Pronounce correctly the following words and translate them without a dictionary — КиберПедия 

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Pronounce correctly the following words and translate them without a dictionary

2020-12-08 143
Pronounce correctly the following words and translate them without a dictionary 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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physically ['fɪzɪk(ǝ)lɪ], structure ['strʌkʧə], mass [mӕs], permanent ['pɜːm(ə)nənt], economical [ˌiːkə'nɔmɪk(ə)l], practical, characteristic [ˌkærəktə'rɪstɪk], vertical ['vɜːtɪk(ə)l], horizontal [ˌhɔrɪ'zɔnt(ǝ)l], gravity ['grævɪtɪ]

7. Scan the words and word combinations below and memorize them:

fixed platform (rig) стационарная платформа
pile, n свая
gravity based fixed platform платформа с гравитационным фундаментом
Seastar platform платформа с основанием типа «морская звезда»
tension leg натяжное крепление
tension leg platform (TLP) плавучее основание с натяжным вертикальным якорным креплением
semisubmersible drilling rig полупогружная буровая платформа
lower hull нижний корпус (полупогружного плавучего бурового основания)
flexibility, n гибкость, упругость
to allow for предусматривать, учитывать
to withstand the loads выдерживать нагрузки
side movement боковое движение

Read and translate the texts

Fixed Platforms

In shallow waters, it is physically possible to fix a platform to the sea floor. This is what is called a fixed platform or rig. The 'legs' are structures made of concrete or steel, extending down from the platform, and fixed to the seabed with piles. With some of the concrete fixed platform structures, the weight of the legs and seafloor platform is so great, that they do not have to be physically attached to the seafloor, but instead simply rest on their own mass. These are called gravity based fixed platforms. There are many possible designs for these fixed, permanent platforms. The advantage of these types of fixed platforms is their good stability, as they are permanently fixed to the sea floor there is no movement due to wind and water forces. These platforms cannot be used in very deep water as it is not economical or practical to build legs that long.


Seastar Platforms

Seastar platforms combine characteristics of tension leg platforms and semisubmersible drilling rigs. The Seastar platform consists of a floating rig as for the semisubmersible drilling rigs. A lower hull is ballasted with water when drilling, which increases the stability of the platform movement from environmental loads. In addition to these features of semisubmersible rig type, Seastar platforms also incorporate the tension leg system found in larger platforms. The tension legs are long and hollow and extend from the seafloor to the floating Seastar platform. These legs are kept under constant tension, and prevent any vertical movement of the platform. Their flexibility does however allow for horizontal motion, which allows the platform to withstand the loads of the sea and wind, without breaking the tension legs off. Seastar platforms are typically used for small deep-water reservoirs, where it is not economical or practical to develop a larger platform. They can operate in water depths of up to 1000 meters.



Tension Leg Platforms

Tension leg platforms are much like the Seastar platform described earlier. The tensioned flexible legs are permanently fixed to the seafloor, and run up to the Tension leg platform itself. As for the Seastar platform, these tension legs allow for significant side to side movement of the platform with no or little vertical movement. Tension leg platforms can operate as deep as 2,500 meters to produce from deep or ultra deep waters.

Give the Russian equivalents for the following words and word combinations:

shallow waters, fixed platform (rig), gravity based fixed platforms, legs, concrete, steel, to extend down, to be fixed to the seabed with piles, Seastar platforms, a lower hull, to incorporate, flexibility, however, to withstand the loads of the sea and wind, to break the tension legs off, small deep-water reservoirs,

Give the English equivalents for the following word combinations:

установить платформу на морское дно; держаться за счет своей массы; плавучее основание с натяжным вертикальным якорным креплением; увеличить стабильность платформы; полупогружная буровая платформа; предотвращать вертикальное движение платформы; предусматривать горизонтальное движение; добывать нефть.


Match the synonyms

to incorporate small
structure to yield
platform important
significant characteristic
little rig
feature to work
to produce boring
to operate to include
permanently construction
drilling constantly


Match the antonyms

shallow without
possible those
fixed vertical
to build above
much deep
with floating
these impossible
long to destroy
under little
horizontal short


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