Temples, eyes, mirrors, carousels etc. — КиберПедия 

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Temples, eyes, mirrors, carousels etc.

2020-11-19 83
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The Illuminati trainers will try to create internal structures within the person’s personality systems. Why? They believe this creates better stability. It also gives the alters and fragments a place to “hang on to” inside, and creates a convenient way to call them up. If a fragment is indexed inside to an internal helix, for example, the trainer knows how to locate them more easily.


Internal structures will vary greatly depending on the trainer, the group, the region of the U.S. or Europe and the goals for the individual. Common internal structures will include, but are not limited to:



these are often consecrated to principle Illuminati deities, and spiritual alters will congregate here. This may represent actual temples, Masonic or private, that the subject may have visited.


Temple of Moloch

will be created out of black stone with a fire burning internally.


All seeing eye of Horus:

one of the most common structures in an Illuminati system; universal. Horus is a deity revered by the Illuminati, and the all seeing eye internally represents the fact that the cult can always see what the individual is doing. It will also represent being given to Horus in a high ceremony. The eye may be closed, or open, depending on the system’s status at the time. This eye will also be linked to demonic watching of the person’s activities at all time.



the Illuminati revere ancient Egyptian symbology, especially “mystery religion” and Temple of Set teachings. Pyramids will be placed internally both for stability (a triangle, and/or pyramid represents strength and stability), and as a calling place for the demonic. Pyramids and triangles, and the number three, represent calling up the demonic in Illuminist philosophy.



represents Ra, the sun god


Geometric figures:

configurations of circles, triangles, pentagons, etc. Geometric patterns are considered sacred, and are based in ancient philosophy. There may be hundreds overlapping in a training grid for complex systems, which will house fragments in each one.


Training grids:

these may be simplistic, such as cubes with patterns on them, rows of boxes, or more complex such as helixes, double helixes, infinity loops. Each trainer will have favorites classified as simple, medium and complex, depending on the child and its ability to recall and memorize.



Greek Doric, ionic columns. Often hold “time travel” programming, with a portal between two columns.



complex, highly dissociated systems with alters and fragments held within a computer system.



may be seen in older systems



gems, balls, multifaceted. Used in spiritual systems to enhance occult powers. Alters and fragments may congregate on facets of a large ball.



used internally to reinforce other programming sequences, internal twinning, and distortion of reality programming. May create shadow systems of functional systems. May also lock in demonic programming.



used in some programming sequences to confuse alters inside. Often linked to spin, confusion programming internally. May be used to punish internal alters; they will be spun on the carousel if they tell.


Deck of cards:

this can include cards from a deck, or complex configurations made of hundreds of card inside. Dominoes programming is similar. All touch each other and if person tries to dismantle programming, the deck will “fall”.


Black boxes:

represent self destruct and shatter programming sealed off into a black box to protect system. Should not be opened without careful preparation and good therapy.


Mines, booby traps:

see above


Spider webs:

represent linked programming, with a spider (internal programmer) who continuously reweaves the web and reinforces internal programming and punishments. The web also communicates with other systems. Can also represent demonic linkages internally, woven in.


Internal training rooms:

used as punishments for internal alters. Will represent external training rooms person has been in.


Internal walls:

these will often represent very large internal amnesia barriers.


The walls

may be very thick, impermeable or semi permeable. A typical use for a wall will be to maintain high levels of amnesia between “front” or daily living, amnesic alters, and “back” or cult active alters that contain more of the person’s life history. The back may be able to selectively see over and cross past the wall, but the front will be completely unaware that there is a wall, or what lays behind it.



usually in a group of six or seven, represent demonic sealing, and may cover end times, shatter programming, as well as role within cult in new hierarchy.


These are some common programming structures. Again, there are many, many other types of internal structures used and the number and type are only limited by the trainer’s and survivor’s creative abilities. The way that these structures are placed within the person are fairly similar. Under drugs, hypnosis and electroshock, the person is traumatized into a deep trance state. In the deep trance they will be told to open their eyes and look at: either a projected image of the structure, a 3D model of it, or a holographic image using a virtual reality headset.


The image will be ground in, using shock and bringing the image closer and closer to the person’s visual field. It may be rotated, if graphics are available, or a 3D is used. They may be told that they are entering inside it, if it is a temple or pyramid, under deep hypnosis, that they (the alter being programmed) will now “live inside” the structure/box/card, etc. This will also be used to reinforce amnesia and isolation programming internally, since the structure will be used to reinforce walls between the alter/ fragment and other alters and fragments internally.



If the survivor finds structures inside, it will help for them first of all to try and realize WHY they are there. What purpose do they serve? To reinforce amnesia? Isolation? spiritual programming? punishment? To hold dangerous programming sequences? This is important, since some structures such as internal walls or barriers may have been created not only by the cult, but reinforced by the survivor as well, as a means of internal protection.


The survivor may not want to dismantle internal structures too quickly without knowing their purpose and what they contain. Both the survivor and the therapist will need to go slowly. Learning how the structures were put in and which alters are linked to the structure, will be a first step. Long, slow and careful preparation, with lots of system cooperation, will be needed to look at some structures.


This may only come after years of extensive therapy. Each survivor will progress at their own pace. If a wall is present, taking it down slowly, one brick at a time, or allowing part of it to become semi permeable, may be first steps in healing. Training rooms can have the equipment turned off and dismantled; it can be turned into a safe room, redecorated and refitted with toys and safe objects. Computers can slowly begin to realize that they are human, and gradually allowed to take on human characteristics.


Survivors can use their creativity to reclaim themselves, with the support of their therapists, and undo what was done.


Chapter Eleven:




I have decided to write an entire chapter about suicidal programming, since it is often the most dangerous programming that the survivor will face during their healing process. ALL ILLUMINATI SURVIVORS WILL HAVE SUICIDAL PROGRAMMING PROTECTING THEIR SYSTEMS. I emphasized this to also reiterate the need for good therapy and a strong support system for the survivor.


The Illuminati know and realize that with time, individuals in their group may start to question what they are doing. Or they may become disenchanted with their role. They may even desire to leave the group or try to dismantle their own programming.


The trainers are well aware of this possibility and to prevent this, will always program in suicidality. The suicidality, or suicidal programming, may surround one or more systems internally. It may be layered into more than one system.


From earliest childhood, survivors have been conditioned to believe that they would rather die than leave their “family” (the Illuminati group). This is the core, or basis of suicidal programming. It will be closely linked to loyalty to one’s family as well as the group (remember, this is a generational group and leaving it may mean giving up contact with one’s parents, spouse, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins and children, as well as close friends).


These people will all try to contact the survivor, and try to draw them back into the cult, asking “don’t you love us anymore?”, or even becoming accusatory and hostile if the survivor does not respond the way they wish. The survivor will be told that they are “crazy”. Or delusional. That their family loves them and would never be part of a cult. The family members will all still be amnesic, unless something happens to trigger their own memories.


One of the most frequent suicidal programming sequences placed internally will be “come back or die ” programming. A family member may activate it by telling the survivor that they are missed and their family wants to see them. If the survivor fails to return, the programming will start running. It can only be deactivated by a code word from the person’s trainer or cult contact person. This ensures that they will recontact. If the survivor tries to break this programming, they will need assistance, both internal and external, for safety.


Hospitalization may be needed in a safe facility that understands DID and programming, as well as suicidality, as the alters inside will begin fighting if the person tries to break the programming. They have been programmed to commit suicide, or be shattered internally, or at the very least, severely punished, and are afraid of the repercussions of not obeying. The survivor will need to get to know these internal alters, and reassure them that they no longer need to do their jobs.


Chronometric suicidal programming is another type placed within. This does not need contact with family members to activate. In fact, it is activated automatically after a certain amount of time WITHOUT cult contact.


Controller alters and/or punishing alters will have been programmed that if a certain period of time goes without contact with the trainer, they are to commit suicide. They will be told that the only way to prevent this is recontact with the trainer, who knows a command code to halt the program. The time interval may be anywhere from three months to nine months, each system is different. Call back programming may have this type of programming as a back up, to ensure that it is followed through on.


Systems layered programming is a particularly complex form of suicide programming where several systems (up to six at a time), are programmed to fire off suicide programming simultaneously. This always needs hospitalization for the survivor’s safety.


Honor/dishonor programming is common in military systems. In this, the military parts are told that an “honorable and courageous” soldier will take his life, rather than reveal secrets or leave his unit.


“No tell” programming will often be reinforced by suicidal programming.


Access denied programming, which prevents unauthorized access both externally and internally, will often be reinforced by either or both suicidal/homicidal programming.


Almost all suicidal programming is put in place to either ensure continued obedience to the cult’s agenda; to ensure regular recontact; or prevent the individual or an outside person from accessing the person’s system without authorization (i.e. the correct access codes, which the trainers are careful to use at the beginning of each session). It will frequently block therapy, as the survivor will be terrified, and rightly so, of dying if they reveal their internal world, or disclose their history.



First, both the survivor and the therapist need to find out what suicide programming is present (it’s a safe bet it’s there, no need to ask IF it is present). Internal communication, and finding out which alters or fragments hold suicide programming will be important.


Physical safety, whether with a safe outside person, or inpatient hospitalization, while working on suicide programming is extremely important, as this programming may either drive the survivor to self destructive behavior, or back to the cult. Dealing with suicide programming assumes that the survivor and therapist have initiated good system communication internally. This is extremely important, since the survivor will need cooperation inside with dismantling suicidality.


Letting alters inside know that they no longer have to do their job, that they can change, may help. Reality orientation, letting them know that if they kill the body, that they will die, may also help (many times, these parts have been deceived into believing that they themselves will not die, if they do their jobs. This means they need to hear the truth).


Having controller alters, high alters with pull inside the system, agree to help the therapist dismantle the programming will help. But be aware that SOME INTERNAL SUICIDE SEQUENCES WILL BE PUT IN THAT EVEN CONTROLLERS CANNOT DISMANTLE. Creating a safety committee inside whose main job is to keep the body safe and ask for help if suicidal programming begins to kick in, BEFORE ACTING OUT OCCURS, will also help tremendously.


As the survivor develops trust with their therapist and realizes the value of life, and that life can be much better than it has ever been before, they will become more willing to reach out and ask for help if they become suicidal. The survivor may also find that they encounter core despair. This despair may have been used by the cult to run suicidal programming, but it is not programming itself.


A very young core split may have taken many of the feelings of despair, hopelessness, failure to thrive and desire to die, that the child felt growing up in a horribly abusive atmosphere. This is not programming but true feelings, and it will be important to differentiate this from programming. If core despair comes up, the alter containing this may also report having been trained to NOT SUICIDE, or give up. The trainers will do this, if despair begins overwhelming the subject at an early age, to prevent the child’s suicide.


The survivor’s cognitives, helpers, nurturers, will all need to be gathered together to help this part of the core heal. There will be intense, and rightful, grieving and anguish for the immense pain that the young child suffered. Hopelessness will come out. It can help if alters with happier memories can try and share their memories with this very young part.


External support and caring can also make a big difference. Healing the immense pain held by this core split will take a long period of time and should not be hurried. Antidepressants can help, as the depression may be shared through all systems. Messages of hope, new and positive experiences can all help the survivor work through this type of programming, as well as journaling, poetry, artwork and collaging the feelings. Time, patience, support, the ability to vent feelings in a safe manner and physical safety when needed, will all help immensely as the survivor works through these issues.


Chapter Twelve:

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