J ust you're going and I'm staying /HITCHER — КиберПедия 

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J ust you're going and I'm staying /HITCHER

2021-01-29 61
J ust you're going and I'm staying /HITCHER 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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why apply to me well

if you're going to (ride) come

to the bitch which sooner than later

(will) say u: breakup. am I u?

all facts about that


why apply to me well

if single love for me,

not for u from us two

for the day that's fun yeah


turn back, I feel your body

dont rub at me, your life harder

hurt me when I capricious

the symptom of failure:

'decided this mine'


iron role is behind a shot

just in case me?



is the sixth time? drunk fell

total opinion is

could not stand there

shame with eyes down

carees my hand

that is good bye



wanted to take with

keeped in mind

'If I will buy what I..

we will go by..'

too bad sad

worry was expressed in

you won't dragged me

like I fucked the fuck you to fuck


just you're going and I'm staying


at the confession said

'dont devalue my words'

to stay at night..

somebody put you out

'with your example wanna show?'

quiet was..

'write a work on topic how

your emotional..

(psychomotor) excitation

influence.. at me..

at my.. curator? yeah'

more than a week

am I still me

impulsivity of you

scares a little (me)

where do you.. dying


just you're going and I'm staying


rumors and gossip cath me

it seems about for you

amiss with another

they're sitting in there

and condoms account

you're thinking smth

remembering me..

haha your what tears

not cool that to me

maskes and roles

which playing for me

haha stop remindes me.. HE

meaning inside..

apparantly.. you know?

what's the panacea

reality show ravens


just you're going and I'm staying


I was told before..

for not believing you

prove properly

now.. what they're for?

roof breaks regulary

drugs such as or

who can deal

who could before



Swettie.. We was Dead 2013


Jeordie white


charlie lemon


'вы стали счастливым обладателем рая, поздравляю'




we're junkies

we're junkies

we're junkies

we're junkies oh

                - many

we're junkies

we're junkies

we're junkies

we're junkies oh рай звуковые эффекты




звук шагов

шум мегаполиса, машины,

разговоры, смех






щелчок по микрофонной стойке, проверка звука





I'm so tired to build the way

by the music of the rain

and even mouse seen the light

run away from me tonight

I'm so tired to sail ahead

without wind and wheel

and compass lies

changing the course

to fire line

(goodbye) (and heal)


but spoon

the spoon with darkest bottom

will help me fall asleep

I will not hear under the window

how could be drown with

I will not know who will be next

catch this the oldest book

I will not see how dust will cover

(by tent) the last of someones house

I will not understand which rope

HE wants to use

but spoon

the spoon with darkest bottom

will help me fall asleep

(to choose..)


coffee smoke into the air

tv sounds loud

we're sitting here and watch each other

missing everything

(former intelligentsia's issues)

while in movies

everyone who is below anothers


Motherfucking allienS

Amoral moral bitche's

toys.. show the ugly toys..

Bill and Bob 1934

meet each other.. No.

Call. The one call to the second for..

Alcogolic surgen.. more..

talk to me the friend of 'more

more give me one more

phone.. community.. groups..

ooooooh.. step one two to

problem.. WHAT?

are you fucking kidding me?

Ok Ok the world was.. say..

Only today. Motherfuckers..

Showing gay..?


coffee smoke into the air

tv sounds loud

we're sitting here and watch each other

missing everything

(former intelligentsia's issues)

while in movies

everyone who is below anothers


I'm so tired to build the way

by the music of the rain

and even mouse seen the light

run away from me tonight

I'm so tired to sail ahead

without wind and wheel

and compass lies

changing the course

to fire line

(goodbye) (and heal)


but spoon

the spoon with darkest bottom

will help me fall asleep

I will not hear under the window

how could be drown with

I will not know who will be next

catch this the oldest book

I will not see how dust will cover

(by tent) the last of someones house

I will not understand which rope

HE wants to use

but spoon

the spoon with darkest bottom

will help me fall asleep

(to choose..)




Motherfucking allienS

Amoral moral bitche's

toys.. show the ugly toys..

Bill and Bob 1934

meet each other.. No.

Call. The one call to the second for..

Alcogolic surgen.. more..

talk to me the friend of 'more

more give me one more

phone.. community.. groups..

ooooooh.. step one two to

problem.. WHAT?

are you fucking kidding me?

Ok Ok the world was.. say..

Only today. Motherfuckers..

Showing gay..?


PRIDE.. the music of the rain







I know you think of me, you think

I feel your thoughts lying at me

Like miracle who don't allow to loose

Control or patience we are use

To be the same and not refuse


We're look at Greatest Mister Free

We're never late for 'That is me'

We're nothing left, we're all are right

Heart gives a perfect colony

With own list from 'Let it be'


To be responsible of Lee





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