Критерии оценивания творческих письменных работ (письма, сочинения, эссе). — КиберПедия 

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Критерии оценивания творческих письменных работ (письма, сочинения, эссе).

2020-12-27 116
Критерии оценивания творческих письменных работ (письма, сочинения, эссе). 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Г. Иностранный язык

Тема урока: Россия в фокусе. Исследование России. Ознакомительное чтение. Написание эссе по теме «Города России, которые я посетил».



- развивать ознакомительное чтение по теме «Города России, совершенствовать навыки письменной речи в написании эссе-рассуждения.

1. Read and translate the texts about the cities of Russia. Write out the descriptive adjectives.



Moscow is the capital and most populous city of Russia with 12.6 million residents (2019).

Moscow is the major political, economic, cultural, and scientific center of Russia and Eastern Europe, as well as the largest city (both by population and by area) entirely on the European continent.

Saint Petersburg is Russia's second-largest city after Moscow with 5.4 million inhabitants in 2019. Situated on the Neva River, it was founded by Tsar Peter the Great in 1703. Saint Petersburg is often considered Russia's cultural capital.

Novosibirsk is the third-most populous city in Russia, after Moscow and St. Petersburg. It is the most populous city in Asian Russia, with a population of 1.6 million inhabitants (2018). It occupies an area of 502.1 square kilometres.

Yekaterinburg is the fourth-largest city in Russia, located on the Iset River, in the middle of the Eurasian continent, on the Asian side of the boundary between Asia and Europe. In 2018, it had an estimated population of 1.5 million.

Nizhny Novgorod is the administrative center of Volga Federal District and Nizhny Novgorod Oblast. From 1932 to 1990, it was known as Gorky after the writer Maxim Gorky, who was born there.


The city is an important economic, transportation, scientific, educational and cultural center in Russia, and is the main center of river tourism in Russia.

Kazan is the capital and largest city of the Republic of Tatarstan. It is the sixth most populous city in Russia. Kazan is one of the largest economic, political, scientific, educational, cultural and sports centers in Russia.


Kazan lies at the confluence of the Volga and Kazanka Rivers in European Russia, about 715 kilometres from Moscow.

Rostov-on-Don is the administrative centre of Rostov Oblast and the Southern Federal District of Russia. It lies in the southeastern part of the East European Plain on the Don River. The population is over one million people (2018).

Sochi is a city located on the Black Sea coast. Sochi hosted the XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games in 2014. It was also one of the host cities for the 2018 FIFA World Cup.



The second largest city of our country after Moscow is Saint Petersburg. It is often called the second, cultural or northern capital of Russia. Its population is three times less – about 5 million people. Although St. Petersburg is relatively young (just 300 years old), it has a rich history. Its name had been changed several times – from Petersburg to Petrograd, from Petrograd to Leningrad, and then back to Petersburg. Here, in 1917, the October Socialist Revolution began. And just after World War II, in 1945, Leningrad was awarded the title of a Hero City for heroism of its citizens during the Siege, which had lasted 872 days and was recognized one of the greatest tragedies of this war. Today Saint Petersburg is renowned for a large number of different kinds of museums, art galleries, cultural and historical monuments. It has an internationally recognized status of a cultural center of global importance.

The Siberian city of Novosibirsk ranks third. By historical standards, it is very young – a trifle over 100 years. Just imagine: for just one century it has grown from a small town to a city with a million-plus population. And this is despite a severe Siberian climate! Today Novosibirsk with its population of over 1.5 million people, due to its well-developed infrastructure and advantageous geographical position is often called the capital of Siberia. Indeed, it is a trade, transport, business, industrial and scientific center of this largest region of Russia.

The fourth in Russia is Yekaterinburg, which is a center of the Ural region. It is one of the principal transport hubs of the Russian Federation, as well as a large industrial center. It was founded in the early 18th century by an order of Peter the Great. During the Civil War it used to be a center of the White Guard movement. And immediately before that the last Russian Tsar Nicolay II with his family was killed there. Now Yekaterinburg is a modern city with high living standards. Its population is about 1.4 million people. Offices of large transnational corporations, banks, transport hubs and business centers are concentrated here.

Finally, Nizhny Novgorod rounds out the top five. This beautiful ancient city with the population of 1.3 million people is spread out on the Volga River in the centre of the country. It is a center of the Volga Federal District. It is one of the ancient Russian cities founded in the 13th century. It's no wonder that there are a lot of sights and cultural monuments. For example, Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin is a unique ancient fortress, which throughout its existence has never been seized by enemies. In the old part of the city there are a lot of other items of interest, ancient buildings and monuments. At the same time, a “new” Nizhny Novgorod is a modern megalopolis with a lot of trade, entertainment, business, educational and scientific centers.


Домашнее задание. Напишите эссе о том, какие из представленных городов вы хотели посетить и почему. Объём высказываний: 120-140 слов.

Схема структуры эссе:

A successful opinion essay should have:


  • an introductory paragraph in which you state the topic and your opinion. You should replace words or word combinations with a number of items associated with the topic.


  • a main body which consist of three paragraphs.

- The paragraph in which you present your two arguments supported by examples.

- The paragraph giving the opposing viewpoint and reasons.

- The paragraph explaining why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion.


  • a conclusion in which you restate your opinion using different words.


Linking words should be used throughout your composition.


Критерии оценивания

    ка                                 1.Содержание: 2.Структура и   3. Лексика 4. Грамматика 5. Орфография и       логика       пунктуация   «5» Коммуникативная Высказывание   Лексика Использованы Соблюдены     задача решена логично,   соответствует разнообразные правила     полностью, использованы   поставленной грамматические пунктуации:     стилистическое средства   коммуникативной конструкции в предложения     оформление речи логической   задаче, соответствии с начинаются с     выбрано связи,   используется в поставленной заглавной буквы,    

правильно с

соблюден   достаточном коммуникативной в конце    



объеме согласно

задачей и



учётом цели






стоит точка,




и текст


данного года

данного года


      поделен на обучения. обучения языку. или  
      абзацы.   Грамматические восклицательный  
      Структур-   ошибки либо знак.  
      ное   отсутствуют, Используются  
      оформление   либо допускается точки в  
      работы   наличие ошибок, сокращениях  


  которые не

слов (etc., i.е.,




вует нормам,


e.g., Prof., Nov.,






U.K., В.С., Ave.),




нятым в








апостроф, дефис,

        (допускается 1  
      изучаемого   грубая или до 3х тире, двоеточие,  
      языка   негрубых точка с запятой,  
          ошибок). кавычки в  
            соответствии с  
            правилами и  
            (допускается до  

Г. Иностранный язык

Тема урока: Россия в фокусе. Исследование России. Ознакомительное чтение. Написание эссе по теме «Города России, которые я посетил».



- развивать ознакомительное чтение по теме «Города России, совершенствовать навыки письменной речи в написании эссе-рассуждения.

1. Read and translate the texts about the cities of Russia. Write out the descriptive adjectives.



Moscow is the capital and most populous city of Russia with 12.6 million residents (2019).

Moscow is the major political, economic, cultural, and scientific center of Russia and Eastern Europe, as well as the largest city (both by population and by area) entirely on the European continent.

Saint Petersburg is Russia's second-largest city after Moscow with 5.4 million inhabitants in 2019. Situated on the Neva River, it was founded by Tsar Peter the Great in 1703. Saint Petersburg is often considered Russia's cultural capital.

Novosibirsk is the third-most populous city in Russia, after Moscow and St. Petersburg. It is the most populous city in Asian Russia, with a population of 1.6 million inhabitants (2018). It occupies an area of 502.1 square kilometres.

Yekaterinburg is the fourth-largest city in Russia, located on the Iset River, in the middle of the Eurasian continent, on the Asian side of the boundary between Asia and Europe. In 2018, it had an estimated population of 1.5 million.

Nizhny Novgorod is the administrative center of Volga Federal District and Nizhny Novgorod Oblast. From 1932 to 1990, it was known as Gorky after the writer Maxim Gorky, who was born there.


The city is an important economic, transportation, scientific, educational and cultural center in Russia, and is the main center of river tourism in Russia.

Kazan is the capital and largest city of the Republic of Tatarstan. It is the sixth most populous city in Russia. Kazan is one of the largest economic, political, scientific, educational, cultural and sports centers in Russia.


Kazan lies at the confluence of the Volga and Kazanka Rivers in European Russia, about 715 kilometres from Moscow.

Rostov-on-Don is the administrative centre of Rostov Oblast and the Southern Federal District of Russia. It lies in the southeastern part of the East European Plain on the Don River. The population is over one million people (2018).

Sochi is a city located on the Black Sea coast. Sochi hosted the XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games in 2014. It was also one of the host cities for the 2018 FIFA World Cup.



The second largest city of our country after Moscow is Saint Petersburg. It is often called the second, cultural or northern capital of Russia. Its population is three times less – about 5 million people. Although St. Petersburg is relatively young (just 300 years old), it has a rich history. Its name had been changed several times – from Petersburg to Petrograd, from Petrograd to Leningrad, and then back to Petersburg. Here, in 1917, the October Socialist Revolution began. And just after World War II, in 1945, Leningrad was awarded the title of a Hero City for heroism of its citizens during the Siege, which had lasted 872 days and was recognized one of the greatest tragedies of this war. Today Saint Petersburg is renowned for a large number of different kinds of museums, art galleries, cultural and historical monuments. It has an internationally recognized status of a cultural center of global importance.

The Siberian city of Novosibirsk ranks third. By historical standards, it is very young – a trifle over 100 years. Just imagine: for just one century it has grown from a small town to a city with a million-plus population. And this is despite a severe Siberian climate! Today Novosibirsk with its population of over 1.5 million people, due to its well-developed infrastructure and advantageous geographical position is often called the capital of Siberia. Indeed, it is a trade, transport, business, industrial and scientific center of this largest region of Russia.

The fourth in Russia is Yekaterinburg, which is a center of the Ural region. It is one of the principal transport hubs of the Russian Federation, as well as a large industrial center. It was founded in the early 18th century by an order of Peter the Great. During the Civil War it used to be a center of the White Guard movement. And immediately before that the last Russian Tsar Nicolay II with his family was killed there. Now Yekaterinburg is a modern city with high living standards. Its population is about 1.4 million people. Offices of large transnational corporations, banks, transport hubs and business centers are concentrated here.

Finally, Nizhny Novgorod rounds out the top five. This beautiful ancient city with the population of 1.3 million people is spread out on the Volga River in the centre of the country. It is a center of the Volga Federal District. It is one of the ancient Russian cities founded in the 13th century. It's no wonder that there are a lot of sights and cultural monuments. For example, Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin is a unique ancient fortress, which throughout its existence has never been seized by enemies. In the old part of the city there are a lot of other items of interest, ancient buildings and monuments. At the same time, a “new” Nizhny Novgorod is a modern megalopolis with a lot of trade, entertainment, business, educational and scientific centers.


Домашнее задание. Напишите эссе о том, какие из представленных городов вы хотели посетить и почему. Объём высказываний: 120-140 слов.

Схема структуры эссе:

A successful opinion essay should have:


  • an introductory paragraph in which you state the topic and your opinion. You should replace words or word combinations with a number of items associated with the topic.


  • a main body which consist of three paragraphs.

- The paragraph in which you present your two arguments supported by examples.

- The paragraph giving the opposing viewpoint and reasons.

- The paragraph explaining why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion.


  • a conclusion in which you restate your opinion using different words.


Linking words should be used throughout your composition.


Критерии оценивания творческих письменных работ (письма, сочинения, эссе).




Критерии оценивания

  1.Содержание: 2.Структура и   3. Лексика 4. Грамматика 5. Орфография и  
    логика       пунктуация  
«5» Коммуникативная Высказывание   Лексика Использованы Соблюдены  
  задача решена логично,   соответствует разнообразные правила  
  полностью, использованы   поставленной грамматические пунктуации:  
  стилистическое средства   коммуникативной конструкции в предложения  
  оформление речи логической   задаче, соответствии с начинаются с  
  выбрано связи,   используется в поставленной заглавной буквы,  

правильно с

соблюден   достаточном коммуникативной в конце  



объеме согласно

задачей и



учётом цели






стоит точка,




и текст


данного года

данного года



      поделен на обучения. обучения языку. или  
      абзацы.   Грамматические восклицательный  
      Структур-   ошибки либо знак.  
      ное   отсутствуют, Используются  
      оформление   либо допускается точки в  
      работы   наличие ошибок, сокращениях  


  которые не

слов (etc., i.е.,




вует нормам,


e.g., Prof., Nov.,






U.K., В.С., Ave.),




нятым в








апостроф, дефис,

        (допускается 1  
      изучаемого   грубая или до 3х тире, двоеточие,  
      языка   негрубых точка с запятой,  
          ошибок). кавычки в  
            соответствии с  
            правилами и  
            (допускается до  

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