To rise is to move from a lower position to a higher one. The sun ha s just risen. — КиберПедия 

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To rise is to move from a lower position to a higher one. The sun ha s just risen.

2020-12-27 149
To rise is to move from a lower position to a higher one. The sun ha s just risen. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Phrasal verbs break out — to start suddenly  bring about — to cause sth to happen cut down on — to use or do less of sth do without — to manage without  give off—to emit face up to — to accept (an unpleasant fact, reality) and deal with it make up for — to make a situation better, to compensate put up with — to tolerate, to endure run out of sth — to have no more of sth left work out — find a solution to sth by thinking or talking  

Phrases and collocations

biodegradable packaging Our goods are produced in a natural and totally biodegradable packaging

 breeds of (domestic) animals What breed is you dog? — It's a collie.

 climate pattern Tropical rainforests regulate global climate patterns.

favourable climatic conditions The favourable climatic conditions of this area are suitable for apricot cultivation.

to eliminate war/poverty/ chemical weapons Economic growth does not always eliminate poverty.

to have a positive/negative effect on sth Gardening has a positive effect on people’s health.

to raise money/funds The funds raised will help corner endangered meadowlands.

Word formation

aware awareness, unaware to inhabit habitat, inhabitant to save safe, safety, unsafe









to endanger,



human humanity, humane, humanism, humanitarian, inhuman   tо emit emission hazard hazardous to starve starvation New to renew, renewable, non-renewable, renewal to pollute pollution, polluted, pollutant environment environmental, environmentalist, environmentally to surround surroundings to survive survival, survivor threat to threaten, threatened, threatening globe global(ly), globalization, to globalize, globetrotter wild wildly, wildlife, wilderness poor poorly, poverty, to impoverish


Nouns a) Ecology

biodegradable packaging биологически разлагаемая упаковка
biodiversity биологическое разнообразие
bottle bank «банк бутылок» (контейнер для использованных бутылок, стеклянных банок)
conservation охрана природы
ecosystem экосистема
food chain пищевая цепь
fossil fuel ископаемое топливо
incinerator Мусоросжигательная печь
natural habitat естественная среда обитания
nature reserve заповедник
ozone layer озоновый слой
rainforest тропический лес; влажные джунгли
raw materials сырье
recycling переработка отходов (для повт. использования)

b) Environmental problems

acid rain КИСЛОТНЫЙ дождь
carbon dioxide углекислый газ
chemical discharge слив, сток химических отходов
deforestation уничтожение лесов, вырубка леса
ecological disaster Экологическая катастрофа
endangered species исчезающий вид
exhaust gases/fumes выхлопные газы
fertilizer удобрение
garbage мусор, отходы
global warming глобальное потепление
greenhouse effect парниковый эффект
monoculture монокультура, отсутствие севооборота
nuclear/industrial/ waste ядерные/промышленные отходы/нечистоты
oil spill разли в нефти (на поверхности воды)
overpopulation перенаселенность
pesticide пестицид,
pollution = contamination загрязнение
sewage сточные воды, нечистоты
smog смог, густой туман с дымом и копотью


to be alternative to stb быть альтернативой чему-либо
to be aware /conscious of sth осознавать что-либо
to ban sb from sth запрещать к -л что-либо, находиться г-л
to be exposed to sth подвергаться чему-либо
to benefit from sth извлекать из чего-либо пользу, выгоду
to die of sth умереть от чего-либо
to deprive of sth лишать чего-либо
to lead to sth вести к чему-либо
to put in sth (money, effort) вкладывать (деньги, усилия, годы работы)
to result in sth иметь следствием что- либо
to result from sth являться результатом чего-либо
to threaten with sth угрожать чем-либо
environmentally friendly не наносящий ущерб окружающей среде
extinct вымерший, исчезнувший
limited ограниченный
poisonous ядовитый
rare редкий
solar солнечный


to absorb впитывать, поглощать to ban= to prohibit запрещать to contaminate (= to pollute загрязнять to deplete истощать, исчерпывать (запасы, ресурсы) to dump сбрасывать, сваливать, разгружать to emit= to release выделять (свет, тепло, запах), выбрасывать to threaten = to menace угрожать

Word patterns

in captivity в неволе on a farm на ферме reason for причина чего-либо to affect sth влиять на что-либо

Confusing words

spilt разлив shortage нехватка
spread распространение reduce Сократить
flood наводнение decrease уменьшиться
litter мусор consequence последствие
rubbish мусор, отходы drought засуха
waste отходы draught Сквозняк
starvation голодание draft Чертеж
famine голод raise поднимать
malnutrition плохое (недост) питание arise Возникать
lack Нехватка, отсутствие rise подниматься

Confusing words

Spill / spread / flood

To spill is to cause or allow (liquid) to flow over the edge of its container. especially unintentionally. 70,000 tonnes of oil spilled from a tanker.

Tо spread is to extend over a large or increasing area. Nuclear contamination from Japan has spread to some US states.

Tо flood is to make or become covered with water. The dam burst,flooding a small town.

Litter / rubbish / waste

Rubbish is unwanted things or waste material. Our rubbish is taken away   twice a week.

Litter is rubbish such as paper, tins, and bottles left lying in an open or public place. Always clear up after a picnic and never drop litter

Waste is unwanted or unusable material, substances, or by-products. The disposal of hazardous industrial waste is strictly monitored by the government.

Raise / rise / arise

To raise is to lift or move to a higher position or level. The aim of the campaign was to raise awareness of environmental issues.

Lack / shortage

Lack is deficiency or absence. Lack of rainfall caused severe drоught in the country.

 Shortage is a deficiency in amount, an insufficiency. Vietnam is suffering from food shortage.

Reduce / decrease

To reduce- is to make smaller in quantity or size. To reduce household waste just change your shopping habits.

To decrease is to become smaller in quantity or size. The population of the area has decreased radically.

Drought / draught / draft

A drought is a long period of abnormally low rainfall. Farmers are  affected by the drought.

A draught is a current of cool air in a room or other confined space. Don't sit in a draught!

A draft is a plan, sketch, or drawing of something..


Phrasal verbs break out — to start suddenly  bring about — to cause sth to happen cut down on — to use or do less of sth do without — to manage without  give off—to emit face up to — to accept (an unpleasant fact, reality) and deal with it make up for — to make a situation better, to compensate put up with — to tolerate, to endure run out of sth — to have no more of sth left work out — find a solution to sth by thinking or talking  

Phrases and collocations

biodegradable packaging Our goods are produced in a natural and totally biodegradable packaging

 breeds of (domestic) animals What breed is you dog? — It's a collie.

 climate pattern Tropical rainforests regulate global climate patterns.

favourable climatic conditions The favourable climatic conditions of this area are suitable for apricot cultivation.

to eliminate war/poverty/ chemical weapons Economic growth does not always eliminate poverty.

to have a positive/negative effect on sth Gardening has a positive effect on people’s health.

to raise money/funds The funds raised will help corner endangered meadowlands.

Word formation

aware awareness, unaware to inhabit habitat, inhabitant to save safe, safety, unsafe









to endanger,



human humanity, humane, humanism, humanitarian, inhuman   tо emit emission hazard hazardous to starve starvation New to renew, renewable, non-renewable, renewal to pollute pollution, polluted, pollutant environment environmental, environmentalist, environmentally to surround surroundings to survive survival, survivor threat to threaten, threatened, threatening globe global(ly), globalization, to globalize, globetrotter wild wildly, wildlife, wilderness poor poorly, poverty, to impoverish


Nouns a) Ecology

biodegradable packaging биологически разлагаемая упаковка
biodiversity биологическое разнообразие
bottle bank «банк бутылок» (контейнер для использованных бутылок, стеклянных банок)
conservation охрана природы
ecosystem экосистема
food chain пищевая цепь
fossil fuel ископаемое топливо
incinerator Мусоросжигательная печь
natural habitat естественная среда обитания
nature reserve заповедник
ozone layer озоновый слой
rainforest тропический лес; влажные джунгли
raw materials сырье
recycling переработка отходов (для повт. использования)

b) Environmental problems

acid rain КИСЛОТНЫЙ дождь
carbon dioxide углекислый газ
chemical discharge слив, сток химических отходов
deforestation уничтожение лесов, вырубка леса
ecological disaster Экологическая катастрофа
endangered species исчезающий вид
exhaust gases/fumes выхлопные газы
fertilizer удобрение
garbage мусор, отходы
global warming глобальное потепление
greenhouse effect парниковый эффект
monoculture монокультура, отсутствие севооборота
nuclear/industrial/ waste ядерные/промышленные отходы/нечистоты
oil spill разли в нефти (на поверхности воды)
overpopulation перенаселенность
pesticide пестицид,
pollution = contamination загрязнение
sewage сточные воды, нечистоты
smog смог, густой туман с дымом и копотью


to be alternative to stb быть альтернативой чему-либо
to be aware /conscious of sth осознавать что-либо
to ban sb from sth запрещать к -л что-либо, находиться г-л
to be exposed to sth подвергаться чему-либо
to benefit from sth извлекать из чего-либо пользу, выгоду
to die of sth умереть от чего-либо
to deprive of sth лишать чего-либо
to lead to sth вести к чему-либо
to put in sth (money, effort) вкладывать (деньги, усилия, годы работы)
to result in sth иметь следствием что- либо
to result from sth являться результатом чего-либо
to threaten with sth угрожать чем-либо
environmentally friendly не наносящий ущерб окружающей среде
extinct вымерший, исчезнувший
limited ограниченный
poisonous ядовитый
rare редкий
solar солнечный


to absorb впитывать, поглощать to ban= to prohibit запрещать to contaminate (= to pollute загрязнять to deplete истощать, исчерпывать (запасы, ресурсы) to dump сбрасывать, сваливать, разгружать to emit= to release выделять (свет, тепло, запах), выбрасывать to threaten = to menace угрожать

Word patterns

in captivity в неволе on a farm на ферме reason for причина чего-либо to affect sth влиять на что-либо

Confusing words

spilt разлив shortage нехватка
spread распространение reduce Сократить
flood наводнение decrease уменьшиться
litter мусор consequence последствие
rubbish мусор, отходы drought засуха
waste отходы draught Сквозняк
starvation голодание draft Чертеж
famine голод raise поднимать
malnutrition плохое (недост) питание arise Возникать
lack Нехватка, отсутствие rise подниматься

Confusing words

Spill / spread / flood

To spill is to cause or allow (liquid) to flow over the edge of its container. especially unintentionally. 70,000 tonnes of oil spilled from a tanker.

Tо spread is to extend over a large or increasing area. Nuclear contamination from Japan has spread to some US states.

Tо flood is to make or become covered with water. The dam burst,flooding a small town.

Litter / rubbish / waste

Rubbish is unwanted things or waste material. Our rubbish is taken away   twice a week.

Litter is rubbish such as paper, tins, and bottles left lying in an open or public place. Always clear up after a picnic and never drop litter

Waste is unwanted or unusable material, substances, or by-products. The disposal of hazardous industrial waste is strictly monitored by the government.

Raise / rise / arise

To raise is to lift or move to a higher position or level. The aim of the campaign was to raise awareness of environmental issues.

To rise is to move from a lower position to a higher one. The sun ha s just risen.

To arise is to begin to exist, take any  form or shape. The birds attack crops when the opportunity arises.

Lack / shortage

Lack is deficiency or absence. Lack of rainfall caused severe drоught in the country.

 Shortage is a deficiency in amount, an insufficiency. Vietnam is suffering from food shortage.

Reduce / decrease

To reduce- is to make smaller in quantity or size. To reduce household waste just change your shopping habits.

To decrease is to become smaller in quantity or size. The population of the area has decreased radically.

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