Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge, UK — КиберПедия 

История развития пистолетов-пулеметов: Предпосылкой для возникновения пистолетов-пулеметов послужила давняя тенденция тяготения винтовок...

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Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge, UK

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Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge, UK 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Department of Chemistry, part of the Faculty of Physical Sciences (University of Glasgow)

Department of Economics at the University of Essex

Applicants whose research interests are synergistic with the interests of the Department faculty…

Each of the University’s six faculties is comprised of a number of schools, some of which, in turn, are further divided into departments or divisions (The University of Nottingham)

Geography department/ the department of geography

Head of the Department of Education

Heads of the subdepartments of the Department of Chemistry

i ndividual Departments in the Faculty

Senior Lecturer at the University’s Department of Planning

The Department of Applied Economics (DAE) was part of the Faculty of Economics & Politics. (Uni-versity of Glasgow)

The Department of Architecture at the University of Cambridge, with our sister Department, History of Art, together making the Faculty of Architecture and History of Art

The Department of Psychology at Warwick is a member of the Science Faculty.

The Faculty of Mathematics has two constituent departments, the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics and the Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics (University of Cambridge)

The Faculty of Science comprises seven research-led departments: Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, Geography, Geology, Mathematics, Physics & Astronomy

The Physics Department is a member of the Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Division of the University of Oxford

The School of Mathematics of the University of Manchester has been created by merging two established and successful mathematics departments

The six departments that make up the Faculty of Social Sciences

University’s chemistry department

DEPARTURE n. отъезд; отход от

departure for + place

Departure from sth

DEPEND v. зависеть от; рассчитывать на(not in cont. tenses); see also dependent on sb/ sth; independent of sb/ sth

depend on + wh - word + clause; but in informal English: to depend (on) + wh - word + clause

depend on/ upon sb/ sth/ sb’s doing sth; wrong: to depend from sb/ sth

depend on/ upon sb/ sth to do sth рассчитывать/ надеяться, что…

it depends/ that depends/ it all depends как когда, когда как, смотря по обстоятельствам, смотря как, смотря когда, как сказать; смотря по тому (как)

dependence on sb/ sth n. зависимость от

dependent (for sth) on/ upon sb/ sth adj. зависимый (в чем-л.) от, зависящий; but: independent of sb/ sth; see also independent adj.

depending on sb/ sth PI (в функции обстоятельства) в зависимости от

depict   v. изображать, описывать (C. Subj. / C. Obj.)

depress   v. нажимать, давить на; понижать; ослаблять; подавлять

deprive sb of sth v. лишать кого-л. чего-л., отбирать; wrong: todeprive sb from sth

derive from sth v. получать; происходить из

DESCEND v. опускаться; происходить

descended from sb / sth adj.

DESCRIBE v. описывать, изображать(C. Subj. / C. Obj.)

describe sb/ sth as + adj. / n.

describe + wh - word + to do sth

Describe doing sth

Describe sb/ sth to sb

des ert ['dez] пустыня ¹ desert [di'zWt] покидать ¹ dessert [di'zWt] десерт

DESPITE  prep.

despite sth несмотря на, вопреки; but: in spite of sth

despite the fact that несмотря на то, что

DETAIL ['dJteIl] BrE / [dJ'teIl] Ame   n.  

in detail подробно

For further details

determine [dI'tWmIn] определять (C. Obj. / C. Subj.) – determination [dI"tWmI'neIS(q)n] – deterministic [dI"tWmI'nIstIk]

determined adj. 1) решительный, твердый, стойкий; 2) определенный; назначенный, установленный; обусловленный; оговоренный; точный

de ' velop   v. разрабатывать; развивать(ся)

develop a film / photos проявлять

de ' velopment   n. разработка; преобразование; разложение

devoted to sth / sb adj. 1) посвященный (какой-л. теме); 2) преданный, верный, нежный, любящий (кого-л.); 3) увлекающийся чем-л.; приверженный

DIE (died, died [daId] v. ¹ did [dId]); = умирать; останавливаться, глохнуть (о двигателе); but: dead adj. мертвый; death n. смерть

DIFFERENCE n. 1) различие; разница; разность; 2) differences pl n.     (= disagreements about sth) разногласия

DIFFERENT   adj. ¹ difficult; = другой, иной, отличный от, различный

Different from sb/ sth

different in sth (structure, origin, character, form, quality, relationship, colour)

differentiate sth with respect to x v. дифференцировать что-л по x

differentiation with respect to t n. дифференцирование по t

direct adj. ¹ direction ¹ направление; = прямой; непосредственный

v. направлять

dis - prefix (отрицательная приставка)

dis ' til(L) – "distil'lation

distribute [dIs'trIbju:t] – distribution ["dIstrI'bju:S(q)n]

DO (do/ does, did, done)   v. 1) do/ does/ did: в отр. (в позиции перед not) и вопр. (в позиции перед подлежащим) предложенияхвспомогательный глагол группы времен I ndefinite, на русский язык не переводится

2) do / does / did + bare i nf (в утв. предложениях) = “действительно/ все-таки/ же/ ведь + сказуемое

3)(в инверсии перед подлежащим повествовательного предложения) часто переводится только сказуемое

4) do / does / did / done (в большинстве остальных случаев) – полнозначный глагол (обычно переводится словом “делать”), либо do / does / didэто слово-заместитель, заменяющее ранее употреблённый глагол (переводится соответствующим глаголом или вообще не переводится)

do + action / activity: to dosth (aerobics, business with sb, the dishes, exercise, the flowers. one’s homework, the laundry, research, yoga // to do + (all) the / some / a little + -ing (acting, cooking, ironing, shopping, writing)]

do a degree in + subject (= to study for a degree)

do + city / famous place / country / area (in + period of time) infml (= to visit a place as a tourist)

do + distance / speed [= (of cars) 1) to travel a particular distance (to the gallon); 2) to travel at or reach a particular speed]

do + food (= to cook a particular type of food)

do + illegal drugs infml (=to use illegal drugs)

do + play / opera, etc. (= to perform or produce a particular play, an opera, show, etc.)

do + room / house / place infml (= to make things clean or to make a place tidy)

do away with sb / sth отменить; покончить; уничтожить, избавиться от

do research (= to carry outresearch)

do with = 1) could do with sth infml to need to use or have; 2) to be satisfied with sb/ sth (less than one hoped); 3) to have/ be to do with sth to have a connection with sth

do without (sth/ sb) = 1) to manage despite not having sth/ sb; to continue living or working without sth/ sb; R. обходиться без; 2) can/ could do without sth infml toprefer not to have sth (used for saying that sth is annoying you, causing problems for you or is of no benefit to you)

have/ be done // to get sth done (= to finish sth)

have nothing to do with sth/ sb не иметь ничего общего с

h ave to do with sth / sb иметь дело с, быть связанным с

How (are) you doing? spoken (used when you meet sb to ask them about their health or their general situation, how they are progressing or how successful they are)

sth will do (sb) (nicely) (used for saying that sth is enough or is suitable for a particular situation) достаточно; подойдет

sth will do as/ for sth (= to be suitable to be used as sth or be enough for sb/ sth)

that will do (= 1) used for telling sb, esp. a child, to stop talking or behaving badly; 2) said to mean that you do not want any more of sth)

What’s doing...? spoken (used to ask what is happening)

DOUBT n. сомнение

without doubt/ beyond doubt

v. сомневаться (not in cont. tenses)

doubt sth / it сомневаться в чем-л.

DOWN   adv. / prep. вниз

down to + value вплоть до

DOZEN num. / n. дюжина

a dozen/ two dozen/ three dozen, etc. + pl n.; wrong: a dozen/ two dozens of (eggs); but: dozens/ tens/ hundreds/ thousands/ millions/ billions of (books, students, etc.) n. дюжины/ десятки/ сотни / тысячи/ миллионы/ миллиарды (книг, студентов)

dozens (of things / people) infml = a lot of

' drama – dra'matically сильно

draught1 [dra:ft] n. ¹ drought ¹ засуха; = тяга; поток (воды); осадка (мор.); сквозняк

in a draught на сквозняке

draughts2 sing. n. + sing. v. шашки

DRAW (drew, drawn) v. чертить, рисовать; тянуть                                                   

draw a conclusion (from sth) приходить к заключению

draw on / upon sth основываться на, черпать из

dub v.

dub a film in + language (Russian / English, etc.) дублировать

dub sth / sb sth / sb называть что-л./ кого-л. (особым именем)

DUE adj. / prep.  

due to sth  должный; = из-за, вследствие; обусловленный 

be due (to do sth) (on/ in/ at + time) (of sth that is expected to happen or should happen) должен сделать что-л.

be due to sth происходить из-за; быть обусловленным тем, что

in due course/ time со временем, в свое время

adv. точно/ прямо на…

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