Для выполнения практических занятий — КиберПедия 

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Для выполнения практических занятий

2021-02-01 152
Для выполнения практических занятий 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Специальность: 21.02.05 Землеустройство

Курс 3


Семестр 6


группа ЗУ об - 1


Дисциплина: Иностранный язык


ФИО обучающегося _______________________________________

Преподаватель: Колосова А.А.



Симферополь, 2020


Пояснительная записка

Рабочая тетрадь для практических занятий по английскому направлена на формирование знаний разговорной и профессиональной лексики, а так же навыков чтения, перевода текстов профессиональной и повседневной тематики при помощи грамматических основ английского языка.


У-1 – общаться (устно и письменно) на иностранном языке на профессиональные и повседневные темы;

У-2 – переводить (со словарем) иностранные тексты профессиональной направленности

У-3 – самостоятельно совершенствовать устную и письменную речь, пополнять словарный запас

В результате освоения дисциплины обучающийся должен знать:

З1 - лексический (1200-1400 лексических единиц) и грамматический минимум, необходимый для чтения и перевода (со словарем) иностранных текстов профессиональной направленности

ОК, которые актуализируются при изучении учебной дисциплины:

ОК 1. Понимать сущность и социальную значимость своей будущей профессии, проявлять к ней устойчивый интерес.

ОК 2. Анализировать социально-экономические и политические проблемы и процессы, использовать методы гуманитарно-социологических наук в различных видах профессиональной и социальной деятельности.

ОК 3. Организовывать свою собственную деятельность, определять методы и способы выполнения профессиональных задач, оценивать их эффективность и качество.

ОК 4. Решать проблемы, оценивать риски и принимать решения в нестандартных ситуациях.

ОК 5. Осуществлять поиск и использование информации, необходимой для



эффективного выполнения профессиональных задач, профессионального и личностного развития.

ОК 6. Работать в коллективе и команде, эффективно общаться с коллегами, руководством, потребителями.

ОК 7. Самостоятельно определять задачи профессионального и личностного развития, заниматься самообразованием, осознанно планировать повышение квалификации.

ОК 8. Быть готовым к смене технологий в профессиональной деятельности.

ОК 9. Уважительно и бережно относиться к историческому наследию и культурным традициям, толерантно воспринимать социальные и культурные традиции.

ОК 10. Соблюдать правила техники безопасности, нести ответственность за организацию мероприятий по обеспечению безопасности труда.


Критерии оценивания.

«5» 4,5 – 5 баллов

«4» 3,5 – 4,4 балла

«3» 2,5 – 3,4 балла

0,1 балла снимается: неправильный перевод одного слова, не соблюдены литературные нормы перевода, неправильный порядок слов в одном предложении, работа оформлена неаккуратно, неправильный ответ на один вопрос, неправильное употребление глагола tobeодин раз, неправильное образование степени сравнения одного прилагательного, одна орфографическая ошибка, неразборчиво написано 1 слово, незнание алфавита, транскрипции и интонации, неправильное употребление предлога 1 раз, неправильно законченное 1 предложение.

Оценка за практическое занятие – сумма баллов за все задания



Практическое занятие №49 Анализ ключевых факторов успеха при реализации градостроительного кадастра.
Практическое занятие №50 Анализ ключевых факторов успеха при реализации градостроительного кадастра.  
Практическое занятие №51 Исследование основных уроков градостроительного кадастра и проведение технического сравнения европейских кадастровых систем.
Практическое занятие №52 Рассмотрение макетов и основ строительства проспектов и бульваров.
Практическое занятие №53 Рассмотрение законодательных аспектов о градостроительной деятельности.
Практическое занятие №54 Исследования описания планирования в законах.  
Практическое занятие №55 Изучение развития градостроительства в США. Рассмотрение городского развития в западных странах на основе текстов профессиональной направленности, визуального и аудиального сопровождения.
Практическое занятие №56 Изучение развития градостроительства в США. Рассмотрение городского развития в западных странах на основе текстов профессиональной направленности, визуального и аудиального сопровождения.
Практическое занятие №57 Сравнение законов Российской Федерации о градостроительном кадастре.
Практическое занятие №58 Формирование монологической речи при помощи лексико-грамматических упражнений и тестов по теме: Градостроительство и знание основных законов
Практическое занятие №59 Изучение недвижимости. Изучение грамматических особенностей имен существительных и имен прилагательных.
Практическое занятие №60 Рассмотрение городского развития в западных странах на основе текстов профессиональной направленности, визуального и аудиального сопровождения.
Практическое занятие №61 Рассмотрение городского развития в западных странах на основе текстов профессиональной направленности, визуального и аудиального сопровождения.
Практическое занятие №62 Сравнение законов Российской Федерации о градостроительном кадастре.


Ход занятия

Задание 1. (1 балл)

Алгоритм выполнения задания: Прочитайте следующие слова


control 1. руководство, власть; управление; 2. проверка, конт-

роль // v 1. управлять, регулировать; 2. проверять, контролировать

recent а недавний, новый; современный; свежий, последний

survey 1. изыскание, обследование; 2. съемка; 3. землемерное

ведомство; топографическое управление // v 1. осматривать, об-

следовать; 2. производить землемерную съемку

relate v 1. улавливать связь; 2. приводить в соответствие

comprise v охватывать; вмещать, включать

land title учет земель

identification идентификация; отождествление

management управление

capability способность; продуктивность (почв)

rate 1. норма; 2. коэффициент; 3. скорость // v ценить, оцени-

вать; устанавливать; исчислять

taxation 1. оценка; 2. обложение налогом

soil classification бонитировка почв

clay глина, глинозем

silt естественные отложения

loam 1. сутлинок; жирная глина; 2. плодородная земля

gravel гравий, крупный песок

significantly во многом, существенно

legal законный

correspond v соответствовать, согласовывать

adopt v принимать

definition определение

demand требование

stipulate v ставить условие, оговаривать

provision снабжение, обеспечение

formation образование, создание, формирование

inventory опись

distribution распределение

unify v объединять, унифицировать



Задание 2. (2 балла)

Алгоритм выполнения задания: Прочитайте и переведите текст

The Key Success Factors When Implementing an Urban Cadastre


Experience resulted from many investigations and observations suggests main key success factors when implementing an urban cadastre: clarification of the legal framework, strengthening the social assessment and participation and use of new technologies. To solve these old problems a land use planner should take them into account.

It is necessary to clarify the legal framework which is often incomplete or inadequate. It should provide a clear typology of land tenure and ownership and occupant rights, a good definition of claims hierarchy and conflict resolution mechanisms. This should be done in respect of overriding interests including customary and indigenous rights. The process implemented must be based on equity and fairness and respect the de facto use and occupancy rights of the poorest population who is mainly living in urban fringes and shanty towns. The review of the legal framework should also be performed in with respect to a sustainable environmental development. This includes identification and demarcation of protected and buffer areas.

The legal framework should provide a clear distribution of responsibilities between land and real estate agencies. As cadastral and registry integration is often a key issue, legal arrangements should be set up to guarantee a long-term consistency between cadastral and registral information. This includes a clear definition of roles and responsibilities of cadastral and registral services as well as private surveyors and notaries. All stockholders should feel the ownership of the reforms and follow the rules in their future day to day activities.

When preparing a cadastre you have to survey and visit each piece of land and each building where people are living. In this process, social assessment and participation that encourage population participation appear essential. All along the project it is important to focus on this issue. Prior to the implementation of the project, a specific social assessment will allow to identify main project beneficiaries and key social issues. At the beginning of the implementation, a national, municipal and local information campaign will facilitate population understanding and consequently ownership of the project by the population. During the project, the field data acquisition process will be governed by population participation and efficient conflict resolution mechanisms. A few years after the project, it is important to carry out studies to assess the social impact of the project on beneficiaries.

Strengthening the social assessment and participation requires innovative approaches. For instance there is a special need for flexible solutions in urban fringes with high rate of spontaneous urbanization and informal sprawling settlements. In most of the cases, the social activities must be based on bottom-up approaches rather than top- down traditional approaches. It is essential to get a large consensus among the final beneficiaries whether they are legal owners or simply de facto occupants.

It's also necessary to use new technologies to solve old problems. There are three technical steps for which rapid technological evolution is determinant: the acquisition of information, the management and maintenance of the information and the exchange and distribution of the information.


Задание 3. (1 балл)

Алгоритм выполнения задания: Переведите следующие предложения с русского языка на английский

Правовая база должна обеспечить четкую типологию землевладения и прав собственности и прав жильцов.

Все акционеры должны чувствовать ответственность за реформы и следовать правилам в своей будущей повседневной деятельности.

При подготовке кадастра вы должны обследовать и посетить каждый кусок земли и каждое здание, где живут люди.


Задание 4. (1 балл)

Алгоритм выполнения задания: Заполните схему

Задание 5.

Алгоритм выполнения задания: Прочитайте и переведите диалог


Тема: Исследование основных уроков градостроительного кадастра и проведение технического сравнения европейских кадастровых систем

Ход занятия

Задание 1. (1 балл)

Алгоритм выполнения задания: Прочитайте слова


urban а городской, несельский

waste |weɪst| v 1. тратить, расходовать; 2. и отходы; 3. а бросовый, ис-


recycle |riːˈsʌɪk(ə)l| v обрабатывать повторно

disturb |dɪˈstəːb| v 1. беспокоить; 2. нарушать порядок, покой

device v приспосабливать // n приспособление

buffer n 1. буфер; 2. амортизатор; 3. глушитель

notorious а 1. известный; 2. пользуюшийся дурной славой; 3. за-


fail v 1. недоставать; 2. терпеть неудачу, обанкротиться

failure |ˈfeɪljə| n 1. провал, неуспех, неудача; 2. банкротство; 3. неудач-

ное дело, неудача

harbor v 1. стоять на якоре (в гавани); 2. давать убежише; //

и 1. порт, гавань, пристань; 2. убежише, приют

drastic а 1. побудительный; 2. решительный; 3. сильнодейству-


Recently – недавно

TechnicalComparison - Техническое сравнение

Conducted - [kənˈdʌktɪd] проведенный, проводимый, осуществляемый, выполняемый

Conclusion - [kənˈkluːʒən] выводы, заключение

Toward|təˈwɔːd| - в направлении, в сторону, по направлению к

Homogeneity - |ˌhɒmə(ʊ)dʒɪˈneɪɪti| однородность, гомогенность, единообразие

Established – установленный, общепринятый

Neverthe­less|nɛvəðəˈlɛs| - тем не менее, однако, несмотря на это, тем не менее, все-таки, несмотря на

Linking – связывающий, соединяющий

Capturing – захватывающий

peri-urban |ˈpɪəri| |ˈəːb(ə)n| - пригородный

sophisticated|səˈfɪstɪkeɪtɪd| - изощренный, утонченный, изысканный, тонкий, сложный


Задание 2. (2 балла)

Алгоритм выполнения задания: Прочитайте и переведите текст

The Main Lessons from a Technical Comparison of European Cadastral Systems

Recently European Union has conducted a comparison of European cadastres. The three main technical conclusions of the studies of urban cadastres are: (1) many European countries are moving toward the integration of the cadastre with the property registry, (2) existing graphic and textual information is detailed but their homogeneity varies from one country to another, and (3) computerized technology is commonly used.

Historically, ownership was established without cadastre. Nevertheless, nowadays, most European countries have understood the importance of linking the property registries or mortgage books with the cadastre to eventually achieve a legal cadastre or a parcel based registry. In the land registry, the right is created once inscribed in the book under the control of a judge. The inscription in the land book is accompanied by an accurate survey. In the mortgage book, the right is created by the contract between the parties. It is now compulsory to ensure the exact correspondence between the cadastre and the mortgage book.

In most countries the cadastre is old and homogeneous. Urban cadastre maps cover the dense of urban and peri-urban areas of main European cities. The cartographic and historic homogeneity of these maps is highly various from one country to another. Moreover, the characteristics of the textual information associated to the graphic information vary largely from one country to another.

Computerized technology is now commonly used. Most of the countries have almost finished capturing cadastral textual information and are now on the way to digitize the graphic information (cadastral maps). Technical departments are now equipped with highly sophisticated computerized equipment for data acquisition and maintenance.

Задание 3. (2 балла)

Алгоритм выполнения задания: Дайте русские эквиваленты

land use; land use planner; land use map; prehistoric time; land use planning school; economic status; economy, соoperation; industrial centers; highest efficiency |ɪˈfɪʃ(ə)nsi|; economic productivity |prɒdʌkˈtɪvɪti|, urban systems, systems of transportation and communication, natural systems, opposite |ˈɒpəzɪt| tendency, danger of disruption |dɪsˈrʌpʃn|, excessive |ɪkˈsɛsɪv| centralization notorious |nə(ʊ)ˈtɔːrɪəs| example, suburban |səˈbəːb(ə)n| tracts, sewage |ˈsuːɪdʒ| disposal, water supply |səˈplʌɪ|, urban community, metropolitan planners.


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Тема: Рассмотрение макетов и основ строительства проспектов и бульваров

Ход занятия

Задание 1. (1 балл). Прочитайте следующие слова

it must be borne in mind — необходимо учитывать; надо иметь в виду; надо помнить

otherwise |ˈʌðəwʌɪz| - иначе, в противном случае, иным образом, иной, другой

avenues |ˈævənjuːz| - проспекты

approximately |əˈprɒksɪmətli| - приблизительно, приближенно, почти, ориентировочно

horizon [həˈraɪzn] - горизонт, кругозор

scenic [ˈsiːnɪk] - живописный, красивый

feature [ˈfiːʧə] - особенность, свойство, признак, характеристика, черта, качество

obtained [əbˈteɪnd] - полученный, получаемый, приобретенный, добытый

width [wɪdθ] - ширина, ширина захвата, толщина

estimate [ˈestɪmɪt] – оценка

demand [dɪˈmɑːnd] – спрос, потребность

sidewalk [ˈsaɪdwɔːk] – тротуар

carriageway [ˈkærɪʤweɪ] - проезжая часть

margin [ˈmɑːʤɪn] - прибыль, наценка

thoroughfare [ˈθʌrəfeər] – проезд

provision [prəˈvɪʒən] - положение, условие, постановление

laying [ˈleɪɪŋ] – кладка, укладка, закладка, заложение

sewer [ˈsəʊə] – сточная труба, канализационная труба, коллектор

conduit [ˈkɔndɪt] – канал, трубопровод, водовод

railway [ˈreɪlweɪ] - железная дорога, железнодорожный путь


Задание 2.  (2 балла). Прочитайте и переведите


Задание 3. (1 балл). Прочитайте и переведите текст

The Layout and Construction of Avenues and Boulevards


It must be borne in mind that all objects in the street, utilitarian or otherwise are things to be seen, part of an organic whole, each having its respective part or place.

Long straights avenues, with buildings of approximately the same height and no object to break the horizon should be avoided. If natural scenic effect cannot be obtained, then provision should be made for some architectural feature to break the skyline. By careful planning it can generally be arranged to place a church, a public building, or artistically designed residence to break the monotony of long streets.

In planning out the width of main roads it is difficult to estimate what the future will demand, but in any case it will be better to err on the wide side rather than the narrow.

The main avenues should be laid out with 12 feet sidewalks, slow traffic carriageways next sidewalks and boulevards on either side of a centre carriageway for fast traffic and tramways. The secondary business avenues should have sidewalks of a minimum width of 10 feet with a centre boulevard with wide grass margins, so that the actual paved carriageway can be widened as the business of the city extends.

In main and secondary business thoroughfares provision should be made for laying all sewer, water, electric and other mains in underground conduits of sufficient size to allow of proper inspection at all times.

The residential avenues can be so formed that the sidewalks have a boulevard on either side, which will provide space for pedestrians in the hot weather.

Railways, usually an ugly feature of every city, should be made less objectionable by boulevarding.


Задание 4. (1 балл). Найдите 7 слов

w s i d w v
e s t e w a
v a i m a l
d v z w t k
e e n u e z
m a n e p w
p w d s w p
w z i m a z
h o r w r w
r a i z g i
v i z o n n
w l w a y v


Вывод по практической работе:

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Тема: Рассмотрение законодательных аспектов о градостроительной деятельности

Ход занятия

Задание 1. (1 балл)Прочитайте и переведите следующие слова

Urban -

Bureaucratic [bjʊərəʊˈkrætɪk] -

Engage [ɪnˈgeɪʤ] -

Assume [əˈsjuːm] -

Permit [ˈpɜːmɪt] -

Accommodate [əˈkɔmədeɪt] -

buying out -

relocating -

subordinate [səˈbɔːdənɪt] -

transfer [ˈtrænsfɜː] -

consistently [kənˈsɪstəntlɪ] -

envision [ɪnˈvɪʒən -

guide [gaɪd] -

in­sure [ɪnˈʃʊə] -

relationship -

inconsistent -

self-government - 

borrow [ˈbɔrəʊ] –


Задание 2. (2 балла). Прочитайте и переведите текст


Planning Process Description in the Laws

The Russian Code spends most of its details on the technical processes of creating plans and urban development documentation. Detail is included which is intended to guide the bureaucratic organizations and the planning institutes and professionals in the ways in which they should go about creating plans. This includes descriptions of the content of the mandatory section plans, interrelation of the urban development plans with other actions of governmental authorities as well as the processes of mandatory "expertization". Similarly, there are great details in describing the tasks and powers of bureaucratic units.

In contrast the "western" laws contain very little detail about the technical methods by which plans are to be compiled and the specific authority of bureaucratic units to engage in tasks related to the planning work. It is assumed that these are technical and managerial issues to be treated in sub-legislation and worked out by the senior managers of the governmental administration.

A strong example of these differences can be seen in the way the laws describe the municipal general plan. This is a common feature of all the laws and, in general terms the plans all have the same purpose.

They link a spatial plan with a plan of infrastructure, transport and public facility needs.

The spatial plan describes the best pattern of land uses from the standpoint of land capacity, density of settlement and good urban design. But the plan of infrastructure, transport and public facility needs is based on an estimation of economic calculations and efficient system design and functioning.

Despite the differences, however, the planning and urban development laws of the "western" countries reflect similar concepts of law- drafting and the structure of legislation. These can be characterized in the following ways:

- the laws (as opposed to the sub-legislation and local regulation) accomplish two primary purposes: (1) they authorize or mandate the pertinent government administrations to engage in planning and land use regulation; (2) they define the status of these government actions in relation to the legal rights and responsibilities of landowners and land users, individuals and juridical entities and citizens generally;

- the laws assume that the predominant form of landholding in urban area is private ownership and that most actions, which result in new development or redevelopment, are civil law/market transactions. The plans and regulations are intended to guide these private actions, and the state and municipal investments in infrastructure and public facilities are to support them. Except in the special case of redeveloping obsolete areas, government actions are not intended to replace private actions to determine how and when to invest in the use and development of specific parcels of land;

- the laws do not define the specific methodologies for planning or fix the content of plans, except with respect to broad categories of subject matter. These are technical issues, which the experts, local officials and citizens will work out. The laws anticipate that there will be disagreements; therefore, they provide procedures for coordination, mediation and public participation. The laws are not used to give one group of experts control over the planning process, excluding others;

the laws are not intended to fix the power relationship among sub- units of the government administrations. These are management issues. The responsibilities to carry out planning and regulatory tasks are given to the chief executor (governor, mayor) or to one or more ministers. They have the responsibility to organize (or reorganize) the subordinate units to accomplish the tasks most efficiently.

Задание 3. (1балл). Прочитайте и переведите на русский язык следующие словосочетания

Russian Code

technical process

bureaucratic organization

mandatory "expertization"

issues to be treated in sub-legislation

the spatial plan

density of settlement

land relation

a great variety of ways

broad principles of public participation

soil contamination

immovable and movable items

mortgage financing system


Задание № 4.(1 балл)Образуйте от данных слов антонимы при помощи отрицательных префиксов:


in-\ expensive, convenience, consistent, accessible

dis-: agree, comfort, vantage, agreement;

un-: changeable, questioned, repeatable, seasonable, satisfactorily, shadowed, transportable, touchable


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Тема: Исследования описания планирования в законах

Ход занятия

Задание 1. (1 балл)Составьте предложения из следующих слов


1. We, them, expect, to, this, do, work. 2. I, you, want, hard, to, work. 3. We, plan, development, them, work, saw, at, urban. 4. These, I, know, laws, applied, to be, means, all, the next, year by


Задание 2. (2 балла)Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Aristotle is said to have defined a City "as a place where men live a common life for a noble end". 2. It's difficult to prognose which laws is likely to prove the most efficient. 3. Systems of planning and regula­tion definition is said to be necessary for urban development purposes. 4. Every green plant is considered to be a "factory". 5. The legislation proved to be useful. 6. He is said to work at the Ministry. 7. This prob­lem is unlikely to be decided quickly. 8. He is Supposed to have gore to virgin lands. 9. The work proved to be useful. 10. This plan is consid­ered to be successfull.

Задание 3. (2 балла) Дайте названия следующим определениям

1. A binding rule or body of rules prescribed by a government to organize, designate and regulate land use within its domain through zoning laws, subdivision regulations, rent and sign controls, growth management and other measures designed to protect human health and ecological integrity.



2. is the prime source of civil law for the Russian Federation




1. a rule of conduct or action prescribed or formally recognized as binding or enforced by a controlling authority: as a: a command or provision enacted by a legislature





2. ownership of land; the state or fact of owning land. 2. A holding in the form of land; the land owned by a person




Должен знать: лексический (1200-1400 лексических единиц) и грамматический минимум, необходимый для чтения и перевода (со словарем) иностранных текстов профессиональной направленности.


Должен уметь: общаться (устно и письменно) на иностранном языке на профессиональные и повседневные темы; переводить (со словарем) иностранные тексты профессиональной направленности; самостоятельно совершенствовать устную и письменную речь, пополнять словарный запас.

Вывод по практической работе:

I can speak about...________________________________________________

I learned that...___________________________________________________

I`d like to learn more about...________________________________________



Тема: Изучение развития градостроительства в США. Рассмотрение городского развития в западных странах на основе текстов профессиональной направленности, визуального и аудиального сопровождения.

Ход занятия

Задание 1. (1 балл). Прочитайте и переведите

The UK "Cadastre"

The word cadastre is generally used to describe "a methodically arranged public inventory of data concerning properties, within a certain country or district, based upon a survey of their boundaries". There are numerous models however for its use and implementation throughout Europe. Taking the land parcel as its foundation, the cadastre is used to record information about land rights, valuation, land use, etc.

There is no UK Cadastre — the word cadastre is not one commonly used in the UK, where for historical reasons the development of land administration institutions has taken place in a different way from the rest of Europe. While mapping remains the basis for those activities considered as "cadastral", in the UK there is no single organization responsible for the cadastre.

Ordnance Survey, as a national mapping agency, maintains large scale mapping for England, Scotland, and Wales. In Northern Ireland this is the responsibility of Ordnance Survey Northern Ireland. The detailed digital mapping maintained by these two Government Agencies provides the definitive framework upon which other organizations can "hook" and manage their data. Another difference with most mainland European countries is that the base mapping in UK is topographic — it shows features that exist on the ground but not the fixed boundary points and monuments usually associated with a cadastre.

Ordnance Survey has made Great Britain one of the few countries in the world to have a complete digital national topographic database, including complete large scale data for all urban areas. Recently Ordnance Survey Northern Ireland has completed the UK picture with large scale digital data covering the entire province. Within Great Britain there is now widespread use of digital mapping across many user sectors, in one of the most developed markets in Europe.

Over the last twelve months Ordnance Survey has embarked on a number of projects under the umbrella of a new "e-Business strategy", the vision of which is: "Ordnance Survey and its partners will be the content provider of choice for location based information in the new knowledge economy". As a part of its new e-Business strategy, Ordnance Survey is developing its digital mapping products and services within a coherent infrastructure known as the Digital National Frame­work. A unique 16 digit topographic identifier is used for all points, lines, and areas, and provides a common link that will allow different data to reference the same feature allowing users to cross reference data in a way that should help to release the potential and value of their data.

The Nation Land Information Service (NLIS) is a part of the UK Government "modernizing government" initiative. It is a project being jointly developed by Her Majesty Land Registry (HMLR) and Local Government. It features private sector partners that provide access to a National Land and Property Gazeteer.

In conclusion, while there is no cadastre in the United Kingdom the activities normally considered to be a part of the cadastre on continental Europe are performed by a variety of agencies. Although the organizational frameworks are different, many of the issues facing UK institutions are similar to those faced by our colleagues involved in cadastre in other parts of Europe. There is a need to create coordination of efforts in a way described in the UK as "joined-up government" in order to maximize the efficiency of effort and to provide the best value and service to the citizen.


Задание 2. (2 балла). Найдите синонимы среди следующих слов:

Reason, need, best, maximize, purpose, necessity, excellent, link, similar, bind, increase, same


Задание 3. (2 балла). Ответьте на следующие вопросы по тексту:

1. Is there the UK cadastre? 2. Are there models of its use and im­plementation throughout Europe? 3. How many Government Agencies providing digital mapping are there in the UK? 4. What organization provides a wealth of free mapping on web site? 5. What is "e-business strategy"? 6. Can the Government Agencies "hook" and manage data? 7. May the providers use digital topographic identifier? 8. Must Na­tional Mapping Agency maintain large scale mapping for England, Scotland, and Wales?


Должен знать: лексический (1200-1400 лексических единиц) и грамматический минимум, необходимый для чтения и перевода (со словарем) иностранных текстов профессиональной направленности.

Должен уметь: общаться (устно и письменно) на иностранном языке на профессиональные и повседневные темы; переводить (со словарем) иностранные тексты профессиональной направленности; самостоятельно совершенствовать устную и письменную речь, пополнять словарный запас.

Подвести итоги:

Должен знать: Лексический (1200-1400 лексических единиц) и грамматический минимум, необходимый для чтения и перевода (со словарем) иностранных текстов профессиональной направленности.

Должен уметь: Общаться (устно и письменно) на иностранном языке на профессиональные и повседневные темы; переводить (со словарем) иностранные тексты профессиональной направленности; самостоятельно совершенствовать устную и письменную речь, пополнять словарный запас.

Подвести итоги:

I can speak about...________________________________________________

I learned that...___________________________________________________

I`d like to learn more about...________________________________________


Преподаватель:                                                               Колосова А.А.



Тема: Сравнение законов Российской Федерации о градостроительном кадастре

Ход занятия

Задание 1. (2балла).

Задание 2. (2 балла). Прочитайте и переведите

Comparison of the Laws of the Russian Federation

An important part of the planning and urban development laws of the "western" countries are provisions, which address the legal status of the plans in relation to governmental actions and private property owners.

There are very different fundamental aspects of both land relations and the concepts of planning and urban development in the Russian Federation laws. Some of the differences are the result of the situation of economic and legal transition — in particular the fact that private property rights have not yet been fully defined in the civil law and the "ownership" rights to most urban land parcels continue to remain in the state. The most important difference, however, appears to lie in the fundamental concept of land law and in the principles and structure of the Land Code.

Urban development laws and the land laws require consideration of the economic impacts on private owners of the planning procedures. In order to make them work in reality, the laws must deal also with the financial aspects of planning and urban development. In particular, these involve the problem of public finance. The planning and urban development laws must be linked to the laws on Municipal Self-Gov- ernment, Budgets or Government Finance. The urban development laws will require the addition of certain "extra" procedures, appropri­ate for the proper definition of urban uses.

Such a law would have to pay closer attention to the problems of disagreement among experts and bureaucratic units, which are inevita­ble and necessary. Stronger mechanisms of coordination, stronger pub­lic participation and accountability and the most important, a more clear responsibility for specific public officials — heads of administration — are needed to make decisions when their subordinate units disagree.

The existing urban development law is also silent on all the questions related to the power and procedures for buying out (expropriating) sites necessary for new transport routes, infrastructure and public facility sites. As a land reform progresses and more urban land parcels become fixed with ownership, leasehold and other land rights, the plan­ning issues impact on value and use of lands will increase and questions about when and whether compensation is required will arise.

There is no need for the Russian Federation to copy the "western" laws on Urban Development and planning, which relate to significantly different current situations of landholding, development and economic relations in urban areas. However, to be successful, the laws of the Russian Federation need to deal, in a practical way, with the problems presented by their unique fundamental system of integrated land rights and obligations.

Задание3. (1 балл).


Тема: Формирование монологической речи при помощи лексико-грамматических упражнений и тестов по теме: Градостроительство и знания основных законов.

Ход занятия

Задание 1. (1 балл). Переведите на английский язык


земельное право

тратить (расходовать) 

обрабатывать повторно


беспокоить (нарушать порядок)


правовой статус

гражданское законодательство

известный (пользующийся дурной славой)

недоставать (терпеть неудачу, обанкротиться)

правовая реформа

провал (неуспех, неудача)


частная собственность

земельный кодекс

частный владелец

пристальное внимание

Задание 2. (2 балла). Прочитайте и переведите текст

Urban planning problems

Urban systems are necessary built up from à network of subsystems” transportation being an example. These are tied together in various ways. The subsystems through which food, water, and materials move into à city, and the one through which mastes move out or are, hopefully, recycled, are obviously related to subsystems transportation and communication. Unlike natural systems, however where increasing complexity leads (or seems to lead) to greater stability, urban systems appear to have had the opposite tendency. Increasing size and complexity lead to greater fragility, that is, greater dangers of disruption from disturbance. Thus for example à for example a breakdown in the electrical power grid covering the north-eastern United States brought the city of New York to à total half in 1965, since there were no adequate buffering or compensating devices. Part of this vulnerability and the confusion in urban existence results from the failure in treating urban communalities. Part of it, however, - perhaps the most important part - is the result of excessive centralization of control and of power. In the first of these causes, it is too common for those concerned with one subsystem - and transportation is the notorious example - to work in isolation from аll other subsystems. Similarly, the work of the builders of suburban tracts community on transportation, sewage disposal, water supply, schools, and all of the other parts of the broader urban community to which the new tract will belong. It is the job of the metropolitan planners to be aware of these things, but many planners are not environmentally trained, and all are ruled by politicians, who often reflect special interest. Perhaps the greatest failure in urban planning and development is the tendency to get carried away by the technological game of building and developing and to forget that the city is intended to be the home for the human being. Thus the new and shiny housing developments intended to improve the lot of slum dwellers are commonly hated by those who are forces to live in them. They seldom function in the way the way the designers had intended. Studies of what the people concerned really want seldom precede the development of mass housing that people are then forces to accept. Studies of how people react to new towns and communities are rarely financed, since it is embarrassing to the developers and government officials to consider part failures. It is easier to go building tomorrow's failures.

Задание 3. (1 балл). Переведите на русский язык

urban systems, systems of transportation and communication, natural systems, opposite tendency, danger of disruption, excessive centralization notorious example, suburban tracts, sewage disposal, water supply, urban community, metropolitan planners.

Задание 4. (1 балл). Найдите 15 слов

1. Городской

2. Предполагать -

3. Позволять

4. подчиненный

5. застраховать -

6. отношение

7. обсуждение, обзор

8. имущество

9. развитие

10. закон

11. индивидуальный земельный участок

12. платить

13. ущерб

14. область

15. почва



u r b t y t r t r t m t r m
s b a n d w d m s b s w s y
t b h s b i n s u x b t x s
d q t q b s w s r t s w m b
r p b y a s s q e q r b s t
s e w s w s u r s s t s w q
t r m i t b m s w b s t m w
h s h w s s e r s m s w s h
t r a n t w h s r s r s q t
x s x s x r e l a q h m b x
s b t f w x b r t b t t y b
t d q e q t x z i q d z d z
z y z r t d t x o n s h i p
r z r y z y z r y d b z d z
m r e v t t y b w s h t r m
y t y i e w t y s q t w s y
s t y t r t r p m b x t x s
b l t m t r m r t y b w m b
t a b s w s y o p e d b s t
q n w l a w t m t r r s w q
w d r b s t b s w t s t m w
h w t m t r m r b y x w s h
d e b s w s y d t m t s q t
m v w p a y s a b s r m b x
y e l r b s b m a g e t y b
s w o p r b t t m t r z d z
s o w m e n t b s w s t r m
m i t m t r m t m t r w s y
y l r b a r e a r b s t x s

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