England - The British crown owns your physical body through international banking, and this is the law for all governing structures in almost all countries. territories. — КиберПедия 

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Особенности сооружения опор в сложных условиях: Сооружение ВЛ в районах с суровыми климатическими и тяжелыми геологическими условиями...

England - The British crown owns your physical body through international banking, and this is the law for all governing structures in almost all countries. territories.

2021-02-01 97
England - The British crown owns your physical body through international banking, and this is the law for all governing structures in almost all countries. territories. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Only this is hidden from Man!

Alien technology to enslave the children of God!!!!!!!! And if you try to make it public, you will face at best – forced psychiatric treatment, when A person is made a vegetable, erased and reformatted his memory.

AZM ESM! - ONE! I CERTIFY: - throughout the World, when registering and issuing a birth certificate, a personal account is opened (under the number of our birth certificate) in an International Bank, where a large amount of money is deposited, replenished annually. This "Setcookielist" is constantly modernized, and is still in effect everywhere. If a "living Person", for the English global system, is considered dead, then it passes into the status of "Person" or "Person" (Cast, actor's Mask), a legal entity, with identity documents: first, a birth certificate (and, without the consent of the smallest "Living Person"), and later, through the delivery of it (without explanation of the difference between a "living Person" and "Person", "Person"), Passport, Foreign passport, etc. "Person"," Person "is the bearer of rights and obligations, in contrast to the" living Person", which is a spiritual, rational being, with its own untouchable rights. From the Person-it is hidden behind seven seals. The system does not show Zh. M. Zh where they should declare themselves as "living people", because the system is not interested in losing their "slaves". The fraud of the global system is that it gives ordinary people of the world a false sense that they (real people) and "Persons", "Faces" (Masks), with passports on which their photos are pasted, are the same.

AZM ESM! - ONE! I TESTIFY: - on earth, the invaders, through their blood proteges, in the management of countries-carry out the classification of people according to Roman law. It is possible to recognize which class a person belongs to by writing their full Name, documents, or legal name of the person. 1)Patricians-a living Man or Woman (a privileged layer, the highest legal status) - spelling the name Dmitry (it's like Nicholas 2, Elizaveta2, Catherine 1, etc.) 2) Plebeians-Citizens(There are some rights but not of the highest order) - spelling the name Dmitry Ivanovich Stepanov.

3) Freedmen –persons who call themselves state and Executive bodies with the powers of Bailiffs, Police, etc. - writing the name-Stepanov Dmitry Ivanovich. 4)Slaves - an Individual, a subject(slaves deprived of all rights are things as inanimate not living objects legally dead) - DMITRY STEPANOV. If a Person appears in court and presents his passport or other document certifying his identity ("Person", Person"), it means that the court will not deal with a "Person", but with a "Person" who has no rights at all, hence this GENOCIDE of a Living Person, through the" court " and bailiffs deprive the people of their property – land, housing, means of livelihood...

AZM ESM! - ONE! I TESTIFY: - all judges in all Countries sign a contract with their employer bar (BAR - British Accreditation Registry)- Guild society of Freemasons.

Therefore, no judge ever shows the document on the basis of which he seized and performs this position. Similarly, how the justice system works in Russia, in addition, judges receive a salary from the Federal budget code, that prints a surrogate tickets Bank of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, every citizen of the Russian Federation, but there legally has. Frank O'collins (www.one-haven.org), a researcher in the field of Canon law, uncovered these assumptions about law and helped make them accessible to people. First, we must recognize that our so-called courts operate without exception in the private Guild of the British accreditation register (BAR). It in trials is only about Capital, about money and not about anything else. Or about papers with numbers written on them and nothing else. They are trying to keep us in financial slavery. After signing the loan agreement, the Bank tells you that You will get - What? Recording in the computer. That's all the banks give You. What do they do with it? They Deposit this credit agreement-a Bill issued by a Person (only a Person with their labor and energy produces value – a good, thing, product) on a Deposit account and under them 23 times more are printed surrogate tickets of the Bank of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. They Rob us and rape us in the sense that they are a loan agreement that has the price of the paper on which it is written, multiply it and record it in their accounting. They explain to us that we have to pay interest, and we have to give them back the real things.

Today we all know that this is all planned. Now the situation is as follows: - that we were all sold. It starts with the birth Certificate that the Catholic Church has so well organized. The Freemasons continued by organizing: BAR (BAR - British Accreditation Registry)- a Guild with Prerogatives. These Presumptions confirm that our ausweiss-passports already state that we are things. These are the 12 main presumptions of the BAR. For they oppress and oppress us. Have you ever heard of the British accreditation of the Registry short BAR? If you are not a lawyer, perhaps not.

The BAR is a private Association or Guild for lawyers and judges. The BAR is hidden and invisible to the layman, the legal system of the world. About quasi-mandatory membership in national associations and bar associations almost all lawyers are automatically members of the BAR. Even the Federal bar Association is directly linked to the international bar Association (IBA).

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