For example, state Vermont is the top travel destination in the US. Just check out these photos and you will understand. Would you like to go there? — КиберПедия 

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For example, state Vermont is the top travel destination in the US. Just check out these photos and you will understand. Would you like to go there?

2020-12-27 138
For example, state Vermont is the top travel destination in the US. Just check out these photos and you will understand. Would you like to go there? 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Activity 2. About autumn/fall




Activity 2. Answer the questions

What three things do you associate with autumn? Why? (pictures can help)

Do you enjoy autumn colors?

Do you have any autumn colors in your wardrobe? in home décor?

What words come to your mind when you think about autumn?

What do you usually do in autumn that you don’t do in other seasons? What are you looking forward to most about autumn?

Do you like autumn food? What is your favorite dish or drink? Are there any special dishes you enjoy eating only in autumn?

What is your favorite autumn holiday? Why?

Do you like autumn weather? Why? Were you lucky with the weather this year? What is the weather like in your hometown in autumn?

What is your city like in autumn? Do you like taking pictures of the fall? Do you usually search for such places in the photos and arrange photoshoots when the leaves change?

Where`s the best place to watch the leaves change color where you live?

Talk about a good memory you had in autumn.

Do you try to enjoy every moment outside?

Some people feel blue during fall season. What about you? Do you feel more gloomy or depressed during this season? or more comforting? Why do people feel blue?

What can help to beat the autumn blues?

• Be a morning person

• Sort out your sleep pattern and stick to a routine

• Try laughter therapy

• Work out

• Let nature do the work

• Eat more seasonal food

• Try meditation

• Set up a goal

• Take a break

• Yours?

What tips are you ready to take? already follow? want to ignore?

(We can develop this topic for Advanced students, see doc beat fall blues)


As I have visited and lived in the US for a long time, I would like to share with you some interesting facts about American traditions. These facts I personally love and admire!

Fact 1. Americans pay particular attention to this season. I have never seen more decor for other seasons that they have for fall. And they have a special point about it, they really love this season and they are really fascinated by it. These are some of the fall themed things they say they are excited about:

cozy sweaters/knits, cozy blankets, cooler weather, foggy mornings, falling leaves, golden season, bright foliage, hot chocolate, marshmallows, cinnamon, bonfires, pumpkin candle, pumpkin everything, apple picking, Halloween, Thanksgiving

They have it everywhere in home décor, in notices, pictures, posts, etc.

Fact 2. Autumn in US variant = fall. It is believed that autumn is only a British, and fall is only an American word and used only in the US. That’s partly true and partly not. It’s very popular to use in trailers, but in everyday day life two options are wide-spread (and as you can see from home décor pictures).


Fact 3. In the US, they associate fall season with Harry potter movie marathon. They like to get together with friends and family and enjoy watching these movies again and again. Or watch a Disney or any spooky film.

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