Прочитайте текст. Расскажите о проникновении больших корпораций на мировой рынок. Озаглавьте текст. — КиберПедия 

Организация стока поверхностных вод: Наибольшее количество влаги на земном шаре испаряется с поверхности морей и океанов (88‰)...

Таксономические единицы (категории) растений: Каждая система классификации состоит из определённых соподчиненных друг другу...

Прочитайте текст. Расскажите о проникновении больших корпораций на мировой рынок. Озаглавьте текст.

2020-12-07 82
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In 1994 Ford designated the Russian market as a strategic one and began assessing the opinions for organizing production in Russia. However it was resolved to send up a “trial balloon” from neighboring Belarus. In the fall of 1997 Ford Union began assembling Ford Transit mini-buses in the Minsk Region. That production survived only three years. During the service period Ford Belarus managed to make only 3,600 vehicles, after which it had to stop production as it appeared to be losing money. Ford Union is currently operating in Minsk, but now only as a dealer.

By that time Ford already selected the site for the Russian plant, in Vsevolzhsk, 20 kilometers away from St. Petersburg. In the spring of 1999 Ford signed an investment agreement with the Russian government and construction started in 2000. The plant arose from half-finished workshops which Ford had bought from Russky Diesel, a St. Petersburg-based company which went into liquidation. Within two years Ford spent $150 million to create a full-circuit production with the capacity of 25,000 cars per year. The production in Russia concentrated on the Ford Focus model.

In September 2001 Ford signed its first contract with a Russian supplier, Bor Glass Factory, from which the carmaker buys the glass for the doors of its Vsevolzhsk-assembled Focuses. Currently Ford has seven contracts with Russian manufacturers but they are making just minor parts, unable to materially influence the cost of the cars. Russia supplies rubber mats, splash aprons, brackets for the batteries, caps for the plus battery terminals, and small stamped parts of the car body. The car body, the running gear and the engine are supplied from the corporation’s European plants.


Give synonyms of the following phrases and words. Arrange them in crosswords.

Use underlined words as key ones.


1. agree, regard with approval;

2. science of the production, distribution and consumption of goods;

3. trade between countries;

4. ask for a job;

5. a great amount of money, property;

6. money paid by citizens to the government for public purposes;

7. employ a person for a position;

8. written statement of charges for goods delivered or for services;

9. possessions, things owned;

10.gradual and continued loss of strength;




1. in the natural state, not manufactured or prepared for use;

2. to buy;

3. give or provide, meet a need;

4. ability to do smth expertly and well;

5. going away, withdrawal;

6. take place, happen;

7. price asked for goods or services;

8. sale of goods in small quantities;

9. asking for information;

10.person who uses goods;




1. a written statement of rights, permission to do smth;

2. accept, take (an idea);

3. go forward;

4. an agreement to buy;

5. make or become larger;

6. goods available for sale, distribution or use;


7. get money in return for work;

8. busy oneself with smth;

9. payment of workers.

10.money in coins.



I. ask for a job.

2.  provide safety, guard property.

3. give higher position, help the progress of;

4. money received during a given period of time;

5. money in coins or notes;

6. standard, class or grade, tax on property;

7. safeguard against loss, damage or sickness;

5. going down, losing strength.





1. make or become greater in size, number, etc.

2. put smth together so that the substances are no linger distinct;

3. money gained in business;

4. advantage, profit, help;

5. support, give hope or courage;

6. be of no success;

7. take part in a race, contest, etc.;

8. assortment, a line of things;

9. expenses or losses;

10. reason, smth that makes things happen;





1. give work to smb, make use of;

2. standard, class or grade;

3. give, supply or do what is necessary;

4. place from which smth comes or is got;

5. a stock held by several partners;

6. rule made by authority to regulate the life of a society;

7. control, conduct business;

8. merchandize, movable property;

9. join with others in giving help, money, etc.

10.make known to people, promote goods in public;

11.series of events taking place regularly.





1. characteristic of persons holding office, not personal;

2. goods available for sale distribution or use;

3. buying and selling goods;

4. intention, plan smth to get;

5. giving or being given higher position;

6. safeguard against loss or damage;

7. benefit, profit, make smth useful;

8. sale of goods in small quantities;

9. make easy, lessen the difficulties;

10. internal, home;

11. have a direction, have a tendency.






accountant (n)-a person whose job is recording, managing or examining financial

  records or accounts;

account for (v)-to be responsible for; to give satisfactory explanation;

advertise (v) - to make a public announcement describing the good qualities of a 

  product, service or idea in such a way as to make people want to buy it or

  support it;

advertising (n)-use of public announcement to promote sale of a product, service or


agency (n)-an administrative department of government or a legal relationship to

  represent a person or business;

annual (adj)- relating to or measured by the year; once a year;

annual Report (n)- a statement or booklet put out by a company once a year;

applicant (n)- a person who asks or applies for something;

application (n)- a request; a written form used in making a request;

asset (n)- property or resources of a business or a person;

associate (n)-a person who is connected with another or others in some business or

action; partner or college;

association (n)-an organized group of people with common interests

authority (n) –the power or right to act, command or make decisions

balance sheet (n)-statement of financial condition at a given time

benefits (n)-money or other services given by the government or other institution;

billing (n) –total amount of business in a particular amount of time

bill of lading (n)-a receipt listing goods shipped

board of directors (n)-a group of people who supervise or manage a company

bond (n)-a certificate issued by a government or corporation, promising to pay back a specific amount of money, with interest, at a fixed date in the future;

brand (n)- the kind, quality or make of a product

capital (n)-wealth; the total amount of money or property owned or used by a

  corporation or an individual

capital surplus -an excess or amount above what is needed

career (n)-an occupation or profession

channel of distribution -the marketing system by which goods are sent from those

  who produce them to those who use them

charge(v)- to fix or ask as a price

charter (n)- a formal written document issued by the government, granting the right to

  organize for some activity

claim (n)-the right to something; demand for something due

commercial bank-a bank that includes in its functions the acceptance of demand

  deposits subject to withdrawal by check

commission (n)- a fee for services or work done, usually a percentage

compete (v)-to strive against another or others

competent (adj)- having or showing ability or knowledge, capable of doing

  something well

competition (n) - the act of competing; rivalry

comptroller (controller)(n)- a person in charge of spending and financial activity, as 

  in a bank or company

consumer (n) - someone who buys and uses up things offered for sale, such as food,

  services or clothing

corporation (n) - an organization made up of a group of people who have been given

  the legal power to act as one person, created by a government charter with the

  right to buy and sell property and enter into contacts

credit (n)- a balance in one’s favour; an entry of an amount in an account as payment

  of an existing or future debt

data (n) - information, facts, figures

data processing – the rapid organization and analysis of large amounts of information

  by computers or other machines.

deal (v)(dealt) - to do business, trade

debt (n) - something that is owed to another person

debt finding - the use of money supplied by loans

discount (n) - a reduced price

discount house - a store that offers reduced prices on items

display (n)- an exhibition or show

distribute (v)- to divide and give out in shares; to scatter, spread over an area

distribution (n) - the process or system by which goods are sent from those who

  produce them to those who use them

diversified (adj) - varied; of different kinds

draft (n) - a written order directing payment of a special amount of money, as from

  one bank to another bank

economics (n) - the science that deals with the production, distribution and use of

  goods, money, natural resources and services

efficient (adj) - effective or competent; using as little effort or waste as possible

eligible (adj) - qualified to be chosen

employment agency-a company whose business is to find jobs for people seeking

  them or to find people to fill jobs that are open

enterprise (n) - a project or undertaking

equity finding - money supplied by owners of a business for investment

exchange (n) -giving one thing in return for something else

executive (n) – a person who directs or manages affairs in a corporation

expand (v) –to make large, to grow in size, extent or scope

export (v) – to send to another country for the purpose of selling

extensive (adj) - covering a large area; broad in effect or range

face value –the value appearing on bonds, bank notes and so on; the apparent worth

financial statement –a summary of a financial account

financing (n) – raising or providing funds; the funds thus raised or provided

finding (n) – discovery; result or conclusion of an investigation

fire (v) – to dismiss from a job

fiscal year –any 12-month period used as a basis for settling financial accounts in a

  business or government

foreign exchange - a foreign currency; settling accounts between persons or

  organizations in different countries

franchise (n) – the right to have or do something that has been given to an individual

  or group by a business firm or government

gross(n)- total,entire; with nothing taken away

guarantee (n)-an assurance given by a seller to a buyer that his product is what it is

  claimed to be or that it will be repaired or replace if anything goes wrong within

  a certain period of time; warranty

hire (v)- to employ someone

imperfect (competition) (adj)- competition that is not fair; partly competitive

income statement- a company record showing receipts and payment for services and


incorporate (v)- to form a business corporation

indirect channel-means of distributing goods through the use of one or more

  middlemen rather than from the manufacturer to the user

inflow (n)- incoming

innovation (n)- something newly introduced; a new idea or method

installation (n) process of putting something in position or place for service or use

insurance (n)-protection against risk or loss by means of a contract

interest (n)- money paid for the use or borrowing of money

inventory (n)-detailed list of articles in stock at a given time

inventory control- supervision of the inventory

invest (v)- to put money to use for the purpose of getting a profit or income

investment(n)-the act of investing; the amount of money that is invested; something

in which money is invested

issue (v)-to give out or send

joint venture(n)—a partnership formed for a particular project

legal (adj)-relating to or concerned with the law

lending (n)-giving something with the understanding that it will be returned. In the

case of money, with a set rate of interest

letter of credit(n)-a letter addressed by banker to another bank or organization

certifying that a person is entitled to credit up to a certain amount; letter

addressed by banker to person to whom credit is given which allows the person to 

draw up to certain amount on his or other bank

liability (n)-condition of being legally responsible to do or pay something

liable (adj)- legally responsible; obligated by law

limited liability- liability that is limited, restricted

line (n)- kind or classification (of goods or merchandise)made

line position- position of a worker with direct receiving orders from immediate

superior and giving orders to an immediate subordinate

loan (n)- act of lending; something lent

manage (v)- to direct or guide the affairs of a store, business or other operation

manufacture (v)- to make to produce, especially on a large scale

marketing n)-the functions involved in moving products from producer to consumer

modification (n)-a change in alteration

negotiable (adj)- capable of being sold or transferred

net (adj)- that remaining as profit after all deductions or allowances have been

net assets –resources of a business after deductions and allowances have been made

net worth – value of a person or company after deductions and allowances

note (n)- a piece of paper money or certificate of payment issued by a government or

bank; promissory note –statement or promise to pay back a certain amount of

   money at a certain time

officer (n)- person who holds office or position of authority in a company

operation (n)- the way of performing, directing or working; the state of being at work

outflow (n)- something that goes out

packaging (n)- process of wrapping, packing, binding or putting together

paper-work (n)-routine record-keeping that is often part of a more important task

partnership (n)- a business organization in which two or more persons are associated

policy (n)- a definite course or method of action

portfolio (n)- a list or group of stocks, bonds and so on belonging to a bank, company

or person

position (n)- a post employment

predict (v)- to announce or declare beforehand; to tell in advance

pricing (n)-setting an amount to be paid for a item

prime rate- an interest rate at which preferred customers can borrow from banks and which is the lowest commercial interest rate available at a particular time and place

profit (n)-financial gain, benefit

profit and loss statement-a summary account used an the end of an accounting period

promote(v)- to try to sell, make more popular, or get the necessary money for, as by


proprietorship (n)- ownership

prospective (adj)-possible; likely to become

purchase (v)- to get by paying money for; buying

quote (n)-current price or bid

ratio analysis-relationship of two figures

receipt n)- written statement that money, goods or mail has been received

record (n)-an account in writing; an official written form

record v)-to set down in permanent form, such as writing; to indicate, show, register

research (n)-a study or investigation in a particular field, usually for the purpose of

learning new facts and making new interpretations

savings account- a bank account for the purpose of saving money, on which interest

is paid

share (n)-one of the parts into which ownership of a company or corporation is


statement (n)-a report or summary of financial matters

statute (n)- a law enacted by a legislative body; a written rule or law regulating an

organization such as corporation

stock (n)-the total number of shares that a company or corporation is authorized to

issue; the number of shares held by an individual stockholder

stock (n)-the total amount of goods that merchant or commercial establishment keeps

on hand for sale

stock (v)- to lay in stock or supply

take title- assume ownership

tax (n)-money that must be paid by people for the support of the government

trade-in-allowance- an amount given for a used car, appliance or the like as payment

or part payment toward a new item

traffic (n)- an exchange of goods; buying and selling, trade

transaction (n)- a business deal

trend (n)- a tendency, a course; a current style or preference

utility (n)-company that provides an important service to the public as by supplying

gas, electricity or water

warehousing (n)- storing or stocking or depositing of merchandise

wholesaling (n)-selling of goods to retailers for release, usually in large quantity


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