The speech of the prosecutor is announced. — КиберПедия 

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Своеобразие русской архитектуры: Основной материал – дерево – быстрота постройки, но недолговечность и необходимость деления...

The speech of the prosecutor is announced.

2020-11-19 74
The speech of the prosecutor is announced. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Prosecutor: The Prosecutor's Office of the Simferopol District opened a criminal case against Kovalev Dmitry Olegovich and Dotsov Vitaly Mikhailovich under Article 207 and article 213 of the Criminal Code.


At the 24th of December of 2011 Kovalev Dmitry casually came to classes. After 15 minutes of the first class, someone called Kovalev by phone and he asked the teacher whether he may go out. He was allowed to leave the class after 5 minutes while Witness 1 (Postnikova) was coming to the same class being late. She ran into Kovalev and will testify what she heard further on. The class continued. After 10 minutes Kovalev returned with Dottsov and as soon as they sat down, they immediately began to discuss something vigorously. After another 7 minutes, radio speakers in the college announced an emergency evacuation. The preliminary investigation showed that while Dottsov and Kovalyov were absent from the class, they entered the security room and made a false call to the police to whom they reported on a bomb in the college. I ask the court and jury to punish the accused, the prosecution asks to imprison the defendants for a term of 1 year. My words are confirmed by a witness for the prosecution Witness 1.

I also ask Honorable Court to allow the director of this college to give his opinion about this situation.


Judge 2: Witness, please, stand up and introduce yourself!

Please, give your explanations on this case.


Witness(Director): I am a college director. These guys have disrupted learning process in the educational institution I am responsible for. I was forced to cancel all the studies for time being because of their “little misdemeanor”. I demand them to be punished for the sake of general and private prevention.


Judge 1: Defendants, do you understand the charges? Do you plead guilty?


Defendants take turns: I understand the charge but I do not admit my guilt!


Judge 2: The following line of examination of evidence is established: the interrogation of the defendants goes first, then the interrogation of witnesses by the prosecution and then interrogation of witnesses by the defense.


Judge 1: We proceed to the interrogation of the defendants:

Defendant Kovalev, stand up please! I suggest you give evidence about the accusation and known circumstances of the case.


Kovalyov: I did not do anything of what I am accused of. I just came out when Vitaly called me. He asked to lend him a pass, because he forgot his one at home. And after that we returned to the class.


Judge 2: Do the parties have questions for Kovalev?


Everyone takes turns saying no!


Judge 1: Defendant Dottsov stand up please! I suggest you give evidence about the accusation and the known circumstances of the case.



Dottsov: Dmitry has already said everything and I completely agree with him. I ensure you that this is what really happened!


Judge 2: Do the parties have questions for Kovalev?


Everyone takes turns saying no!


Judge 1: Then we shall proceed to the interrogation of witnesses! Witness Postnikova is invited to testify.

The floor for interrogation is given to the Prosecutor.


Prosecutor: Witness Postnikova, tell us what did you hear that day?


Postnikova: I was a bit late for classes, and as I climbed the stairs I saw Kovalev going down. I remember hearing him angrily talking on the phone with someone.


Prosecutor: Witness, please answer specifically what did you hear?


Postnikova: I believe Kovalyov said that he took time off from the class and that he was going somewhere.


Judge 2: Defender do you have questions for the witness?


Defender: Yes, your honor, Witness, tell me, have you heard specific dates, names or time?


Postnikova: No, I have not.


Defender: Your Honor, I have no other questions.


Prosecutor: Your honor, I ask you to invite another Witness Pashabeyoglu Timurkhan.


Judge 1: Witness Pashabeyoglu is invited to testify.

The floor for interrogation is given to the Prosecutor.


Prosecutor: Witness Pashabeyoglu, tell me what do you know about this case?


Pashabeyoglu: On the 23rd of December I was in a college class with Kovalev. We talked and he said that he agreed with Dottsov that they would not go to classes tomorrow, but go and have some fun instead. I believe that he meant that he was planning to come to the college not to study but to do something else.


Defender: Your Honor I have the same question to the Witness 2 as to the previous witness. Tell me if you were discussing something exact or maybe you overheard Kovalev talking about what they were going to do? Is there anything you can tell other than the overall picture?


Pashabeyoglu: He just said that it would be fun and they will rest that day from learning, but at the same time they will be within college.


Judge 2: Prosecution, do you have more witnesses?


Prosecutor: No, your Honor!


Judge 1: As far as I understand, the witnesses for the prosecution are over and the word is given to the defense. Defender, please state the essence of the case and your requirements.


Defender: Based on the materials of the case and the testimony of my clients, I can say that on the 24th of December Kovalev came to college to attend the first class, at 8.30, but after 15 minutes he wanted to go to the restroom. Yes, Kovalev and Dottsov agreed that on the 24th of December they would skip classes and they would have fun, because they were going to go to the cinema. (of course, this does not justify them as students, but it does not relate to the essence of the case). This is further proved by e-tickets that are attached to the case. My clients have never been brought to any kind of responsibility and have a satisfactory characteristic from the college, which allows them to be released from criminal responsibility, especially since the guilt is not fully proven. I believe there is no corpus delicti in this case.

Your Honor, in defense of the accused, I ask you to call for testimony a college psychologist and extra witnesses. I also ask you to invite Mehrenin Gleb Alexandrovich as a witness.


Defender: Tell me, do the suspects study well?


Mehrenin: Well, not too great, but not worse than other students in our college.


Prosecutor: Your Honor, I have a question for a witness. Tell me, does this mean that the behavior of the accused leaves much to be desired, and that they could possibly commit such criminal actions?


Defender: Your honor, I protest because the question is provocative.


Chief Justice: Protest is accepted.


Defender: I propose to call for questioning a witness 2.


Chief Justice: Witness 2 is called for interrogation.


Defender: Witness 2, you are a classmate of the accused. Characterize them please.



Witness 2: Well, they are good guys, I can’t say anything! Although in the second year they were putting the buttons on the teacher’s chair.


Defender: No questions! Honorable court, please call for the testimony of the next witness, namely, a psychologist who will give us a description of the accused.


Psychologist: Honorable court, my name is Yakuba Margarita Igorevna, I am a psychologist in the educational institution where defendants study. I ask the court to take into account the following. These guys are characterized from the positive side, and did not cause any serious problems! Like most people of their age, they are not really willing to study and look for any opportunity to skip their classes. I believe that they did not realize the responsibility for what they might have done, although it does not reduce their guilt in any way.

I want to note that the commission of this crime is nothing more than a way to gain attention, and their conviction will be impractical and not humane. That’s all I have, your honor.


Chief Judge: Do any of the parties have any petitions or applications?


Everyone answers - no!


Chief Justice: The court heard all the evidence. Let us proceed to the debate. I ask the representatives of the defense and accusation to pay attention to the main points of Article 336 and 337 Code of Criminal Procedure.


Prosecutor:... (it is being prepared by a student)


Defender: Honorable jurors, as you have already noticed, the defendants are too young and they have their whole life ahead. I’m sure that you can remember yourself at this age doing doubtful decisions without thinking about consequences. So I hope that you will make a fair decision and show mercy to my clients, because their further fate is now in your hands, honorable jury.



Judge 1: Defendants! Do you admit your guilt in the deed?


Answer of the Defendants in Turn: Yes, I beg the court to take into account my sincere repentance and to give me the opportunity to redeem my guilt by softening my sentence.


Chief Justice: The trial heard all the evidence from the Prosecutor, the Witnesses, Defendants and the Defense. For an objective decision, I give the floor to the jury to express their opinion on this case. Dear jurors now you will be given the text of the articles, carefully read the text within 2 minutes and the penalties for these crimes and compare them with the case that has just been considered and give answers to the questions:

Guilty or not guilty?

Why do you think so?



(The jury takes turns to express their opinion, the court considers the votes for decision and sentencing.).


Jury Saukova Nadezhda: I believe that these guys committed a terrible misdemeanor. However, they regret it and this shows that they may be able to redeem themselves. So I believe that they must be proclaimed guiltless. Therefore, my vote is in favor of their innocence!


Juror Smarzh Diana: In my opinion there is no crime in what these guys did, and I believe that they are innocent. My vote is against their guilt.



Jury Pustovotov: I believe that the actions of these guys are illegal. They need to be punished and brought to justice to the fullest extent of the law!


At this the cоurt session ends, thank you for your attention

2.Рекомендации по подготовке

Деловая / ролевая игра, игровое проектирование – совместная деятельность группы обучающихся под управлением преподавателя с целью решения учебных и профессионально-ориентированных задач путем игрового моделирования реальной проблемной ситуации.

При подготовке к игре, а также при ее воплощении студентов необходимо ориентировать на аналитический подход: подумать над тем, что обусловило регулирование тех или иных отношений.

Воплощая игру, участники не должны нарушать границ приличия и дисциплины, но в их рамках обязаны проявить полную творческую свободу, изобретательность и оригинальность в выражении собственной позиции.

Разыгрывая тот или иной сценарий, необходимо исходить из основных категорий игры: название, тезис, цель, роли, ходы, вывод.

Целесообразным для воплощения представляются две основные формы деловой игры:

- формирование двух команд из студентов академической группы;

- моделирование конкретной ситуации.

В рамках первой формы можно организовать работу обеих команд концентрируясь на отдельной теме, например, уголовное право.

Вторая форма игры предполагает, что все студенты академической группы моделируют и разыгрывают конкретную ситуацию по судебной системе Великобритании или США.

Критерии оценки:

оценки эффективности участников в игре:

- предъявление каждым студентом своего понимания проблемы;

- появление у студентов нового смысла обсуждаемой проблемы;

- степень согласованности, возникшая при обсуждении проблемы.

Эффективности сформулированного участниками решения:

- использование при выработке решений рекомендуемых (обязательных, если игра на освоение определенного учебного материал) приемов, методов;

- не превышение лимита времени;

- наличие в решении новизны, оригинальности, нестандартности;

- учет ограничений;

- рациональность принятого решения;

- наличие ошибок или противоречий в решении;

- техническая грамотность оформления решений (если требуется).

Межгруппового взаимодействия:

- быстрота принятия решений;

- экспертиза решений других групп;

- аргументированность при защите своих решений;

- согласованность решения внутри группы;

- итоги соревновательности при проведении действий, входящих в канву игры.

Игра позволяет оценивать личностные качества участников:

- эрудированность;

- принципиальность, честность, добросовестность;

- умение аргументировать и отстаивать свое решение;

- склонность к риску;

- умение использовать различные информационные источники (научную литературу, справочные материал, нормативные документы);

- инициативность, исполнительность;

- самоорганизацию;

- культуру речи, коммуникабельность.

2. Критерии оценки:

· владение терминологией,

· демонстрация владения учебным материалом по теме игры,

· владение методами аргументации,


Критерии оценки деловой игры:

Критерии Оценка Баллы
Студент дает правильные ответы на 90-100 % заданий Отлично 2
Студент дает правильные ответы на 70-90 % заданий Хорошо 1.5
Студент дает правильные ответы на 50-70 % заданий Удовлетворительно 1
Студент дает правильные ответы на менее 50 % заданий Неудовлетворительно менее 1






Кафедра иностранных языков



по дисциплине: «Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности»

направление подготовки (специальности): 40.04.01 «Юриспруденция»

магистерская программа «Юридическая деятельность в органах государственной и муниципальной власти»

Квалификация (степень): магистр

Форма обучения: очная, заочная


Содержание банка тестовых заданий


F1: Дисциплина: Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности

F2: Кафедра иностранных языков

Правильный ответ помечен знаком «+»

№ п/п Тест
V1: Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности.
01. ОК-3 - Способность совершенствовать и развивать свой интеллектуальный и общекультурный уровень.
I:1 S: What courts are authorized to examine appeals and revise sentences? a. courts of the first instance b. courts of the first and the second instance +c. only the Supreme Court        d. courts of the second instance and the Supreme Court
I:2 S: If the Constitutional Court finds law in a conflict with the Constitution, it a…. asks the Prime minister to change it +b. …changes the Constitution c. …declares the law unconstitutional        d. … sustains the law
I:3 S: What qualifications shall judges have according to the Constitution? a. Shall be at least 40 years old and have a law degree. b. There are no specific qualifications. c. Shall be over 25 years old, have a higher education in law and have experience of working in a legal profession at least for 5 years.        +d. Shall be a person over 25 years old, have a higher education in law and          have experience of working in a legal profession at least for 5 years.
I:4 S: What is the position of judges in the Russian Federation? a. Judges can be removed. +b. Judges are dependent and subordinate to the President. c. Judges shall be irremovable. d. The powers of a judge are terminated or suspended in accordance with the procedure established by the President.
I:5 S: What is the main function of the judicial branch? +a. It declares laws constitutional or unconstitutional. b. It carries out the process of checks and balances. c. It interprets laws and protects rights.       d. It rewrites and amends laws.
I:6 S: Which statement is true? +a. The Constitutional Court has no juries. b. Decisions of the first instance court cannot be appealed. c. Decisions of the Supreme Court may be sustained by the State Duma.        d. The basic judicial body is the district court.
I:7 S: Your friend fails to make payments for the car he bought from you? What type     of case is this?   a. Criminal   b. Civil              + c. Both criminal and civil
I:8 S: When someone is found not guilty he is a. … given a summons b. … put under close supervision        +c. …. acquitted.
I:9 S: What is the position of judges in the Russian Federation? a. Judges can be removed. +b. Judges are dependent and subordinate to the President. c. Judges shall be irremovable. d. The powers of a judge are terminated or suspended in accordance with the procedure established by the President.
I:10 S: Which statement is true? +a. The Constitutional Court has no juries. b. Decisions of the first instance court cannot be appealed. c. Decisions of the Supreme Court may be sustained by the State Duma.        d. The basic judicial body is the district court.
02 ОК 4 - Способность свободно пользоваться русским и иностранным языками как средством делового общения.
I:11 S: If the Constitutional Court finds law in a conflict with the Constitution, it a…. asks the Prime minister to change it b. …changes the Constitution +c. …declares the law unconstitutional        d. … sustains the law
I:12 S: What qualifications shall judges have according to the Constitution? a. Shall be at least 40 years old and have a law degree. b. There are no specific qualifications. +c. Shall be over 25 years old, have a higher education in law and have experience of working in a legal profession at least for 5 years.        d. Shall be a person over 25 years old, have a higher education in law and             have experience of working in a legal profession at least for 5 years.
I:13 S: What courts are authorized to examine appeals and revise sentences? a. courts of the first instance b. courts of the first and the second instance +c. only the Supreme Court        d. courts of the second instance and the Supreme Court
I:14 S: What is the main function of the judicial branch? +a. It declares laws constitutional or unconstitutional. b. It carries out the process of checks and balances. c. It interprets laws and protects rights.       d. It rewrites and amends laws.
  ОК 4 - Способность свободно пользоваться русским и иностранным языками как средством делового общения.
I:15 S: When someone is found not guilty he is a. … given a summons b. … put under close supervision        +c. …. acquitted.
I:16 S: Your friend fails to make payments for the car he bought from you? What type     of case is this?   a. Criminal   b. Civil              + c. Both criminal and civil
I:17 S: Someone has been arrested for stealing a puppy from a local pet shop? What type of case is this? a. Criminal b. Civil        +c. Both criminal and civil.
I:18 S: Today in most countries laws are written by ___________, such as senators or congressmen. a. general public +b. legislators                          c. leaders
I:19   S: The major feature of civil law systems is that the laws are organized into systematic written ___________. a. laws                                   +b. codes                                 c. legal system
I:20 S: Criminal law sets out types of behavior that are forbidden within society and if the behavior occurs, then ____________ will follow. a. remedy                               +b. punishment                        c. protection


2. Методические рекомендации по подготовке к проведению тестирования.

Перед началом тестирования необходимо огласить студентам порядок проведения тестирования, правила поведения при проведении тестирования и виды тестов, содержащихся в тестовых заданиях. Тестирования проводится в течении 30 минут. Каждый вариант тестового задания включает в себя 25 тестовых вопросов. Тестовые задания предлагающие варианты ответов имеют только 1 верный вариант ответа. Использование учебников, конспектов, иной вспомогательной литературы при написании тестовых заданий не допускается. Общение студентов во время проведения тестирования не допускается. Исправление в ответах на тестовые задания не допускается. Такой ответ считается ошибочным.


3. Критерии оценки:

Критерии Оценка
Студент верно ответил на 51 и более процентов тестовых заданий Допущен к промежуточной аттестации
Студент верно ответил на 50 и менее процентов тестовых заданий Не допущен к промежуточной аттестации


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