Практическая работа 7. Введение лексики по теме «Спорт». Работа с диалоговыми материалами . — КиберПедия 

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Практическая работа 7. Введение лексики по теме «Спорт». Работа с диалоговыми материалами .

2020-12-27 248
Практическая работа 7. Введение лексики по теме «Спорт». Работа с диалоговыми материалами . 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Active Words and Word Combinations

athlete ['ae01i:t] n спортсмен                                              participate участвовать

attempt [a'tempt] n попытка                                                     bowling ['baulirj] n боулинг physically fit в хорошей физической форме                     dozen [dxzn] n дюжина

energetic энергичный                                                          a pin [pm] n кегля

entertainment развлечение                                                  point [point] n очко

route for ['ru:t fo;] v болеть за                                             fan [faen] n болельщик

rule [ru:l] n правило                                                                  runway дорожка (в боулинге)

frame [freim] n рамка                                                           score [sko:] n счет

stadium ['steidiom] n стадион                                               try [trai] n попытка

handle ['haendl] v обращаться                                             “strike” [straik] «сбито»

keep record вести запись                                                    training centre спортивный центр

knock down['nok 'daun] v сбивать                                           major главный, значительный

winner победитель

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Stepan decided to have his birthday party at a new bowling club, and he invited Vlad and some other guys to come. Vlad has never played bowling and so he wants to ask his father about the rules of the game.

Vlad:Dad, have you ever been to the new bowling club that was opened in our city not long ago?

Father: Yes, of course, I have been there several times, and I must say that I enjoyed the quiet and friendly atmosphere there.

Vlad: So you say you like it, don’t you?

Father: I do. And why?

Vlad: Stepan has invited us to join him there for his birthday party.

Father: It is a very nice idea to have a birthday party in a place like that, isn’t it?

Vlad: But I am a little confused. I have never played bowling in my life. Frankly speaking, I have a very vague impression of what it is and how it is played.

Father: Ah, it is rather simple. You will understand everything after a couple of minutes watching the other people play.

Vlad: Could you give me some hints? I don’t want to look stupid.

Father: Well, certainly. Bowling is quite an old game. In fact, it is rather entertainment than sport. Everybody despite of the age and physical fitness can play it. Players roll balls along a runway called a lane, attempting to knock down ten pins.

Vlad: What is a runway?

Father: Well, it is a long path on which the balls are rolled. At the end of the path there are the pins, they form a triangle.The balls are rather heavy; you will choose the ball for yourself. Choosing a bowling ball is the first step toward successful bowling. You should select a ball that is easy to J handle. It should not be too heavy or light, and should feel comfortable and natural in the hand. Now to the game itself.

Vlad: As far as I understand, the task is to knock down the ten pins. Is it difficult?

Father: Rather, I must say. Each game has ten frames. At the beginning of each frame the player tries to hit all the ten pins. If one manages to do it, it is called “strike”, and it is very good. If one doesn’t, there is the second attempt. If all the pins are down after the second strike, it is called “spare”.

Vlad: And what if some pins are left?

Father: Then the frame is called “open” and the player gets only the amount of points equal to the amount of pins that fell.

Vlad: So, if I hit only one pin, I will have only one point.

Father: In this frame, yes.

Vlad: And if I have a “spare”?

Father: Then you will get ten points plus the amount of points that you get during the first strike in the next frame.

Vlad: For example, if I get a “spare” and knock down 3 pins in the next frame, I’ll get 13?

Father: Right. And if you have “strike”, you’ll get ten points plus the sum of two strikes in the next frame. The maximum possible score in a strike frame, therefore, is 30: the strike followed by two more strikes on subsequent throws (10 + 10 + 10 = 30).

Vlad: I must remember this.

Father: You needn’t. There is a computer calculating it for you. It keeps the records of the bowlers’ names, the frame, the number of pins knocked down with each ball, and the final score.

Vlad: Then can you give me any hints on how I must throw the ball?

Father: There are two holes in the ball so you will see how to throw it the best way. Bowling is the sport based on timing and coordination, so it is very difficult to explain how you should behave when playing. The only advice I’d give you is to relax and to watch other people playing.

Vlad: This makes sense. Thanks a lot, Dad, now I think I’ll feel more comfortable when playing.

Father: Have a nice time at the club tonight.

Практическая работа 8. Порядковые и количественные числительные. Обозначение дат. Дробные числа (простые и десятичные)

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