III. Read and translate the situation — КиберПедия 

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III. Read and translate the situation

2021-01-29 153
III. Read and translate the situation 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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“Discussing the Guarantee”

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Borisov studied the offer and the leaflets very closely. He thought that the technical characteristics of the LS 8 pump would suit their customers.

He got in touch with Mr Parks and visited his office. During their talk they discussed some technical matters.

Today they are meeting at the Russian Trade Delegation.

Borisov: Good morning, Mr Parks. Very glad to see you again.

Parks: Good morning, Mr Borisov. What terrible weather we are having!

Borisov:   Yes, it has been raining since early morning though the radio didn’t say it would rain today.

Parks: I hope it will clear up by the evening.

Borisov:   Perhaps it will. Mr Parks, the matter I’d like to bring up today is the guarantee period. I know it is 12 months from the date of putting the pumps into operation, but not more than 18 months from the delivery date.

Parks: That’s right.

Borisov:   Well, I find it rather short. We’d like it to be extended by two and three months respectively, as the usual guarantee period for this type of equipment is longer.

Parks:             Now, look. Model LS 8 is of a new design and only a small number of units have been manufactured so far. Although we have good reports about their performance we can’t formally guarantee their reliability for a longer period.

Borisov:   I see. But, Mr Parks, I believe the contract will specify that if any defects are found during the guarantee period you are to correct them promptly and at your expense.

Parks:             Yes, this is our usual obligation, but of course we do that only if we are responsible for the defects, not if they appear through your fault.

Borisov:   This seems reasonable. Let’s consider one more possibility. Suppose we would like some faulty parts to be replaced, on what terms will you deliver the replacements?

Parks:             We’ll try to supply them immediately and pay the cost of their insurance and transport. Will that suit you?

Borisov: Quite.

Parks:             By the way, if you want special service visits of our engineer to be arranged after the guarantee period, we can always do that.

Borisov: Shall we have to pay for such visits?

Parks:             Yes. You should authorize such visits and pay the engineer’s fair to and in Russia, hotel expenses and the cost of each job he will do.

Borisov:   Thank you. I’ll have to look into the matter. Could we meet on Thursday, say, at 12?

Parks:             Let’s make it at 2 if you don’t mind. I have an appointment at 12 which I don’t want to break,

Borisov: Very good.


§ Now read the text for the second time, understand it and then role-play it with your partner.

§ Work with the computer programme TEXT_TR_9.

TEXT_TR_9 - это программа-модель, предназначенная для самоконтроля понимания содержания текста “Discussing the Guarantee”.



Сделать упражнения в виде тесто. Напечатать.

IV.1. True or false?


1. Borisov thought, that the technical characteristics of the LS 8 pump would suit their customers.

2. Borisov and Mr. Parks are meeting at the café.

3. Borisov and Mr. Parks are discussing the terms of delivery.

4. Model LS 8 is of a new design.

5. During the guarantee period the Seller is to correct defects at his expense.

6. If the Buyer would like some faulty parts to be replaced the Seller will supply the replacements immediately.

7. Borisov and Mr. Parks are making an appointment for Thursday.


IV.2. Put the following sentences in the right order.

-  We can’t formally guarantee their reliability for a longer period.

- The matter I’d like to bring up today is the guarantee period.

- If any defects are found during the guarantee period you are to correct them at your expense.

 - We’d like it to be extended by two and three months respectively.

- You should authorize such visits and pay the engineer’s fair, hotel expenses and the cost of each job he will do.

- If you want special service visits of our engineer to be arranged, we can always do that.

- We do that only if we are responsible for the defects, not if they appear through your fault.

IV.3. Fill in the gaps.

B.: The matter I’d like to _1_ is the _2_. We’d like it to _3_. I believe the contract will _4_ if any _5_ are found and you are to _6_ them _7_ and at your _8_.

P.: This is our usual _9_. But we do that only if we are _10_ for the defects, not if they appear _11_ your _12_.

IV.4. Translate the following words combinations

From Russian into English.

Гарантийный срок, по образцу, санкционировать визит,обсуждать условия, по вашей вине,находить дефекты, крупные расходы,иметь возможность, ужасный случай, дать разрешение, вводить в эксплуатацию, неисправное оборудование, пробный заказ, получить уведомление, настаивать на замене.


Вопросы по теме (тексты А, B)

Написать вопросы и ответы по теме в тетрадь.

What is a trial order?

It’s the order the company places the first time to try the equipment in operation.


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