Раздел № 4 «Здоровый образ жизни и его составляющие» — КиберПедия 

Двойное оплодотворение у цветковых растений: Оплодотворение - это процесс слияния мужской и женской половых клеток с образованием зиготы...

Опора деревянной одностоечной и способы укрепление угловых опор: Опоры ВЛ - конструкции, предназначен­ные для поддерживания проводов на необходимой высоте над землей, водой...

Раздел № 4 «Здоровый образ жизни и его составляющие»

2020-12-06 104
Раздел № 4 «Здоровый образ жизни и его составляющие» 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. Do you think you have a healthy lifestyle?

2. Is it possible to have a healthy lifestyle in the modern world?

3. Why do many people try to have a healthy lifestyle?

4. What is healthy food? Do you pay much attention to what you eat? Do you think it is more important for you to eat healthy or tasty food?

5. Do you try to eat your breakfast, lunch, and dinner at a certain time every day? Do you have a snack every time you are hungry or do you wait for lunch or dinner?

6. Do you agree with the saying: "Eat your breakfast, share your lunch with a friend and give your dinner to your enemy"? Why do people say so?

7. Is obesity a great problem in Russia? Why are there so many obese people in the US and Europe nowadays?

8. What are the most efficient ways to lose weight? Do you think diets are useful or not? Have you ever tried to go on a diet? What kind of diet was it?

9. Is physical activity (jogging, going to a gym, swimming pool) an important part of a healthy lifestyle? Can you tell a physically inactive person from someone who takes care of his\her physical condition?

Раздел № 5 «Путешествия в жизни современного человека»


1. Where do you usually go on vacation? Please, list the most essential items you always take with you on a trip.

2. Do you prefer package tours or making your trip? Where did you spend your last vacation? What did you do?

3. What are some of the benefits of traveling alone? What are some of the benefits of traveling with a group? What is the longest journey you have ever made?

4. What's the best way to travel? (By plane, ship, train, car, etc.) Where is the most amazing place you have been?

5. What are some of the best places for Adventure vacations? Historical vacations? Shopping vacations? Party vacations? Relaxing vacations?

6. What is the best and worst thing about traveling to a new country? Where do you prefer to stay when you go on vacation? (Hotel, hostel, Airbnb house/room, etc.)

7. What are your best travel tips? What is the strangest food you've seen or eaten while on vacation?

8. What do you enjoy doing while traveling? (i.e. relaxing, shopping, sightseeing, experiencing local culture…) How often do you travel? What souvenirs have you brought back from traveling? Where are you going on your next trip?

9. What are some of the best places to go on vacation in your country? Who in your family travels the most? What popular travel destination do you want to avoid?


Вопросы к разделам: 6-9

Раздел № 6 «Современная палитра англоязычных стран»

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

  1. Where is the United Kingdom located? How big is the area that the United Kingdom occupies? What countries does the United Kingdom consist of?
  2. What is the highest mountain on the British Isles? What is the longest river? What is the highest mountain in Wales?
  3.  What is the northern part of Scotland called? Describe the population of the United Kingdom.   How many people live in London? What industry is developed in South Wales?
  4. What kind of state is the United Kingdom? What houses does the British parliament consist of? What are the main political parties?
  5. Who chooses the Cabinet of Ministers? What is the flag of the United Kingdom called?


The United States of America:

1. Where is the USA located? What territory does the USA occupy? What mountains are there in the country? What is located between the Cordilleras and the Appalachian Mountains?

2. What are the main rivers? What kind of climate is there in the USA? Describe the population of the USA? What nationalities live in the USA?

3. How many states are there in the USA? What kind of state is the USA?

4. Who is the head of the state? What is the capital of the USA? What are the main parties?

5. What is the financial & business center of the country? When is Thanksgiving Day celebrated? When is Independence Day celebrated?


1. Where is Canada located geographically? What territory does Canada occupy? What is the capital of Canada?

2. What is Canada rich in? Describe the population of Canada. What nationalities live in Canada? What are the most important cities?

3. What are Canada’s largest ports? What are the largest lakes in Canada? What mountains are there in Canada?

4. What are the longest rivers?

5. What is the largest island in the north of Canada?

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