Find synonyms or words (word-combinations) close in meaning. — КиберПедия 

Автоматическое растормаживание колес: Тормозные устройства колес предназначены для уменьше­ния длины пробега и улучшения маневрирования ВС при...

История развития хранилищ для нефти: Первые склады нефти появились в XVII веке. Они представляли собой землянные ямы-амбара глубиной 4…5 м...

Find synonyms or words (word-combinations) close in meaning.

2020-12-27 113
Find synonyms or words (word-combinations) close in meaning. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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A: acknowledged; attend; become a member of; contemporary; decide; drop out; dull; fail; development; get ready for; idea; industrious; play truant; recall; repeat smth; teach; thesis; qualified teacher.

B: accepted; be present at; be unsuccessful; certified teacher; cut classes; concept; dissertation; get expelled; hard-working; join; make up one's mind; prepare for smth; progress; remember; say smth again; teach;  train; modern; monotonous.



Use a dictionary to find equivalent meanings in American (A) and British (B) English.


A: alumnus; dormitory (dorm); freshman; grade; instructor; major (subject); principal; high school; sophomore; senior student; semester; fall semester.

B: graduate; hall of residence (hostel); headmaster; mark; first-year student; fourth-year student; second-year student; main subject; secondary school; teacher; autumn term; term. 


Give the Russian equivalents for the following derivatives.

1. educate (v), education (n), educator (n), educated (adj), educational (adj). 2. examine (v), examination (n), examinee (n), examiner (n), examinational (adj). 3. know (v), knowing (adj), knowingly (adv). 4. learn (v), learner (n), learning (n), learned (adj). 5. practise (v), practice (n), practicability (n), practician (n), practical (adj), practically (adv). 6. read (v), readable (adj), readability (n). 7. science (n), scientist (n), scientific (adj), scientifically (adv). 8. teacher (n), teachability (n), teachable (adj). 9. train (n,v), trainer (n), trainee (n), training (n), trained (adj). 10. use (n,v), user (n), uselessness (n),  useful (adj), usable (adj), usefully (adv), uselessly (adv). 



Choose the correct word.


1. What do they (study, teach) you there? 2. He (learns, studies) for a degree. 3. Does your son (go, study) to college? 4. The (audience, auditorium) listened to the lecturer with great interest. 5. Why did you (fail, fall) in the examination? 6. When were you (admitted, allowed) to the University? 7. You shouldn't stay away without a good (cause, course). 8. Do you (attend, visit) classes regularly? 9. The students (noted down, pointed out) every word the lecturer said. 10. We are having an interesting (object, subject) of conversation. 11. Students (go out of, keep in) mind a lot of different things. 12. Stop talking! I can’t (hear, listen to) what she’s saying. 13. I (repeat, revise) that I cannot undertake the task. 14. Prof. Smith is unwell. Let’s go to the dean’s office and (find out, learn) if we are going to have a lecture tomorrow. 15. My English teacher says I should buy a new (dictionary, vocabulary). 16. Mr. Johnson is to (do, make) an opening speech at the conference. 17. They were glad to (know, learn) about his success. 18. I’m not going out tonight. I’ve got a lot of (repetition, revision) for my English exam. 19. She wants to do (examination, research) in Ancient languages. 20. In her final year she decided to (study, take) French and Economics.

8. Fill in the missing preposition.


1. She has applied … a scholarship. 2. My friend is going to take a course... Modern Linguistics next year. 3. How many students were admitted … the University last year? 4. Every student can choose the lectures he or she likes … the list showing all the lectures being given … the term. 5. He is very good … all the subjects they are doing … the University. 6. Why did he fail … the examination? 7. When are you going to have your examination … Maths? 8. I'm reading … my Conversation lesson. 9. When will you graduate … the University? 10. I can’t understand this rule. Please, explain it … me. 11. Do this exercise … writing. 12. How long is it … the bell? 13. Go … the Dean's office … the break. 14. May I leave the classroom … a minute? 15. Why did you choose to go … teaching? 16. Have you read anything … the original?17. She made a very good report … Shakespeare’s drama … the end … the term. 18. …addition … tuition fees students have to pay … meals.          


(at; at; at; before; during; during; for; for; for; for; from; from; in; in; in; in; in; in; into; of; on; to; to; to; to)   


    9. Fill in the articles where necessary.

Many British students take 1… “time off” (usually 2… year) before going into 3… higher education. During this time they may work in 4… industry or travel around 5… Europe or 6… world. Most of  18 and 19 year-olds in Britain are fairly independent people, and when 7…  time comes to pick 8… college or university they usually choose one as far away from 9… home as possible! Many students in 10… northern and Scottish universities come from 11… south of England and vice versa. It is very unusual for 12… university students to live at 13… home, so, 14… most students live away from 15… home, in 16… shared flats or 17… halls of residence. Although parents may be 18… little sad to see this happen, they usually approve of 19… move (зд. переезд), and see it as 20… necessary part of becoming 21… adult.



10. Translate the following sentences into English using your active vocabulary.


1. В прошлом году он сдал вступительные экзамены и был зачислен на факультет английского языка. 2. Я изучаю английский язык уже несколько лет, и все же не могу пока говорить на нем свободно. 3. Oн читает книги на английском в оригинале. 4. Какой предмет вы преподаете? - Я преподаю стилистику студентам третьего курса. 5. Для студентов дневного отделения посещение занятий и лекций обязательно. 6. Этот студент занимается научным исследованием в области фонетики. 7. Вчера у нас отменили лекцию по психологии. 8. Хороший учитель должен уметь поддерживать дисциплину в классе. 9. Какие факультативные курсы (предметы) имеются на факультете? 10. К сожалению, он не сдал несколько экзаменов и его отчислили. 11. Не забудь, завтра у нас лекция по современной английской литературе. 12. Сейчас занятия у нас ведутся стажером (практикантом). 13. В школе ему хорошо давались гуманитарные науки, особенно литература и история. 14. На нашем факультете работают высококвалифицированные преподаватели.




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