Part II: The Circulatory System. Respiration. — КиберПедия 

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Part II: The Circulatory System. Respiration.

2020-12-27 488
Part II: The Circulatory System. Respiration. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Read the text about the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of the human body. Find the passage which contains the description of the heart. Read and translate the passage.


 The cardiovascular system is the system of blood circulation. By the cardiovascular system we mean the heart, the arteries, the veins and the capillaries of the human body. The centre of the circulatory system is the heart. It lies in the thoracic cavity and has four chambers. The right heart consists of an upper chamber - the atrium or the auricle - and a lower chamber - ventricle. Between these two chambers is a one-way valve, the tricuspid valve. The left heart has two chambers, but the valve that separates them is called the mitral valve. The right heart receives blood (which is a red fluid) from the veins and pumps it into the lungs by way of the lesser circulatory system. In the lungs the blood receives oxygen. Then it moves into the left heart. From the left heart the well-oxygenated blood moves into a large artery, the aorta. The blood returns to the heart by means of the veins.

   Blood vessels that receive blood from the ventricle and lead it away from the heart and towards other organs are arteries. The arteries continue to divide and form smaller and smaller vessels and finally divide into capillaries. Gradually the capillaries begin to join into larger vessels - the veins. The pulmonary vein carries the freshly oxygenated blood to the left auricle. The pulmonary artery and the pulmonary vein make up the pulmonary circulation.

  The term “respiration” means the exchange of gases, which takes place between the living organism and the environment. It is the process by which the body cells and tissues make use of oxygen and carbon dioxide or the waste products of respiration are removed. Air is breathed through either the mouth or nose into oral cavity (pharynx). It then passes through the voice box (larynx) into the trachea. The trachea divides into two smaller tubes (bronchi), one is going to each lung. The bronchi divide into tiny passage-ways that are named bronchioles, which lead to air sacs (alveoli). The exchange of life-giving gases is effected through the walls of the alveoli.

   Inhaled air contains about 20 per cent oxygen and four hundredths of one per cent carbon dioxide. Exhaled air consists of approximately 16 per cent oxygen and 4 per cent carbon dioxide. Nitrogen, which makes up about 79 per cent of the atmosphere, is not involved in the breathing process. When the air is inhaled into the lungs, a portion of the oxygen is passing into the blood and is being circulated through the body. At the same time, carbon dioxide is being diffused of the blood into the lungs and exhaled.


Cardiovascular, blood circulation, pulmonary, artery, aorta, vein, capillaries, thoracic cavity, atrium/ auricle, ventricle, valve, to separate, tricuspid, mitral, to pomp, lung, to breathe, pharynx, larynx, oral cavity, trachea, bronchi, passage-way, bronchioles, inhale/ exhale, approximately. 


I.Translate from English

1. The heart makes 70-80 contractions a minute.

2. The veins are larger than capillaries.

3. The aorta is the largest artery which distributes the blood throughout the body.

4. The blood reaches the arteries, because of the contraction of the heart.

5. The walls of the arteries and veins are thicker than those of the capillaries.

6. There are no blood capillaries in certain parts of the body.

7. We call the valve that separates the chambers, the atrium and the ventricle, the mitral valve.

8. The heart is a hollow organ and has four chambers.

9. We call three major types of blood vessels arteries, veins and capillaries.

10. The heart pumps the blood into the lungs by circulatory system.

11. From the left heart the blood is pumped into the aorta.

12. Harvey collected ideas of the circulation of blood which until then had been studied but not confirmed by experiments.

13. When the left ventricle is contracting its contained blood is being forced into the aortic artery.

14. The total number of alveoli in the lung has been estimated as 750 millions.

15. Respiration is usually thought of as the mechanical process of breathing.

16. Air is breathed into the lungs 20 times a minute all our lives.

17. The lungs are built of alveoli and through the bronchi, larynx, pharynx, mouth cavity and nasal one they expire CO2 and inspire oxygen.

18. The term “respiration” means the exchange of gases.

19. The exchange of gases varies according to the size and activity of the organism.

20. The right lung that is slightly larger of the two is divided into three lobes.

21. It is possible to remove one lobe of the lung without any damage to the rest. 

II. Translate from Russian.

1. Сердечно-сосудистая система включает сердце, артерии, вены и капилляры.

2. Кровь возвращается к сердцу по венам.

3. Правая и левая части сердца состоят из двух камер: предсердия и желудочка.

4. При сокращении левого желудочка кровь проталкивается в аорту.

5. Стенки капилляров такие тонкие, что питательные вещества и кислород проходят через них в ткани.

6. Дыхание свойственно всему живому – как животным, так и растениям.

7. В процессе дыхания ткани поглощают кислород, а СО2 выводится из организма.

8. Воздух, который мы выдыхаем, содержит около 20% кислорода.

9. Бронхи делятся на мелкие воздухоносные пути, называемые бронхиолами.

10. Прекращение дыхания даже на несколько минут приводит к смерти.

11. Верхняя часть дыхательной системы служит для проведения воздуха и воспроизведения голоса, она состоит из носа, глотки, гортани, трахеи и бронхов.

III. Write down the parts

of the heart.

Describe the way of the   

blood through the heart.



IV. Speak about the large circulatory system. (Describe the process).

V. Speak about the way the air makes

 when gets inside our body.

Say how are parts

of the respiratory system called?

(numbers 1-4)


VI. Speak about the contents of inhaled and exhaled air.

VII. Make the summary of the text.


In the library


Student: Good morning.

Librarian: Good morning. Can I help you?

St.: Yes, please, I need a book about Harvey’s studies of the circulatory system.

L.: To my regret we don’t have any Harvey’s books but there are some with references to his research works. What for do you need the information about his works?

St.: You see we are going to have a seminar on the history of anatomy and I am to make a report about the studying of the cardiovascular system.

L.: Oh, I see. Then I can advise you to take a textbook for medical students. We have two such books. One is called “The History of Anatomy”. And the second has a title “The Circulatory System” and it contains some paragraphs connected with the studies in this field.

St.: Which of them would you advise me to take?

L.: It depends on how much time you have for delivering your report.

St.: It shouldn’t be too long. About ten or fifteen minutes, I suppose. You see the topic of my report is “The History of the Studies of the Cardiovascular System”. I thought that Harvey’s records would be more useful for preparing it.

L.: The matter is that the first book contains more information about Harvey’s studies, but not only in the circulatory system. And in the second one you’ll find more about the circulatory system and not so much about Harvey’s research but about other scientists as well.

St.: Oh, I see. Then I’ll take the second book as my report deals with the studies of the system in general, not Harvey’s only.

L.: As you wish. Tell me the number of your library card then…

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