by the English king, many hundreds of years in the past. Part of the money goes to war, one of them still takes place on the territory of the USSR. In addition, more than 90% of all tax revenue flows outside of the country. Then where does the money for infrastructure construction, etc. come from? They arise on the basis of issued shares, in connection with the appearance, through a birth certificate, of "Persons", "Persons", citizens of a "trading firm", for example, the Russian Federation. These funds are poured into the Russian economy and through taxes, in the amount of more than 90%, again flow abroad, and not to the Russian Federation, since this "trading company", called the Russian Federation, does not have its own territory, it is located on the territory of the USSR. founder of the UN. And the Creator Gods are given a report – money is printed and allocated for each person for a decent life, but they are so stupid, undeveloped and depraved – that they do not want to use and take responsibility and realize their divine potential themselves, that they have to make them work for their own good........ After all, they do not claim their RIGHTS!!!! And when Zh. M. Zh. try to restore their ancestral Right: - the system uses the repressive influence of private commercial law enforcement agencies: - courts, police, FSSPS, Pension Fund, medical and psychiatric treatment, when Zh.M. Zh. is deprived of housing, health, material and spiritual values, forcibly closed in psychiatric private hospitals and conduct all sorts of medical experiments.

AZM ESM! UNITED! I TESTIFY: - Any demands for equal pay for labor, for discoveries and attempts to launch alternative sources of energy that facilitate the life of Zh. M. Zh., led to reprisals, shootings and exile to camps and prisons.

AZM ESM! UNITED! TESTIFY: - When the consciousness of the younger generation of children was suppressed and programmed, they were deprived of the prospects for spiritual and creative development, and false and alien historical, cultural and religious values were implanted in their place.

AZM ESM! UNITED! I TESTIFY: - when I, and all the people, personally voted in a Referendum on March 17, 1991 on the preservation of the USSR in an updated form. According to the results Of the referendum of the USSR on March 17, 1991, in the number of 113.512.812 citizens of the USSR-77.85%, voted for the preservation of the updated USSR. The decision of this Referendum can only be reversed by the people themselves. It was this Decision that came into force, according to article 28 of the law of the USSR, in accordance with the published Resolution of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR from 21.03.1991, a new community was Formed – a single Soviet people, who HELD POWER in the COUNTRY (article 2 of the Constitution of the USSR), living on the common, unified and non-divided territory of Russia. The PEOPLE who made THE decision at the referendum of the USSR-PROVED to be the FOUNDER of the renewed Union of Sovereigns, and has the right to allocate its share in the public domain, as the legal founder of the country in the new updated form. However, this RIGHT has not yet been formalized.

The Free Choice of living men and women is violated: the Man – people!

AZM ESM! UNITED! SHOW: - Stealing from the citizens of the USSR passports which was a sign that at least some of the rights in accordance with the writing of the initials,we were given passports of the Russian Federation(the forced signing of a sham transaction with the withholding of information) with the writing of the F. I. O. caps lock (Caps lock) all uppercase letters automatically lowering us to the status of deprivation of all civil rights. We are insistently taught the name subject, person, or individual by turning living human men and women into inanimate objects of dead bodies.

AZM ESM! UNITED! I TESTIFY – - against all citizens of the USSR, a legal forgery and raider, forceful seizure of power in the country by officials who remained without power following the results of the Referendum was committed. Accordingly, deputies of the USSR and their representatives in the Executive structures and law enforcement agencies who failed to carry out the Will and mandate of the people, the country's transition to a new legal form associated with the update of the USSR in the Referendum, automatically lost his capacity and authority. Gorbachev M. S., as well as representatives of the RSFSR, USSSR, BSSR, represented by Kravchuk, Shushkevich and Yeltsin, using their impunity and power support of traitors and enemies of the people of the USSR, declared a lie about the collapse of the USSR, committed fraud. None of these decisions is legally binding. The will of the people has the highest power – it CANNOT be REVOKED or ANNULLED.

AZM ESM! UNITED! TESTIFY: - a betrayal was committed against the people, the ruling elite of the CPSU, along with the KGB and other law enforcement and military agencies, who took the oath and gave the oath, received the salary, and did not fulfill their professional duties - neither the Land, nor the country, nor the Union, nor the state, nor even their family from external and internal enemies. Who ignored the Will of the people, thereby changing all the laws of the USSR, the results of the Referendum.

AZM ESM! UNITED! I TESTIFY: - traitors-the leaders of the USSR and the ruling party of the CPSU seized power by force, declaring the collapse of the USSR, and declaring the succession of the Russian Federation-Russia and began systematically and openly robbing the people, in favor of their owners and not forgetting themselves, their relatives and friends. The USSR is one of the Founders of the UN, but the collapse and coup d'etat to change the legal power in the USSR was carried out with the tacit consent of the UN. Subsequently, the UN recognized Yeltsin's telephone message about the succession of the USSR - Russian Federation and continues to cooperate and cover up the GENOCIDE of the Russian people-the native inhabitants of the country – Founders of the renewed USSR, completely violating international laws and transferring power and territory from one state of the USSR to another-the Russian Federation, and such documents do not exist.

AZM ESM! UNITED! TESTIFY: Withdrawal of the USSR passport with the issuance of an ausweiss-passport of the Russian Federation – thereby transferring the Founders of the updated USSR to the status of slaves, applying Maritime law, instead of the Continental one.

AZM ESM! UNITED! TESTIFY: In 1979, the year an estimate was made of the person. At that time, the assessment of a person amounted to 14 billion 868 million rubles of the USSR, was released State a certificate of the Soviet Union, which by the end of Referendum, was to arrange for each shareholder's new USSR. The figure reflected in the state registered certificate of the USSR is not the cost or price of a person, because ideally, a person is priceless. This figure of the certificate at the time of assessment reflects, so to speak, the value equivalent of the natural right of an individual-a citizen of the USSR. In other words, this is the share of each person in the USSR from natural resources, and labor accumulated material and other values, for the entire existence of the USSR, at that time.

The ruling structures are pirating on the territory seized by criminal means!

AZM ESM! UNITED! I TESTIFY: - managing trading company of the Russian Federation, established by the NATO countries, members of the Paris club, introducing the founders of the USSR in the Morok, using psychotronic technologies-generators, elements of black magic, and so on.... suppressing the Will of J. M. J., and through games of crooked justice - withdraw from every indigenous inhabitant, especially material values. The GOVERNMENT control trade companies of the Russian Federation (UIK RF) disintegration of the country, artificially staging the default, even not having its own monetary currency, in the future, began to issue money - substitutes – cut paper – tickets of the Central Bank, with conversion ratio 1 to 1000, for a non-existent code 810, and the leadership of the country, in offshore zones list of looted and stolen, with the conversion by currency code of the USSR - 643. And this is fraud, robbery in broad daylight, veiled by written laws by THIEVES and CRIMINALS of all mankind.

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