Текст № 35 для прослушивания и материал для собеседования к экзамену по английскому языку — КиберПедия 

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Текст № 35 для прослушивания и материал для собеседования к экзамену по английскому языку

2020-12-06 228
Текст № 35 для прослушивания и материал для собеседования к экзамену по английскому языку 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Вопросы к тексту 35


Listen to three speakers talking about travelling and answer the questions below.

1. Why do many people travel today according to the first speaker?

2. How does the second speaker describe people who never travel?

3. What can a person gain travelling to other countries according to the third speaker?



  Speaker 1: Lots of people believe that travel broadens the mind. A friend of mine went-to Cyprus and when he came back, he complained that he could not find English food and everything was so foreign! If one travels with that kind of attitude, one never learns anything about other places and people. Today many people travel not in order to learn, but to 'have a good time' and usually on their terms.

Speaker 2: I've just got back from a trip to Japan and what I learned by just being there is more than I've ever learned on the internet. Talking to some locals, I learned more than school, or internet could teach me. Travel lets you see other people's lives, cultures, customs and traditions from different parts of the world. Travel educates you and makes you knowledgeable*. I think that people who never leave their countries are narrow-minded and ignorant.

Speaker 3: I feel sad for those people who have never travelled outside of their own hometown. There's a whole world of different cultures to meet out there, ninety-nine per cent of which you can't have by just sitting in the living room in front of the TV. When you travel to other countries you can see, feel and touch other ways of living. Some places will shock you, others will please you. You will then appreciate your own life and see things in a different way.



Script 36

Текст № 36 для прослушивания и материал для собеседования к экзамену по английскому языку

Вопросы к тексту 36


Listen to three speakers talking about losing weight and answer the questions below.

1.   What does the first speaker advise to do if you want to lose weight?

2.   What is the mistake many people make trying to lose weight?

3.   Why is it necessary to exercise according to the third speaker?



Speaker 1: Throw away gas or electric cooker. Also throw away salt. Get as many fruit and vegetables as you can. Try to drink as much water as possible as it increases the rate at which you burn calories. Cut out soda and limit fruit juices, most of which are high calorie. Carry on normal work. I followed this diet continuously for six months. In the end I lost 23 kg. I did morning walks, cycling, but no other physical exercise.

Speaker 2: You should know that there is no safe way to lose weight quickly, the mistake is if you lose weight very quickly, you will be a lot less likely to keep it off. So, definitely try to lose weight gradually, but don't plan on losing overnight. This is the most important and the first aspect of getting your perfect body shape. If you have a lot of weight to lose, try for 5 pounds, relax a bit, then go for 5 more.

Speaker 3: The first thing I would suggest is to believe in yourself, and love yourself. The key to weight loss is simple — you should burn more than you take in! Walk the dog, join a health club, take up jogging. Whatever you do, you've got to move your body as much as possible if you want to lose weight.


Script 37

Текст № 37 для прослушивания и материал для собеседования к экзамену по английскому языку

Вопросы к тексту 37


Listen to the TV announcement about a film-making competition and answer the questions below.

1.   Who can take part in the competition?

2.   What are the requirements for the film?

3.   What will the winners receive?



TV announcer: If you want to make films then you'll be interested in our new competition. If you're between 11 and 18, you can enter this year's Film-making competition. The film should last no more than 12 minutes and you should have at least three main characters. Last year's winner had eight people in it but we don't usually expect so many!

This is the third year of the competition. In previous years, we accepted any type of film, from a horror film to a comedy, but this year we are looking for a drama. There'll be another competition later in the year for people interested in making documentaries.

We have seen some great films the previous years from very exciting young filmmakers. Last year's films were about the family. This year, however, we want films about the weather — it can either be about how it makes you feel or how it can change a day. A challenging topic!

There are some fantastic prizes. Our first prize-winners will visit London International Academy, one of the top film schools. We have other prizes to give away — there are 100 books and also some of the latest cameras to win.

More information about the competition can be found at...


Script 38

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