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Text 1

The entrepreneur

As mentioned earlier, economists sometimes identify the fourth factor of production – enterprise. It is held that, left to themselves, land, labour, and capital will not produce anything. There must be a person or persons, who will organize these three factors so that production takes place. Someone must take the decisions (a) what to produce (i.e. the type of goods or service and the quality), (b) how to produce (i.e. the methods of production); (c) where to produce (i.e. the location of the enterprise).

Whoever takes the decisions, and consequent risks, is known as the entrepreneur. There is no really suitable English word to describe such a person, perhaps ‘enterpriser’ is the nearest we can get. The entrepreneur is the person who undertakes production with a view to profit. In a capitalist society, production would not take place unless someone was prepared to buy and organize economic resources for production on the basis of expected profit.

Organization, management and risk-bearing – these are the entrepreneurial functions. In the one-person business, they are clearly all carried out by the sole proprietor. In the large company, the functions of the entrepreneur are shared, risk bearing is the role of the shareholders; management is the function of the directors.



Text 2

Advertising as a career in the USA

Advertising is any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of products, services, or ideas by an identifiable individual or organization. It flourishes mainly in free-market, profit-oriented countries. It is one of the most important factors in accelerating the distribution of products and helping to raise the standard of living. Advertising cannot turn a poor product or service into a good one. But what it can do – and does – is to create awareness about both old and new products and services. So three main objectives of advertising are:

1. to produce knowledge about the product or service;

2. to create preference for it;

3. to stimulate thought and action about it.

Careers in advertising may involve working for advertisers, media, advertising agencies, or suppliers and special services. In opinion of American specialists, at most, only 35 colleges and universities in the USA have effective programs of advertising education. Fewer than 10 offer any truly significant amount of graduate work in advertising. However, advertising draws people from a variety of educational backgrounds.

Most companies that advertise extensively have advertising managers, or brand managers. Because these people help to coordinate the company’s advertising program with its sales program and with the company’s advertising agency, they must have aptitudes for both advertising and management.

A variety of specialists is required in an advertising agency because it develops advertising programs, prepares advertisements, and places them in media.


Text  3


David: OK. Let's start. Now, the first item on the agenda is plans for future growth. We want as many ideas as possible for increasing our market share. OK? Who wants to go first? Yes, Carol.

Carol: Well, I think that our service could be better. We should aim for greater customer satisfaction.

David: What do you mean?

Carol: I think one problem is that our customers don't always get their statements on time. We should always mail monthly statements within two business days of the end of the month.

David: Yes, I like that. How do you feel about that, John?

John: Good idea. And another thing we should do is try to find new customers for the bank. We have to improve our market share.

David: How do you suggest we do that, John?

 John: Well, I think we need to talk to the people who aren't our customers yet and explain why they should open an account with us. So how about making more cold calls on potential customers at their homes and offices?

David: Interesting... Yes, Linda. What do you think?

Linda: I'm sure that if our employees have more incentives, they'll be more motivated and they'll give our customers better service.

David: Can you give us an example?

Linda: Yes. How about improving incentives for our employees - you know, bonuses, profit-sharing, investment plans, that kind of thing?

David: Robert?

Robert: I think Linda's idea is excellent. But we also need to give our customers an incentive to bank with us. Customer loyalty is as important as staff loyalty.

David: What do you suggest?

Robert: How about this? We give our customers some kind of free gift when they visit the bank.

David: A gift? You mean cash, free insurance, a watch?

Robert: No, I was thinking of something more practical…



Text  4

A specimen reply-offer

Mr. Fred North

Purchasing Manager

6, Dover Street

London W1                                                                     

11 November, 20...


Dear Mr. North,


 Thank you very much for your enquiry. We are of course very familiar with your range of vehicles and are pleased to inform you that we have a new line in batteries that fit your specifications exactly.

      The most suitable of our products for your requirements is the Artemis 66A Plus. This product is our latest model but it has already been of a great demand among our customers. It combines economy, high power output and quick charging time and is available now from stock.

      I enclose a detailed quotation with prices, specifications and delivery terms. As you see from this, our prices are very competitive. I have arranged for our agent Mr. Martin of Fillmore S.A. to deliver five of these batteries to you next week, so you can carry out the laboratory tests. Our own laboratory reports, enclosed with this letter, show our new Artemis 66 A Plus performs as well as any of our competitor’s product and, in some respects, outperforms them.

     If you would like further information, please telephone or telex me: my extension number is 776. Or you may prefer to contact Mr. John Martin of Fillmore S.A. in Manchester; his telephone number is 01 77 99 02.

     I look forward to hearing from you.


                                                                                         Yours sincerely,

                                                                                          Fred Stock


Тема устной речи “My future profession”

1. Прочитайте и переведите тексты о своей будущей профессии.

My future profession

I’m a student of the Ural Social Economic Institute, the branch of the Academy of Labour and Social Relations.

In the near future I will graduate from the Institute and become a professional economist. I'm sure that the profession of an economist is one of the most important nowadays in view of the situation in Russia.

What makes a good economist? Whatever he does, an economist should have a thorough training in economic theory, mathematics and statistics and our Instituteoffers such training. At the Institute various general and special subjects are taught, such as Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Management, Accounting, Marketing, Advertising, Money and Banking, Economic Theory, Econometrics, Statistics, Computer Science, Philosophy, Business Ethics, Foreign Languages, etc.

An economist needs some knowledge of the world outside his own country because both business and government are deeply involved in the world economy. Some knowledge of political and economic history will help him to expect changes and always look for basic long-run forces under the surface of things.

The profession of an economist is quite diversified. The graduates of our Institutework at educational institutions, various research centers and laboratories, in industry, business, banks, etc. You may continue your studies at the Post-graduate Courses or Doctorate if you have a desire and abilities to become a scientist or a professor. Scientists in the field of Economics create new theories and models, test their hypotheses and carry out economic researches.

Being employed in industry and business, our graduates work as managers, as an executive manager, a sales manager and a financial manager. Some of them work as accountants. Аn accountant is one of the most prestigious and widely required professions in any society. You shouldn't confuse an accountant with a book-keeper. While a book-keeper is mostly involved in calculations, like balance sheets, income statements, invoices, an accountant is responsible for designing the financial policy of a company.

Some work at the banks, at the Stock Exchange as brokers, others work for the government or are employed by various agencies and by military services.

Knowing the economic laws of the development of the society, economists can solve many problems facing this countryand I hope I'll manage to make my contribution to this process.



I study management at the Ural Social-Economic Institute, so my future profession is a manager. Managers are in good demand in today’s labour market.

A number of different terms are used for “manager” including “director”, “administrator” and “president”. The term “manager” is used more frequently in profit-making organizations, while the others are used more widely in government and non-profit organizations such as universities, hospitals and social work agencies.

What, then, is a manager?

When used collectively the term “management” refers to those people who are responsible for making and carrying out decisions within the system. An individual manager is a person who directly supervises people in an organization.

Some basic characteristics seem to apply to managers in all types of organizations; they include hard work on a variety of activities, preference for active tasks, direct personal relationships.

Almost everything a manager does involves decisions. The reason for making a decision is that a problem exists. In decision-making there is always some uncertainty and risk.

Managing is a hard job. There is a lot to be done and relatively little time to do it.

There are certain functions that all managers perform. These functions are planning, organizing, directing, controlling, staffing, leading, representing and decision-making.

The field of management has drawn on sociology, psychology, economics, and other disciplines, and it is in these areas that the manager can learn from study as well as from experience and trial and error.

The most important qualities for a manager are the ability to deal with other people, adaptability and the ability to think flexibly. A good manager is one who can persuade people that his way is right.

2. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1) Where do you study?

2) When will you graduate from the Institute?

3) What is your future profession?

4) Is the profession of an economist important nowadays?

5) What makes a good economist?

6) What subjects are you taught at the Institute?

7) What are your favourite subjects?

8) Are you fond of English?

9) An economist needs some knowledge of the world outside his own country, doesn’t he?

10) Will an economist need some knowledge of political and economic history in future?

11) Where can you work after graduating from the Institute?

12) Do you have a desire and abilities to become a scientist in the field of economics?

13) Would you like to work as a manager or an accountant?

14) Do you agree that an accountant is one of the most prestigious professions?

15) Is the profession of an accountant widely required in any society nowadays?

16) What is the difference between an accountant and a book-keeper?

17) What is an accountant responsible for?

18) What would you prefer: to work at a bank or at the Stock Exchange as a broker?

19) Why is it important to know the economic laws of the development of the society?

20) Can you solve any problems facing your country?

21) What terms are used for “manager”?

22) What term is used more frequently in profit-making organizations?

23) What terms are used in government and non-profit organizations?

24) Who does the term “manager” refer to when used collectively?

25) What basic characteristics apply to managers?

26) Do you agree that “almost everything a manager does involves decisions”? What is the reason for it?

27) Managing is a hard job, isn’t it?

28) What are management functions?

29) Has the field of management drawn on other disciplines? What are they?

30) Name the most important qualities for a manager. Explain your point of view.

31) Do you agree with the statement that “a good manager is one who can persuade people that his way is right”? Give your arguments.

32) What professions are in good demand in today’s labour market? Do you think economists and managers are among them? Express your opinion.


3. Составьте свой рассказ, используя ваши ответы и факты из прочитанных текстов.




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