Необходимо, чтобы директора поддерживали идею открытых собраний с персоналом. — КиберПедия 

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Необходимо, чтобы директора поддерживали идею открытых собраний с персоналом.

2020-10-20 188
Необходимо, чтобы директора поддерживали идею открытых собраний с персоналом. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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13. Невозможно поверить в то, что значительная часть населения страдает от психических расстройств. (It’ s unbelievable)

14. Невозможно, чтобы тема агрессии ‘всплыла’ на заседании «Круглого стола», посвящённого обсуждению ‘примитивного’ и ‘бессознательного’ в природе человека. (It’ s impossible)

15. Важно, чтобы комплекс подходов в психологии способствовал лучшему пониманию / предсказанию моделей поведения человека в различных условиях окружающей среды. (It’ s important)

16. Предлагается, чтобы учёные выяснили, каким образом мы приобретаем знания, обрабатываем их, храним и затем используем. (It’ s suggested)  


Model: I fear lest senior managers should lie to shield their directors from negative stuff.

Боюсь, как бы старшим менеджерам не пришлось врать, чтобы оградить своих директоров от негативной информации.

17. Боюсь, как бы учёные не потерпели неудачу в своих попытках исследовать принципы поведения человека при воздействии на него различных факторов окружающей среды.

18. Боюсь, как бы внутреннее психологическое состояние человека не было травмировано неблагоприятным социальным фоном окружающего его мира.

Please, using the Active vocabulary develop your sentences with the Suppositional Mood structure.


Please, consider the main points in the texts presented in this module and develop a talk according to the following communicative tasks:

Describe the methods used in empirical and experimental study and explain how they are exercised in the behavioral perspective of psychology.

According to the information in the text “Perspectives in modern psychology”, please, report on the fundamental trends in the field of study in question.

According to the information in the text “Perspectives in modern psychology”, please, report on the biological perspective.

Your response should comply with the following:


Your response answers the topic question.

The point of view or position is clear.

The response is direct and well-organized.

The sentences are logically connected.

Details and examples support the main idea.

The thoughts you express are complete.

The meaning is easy to comprehend.

A wide range of vocabulary is used.




According to the information in the text “Perspectives in modern psychology”, please, report on the biological perspective.

As the text “Perspectives in modern psychology” runs, the biological perspective and the study of physiology, in particular, is considered one of the fundamental trends in modern psychology. Sometimes the biological perspective is referred to as biopsychology or physiological psychology and this point of view makes the stress onto the physical and biological bases of behavior.


In the first place researchers who keep to a biological perspective look at how genetics influence different behaviors or how damage to specific areas of the brain may influence the man’s behavior and personality. Scholars give special attention to such things as the nervous system, genetics, the brain, the immune system, and the endocrine systems.


Our ability to explore and understand the human brain and nervous system made it possible for us to have significantly moved forward in the biological perspective over the last few decades. Computer based technologies allow researchers to study the brain in full under a wide range of conditions what was just impossible in the past.


Communicative tasks:


Report Problem: Kendra Cherry, the psychology expert expresses her opinion of the perspectives in the modern psychology. Report her opinion and explain the reasons that she gives for having that opinion.


Summary Problem: Explain why the above perspectives in the modern psychology are considered the major ones, and why this list of perspectives is deemed not complete. (Additional sources of information are welcome.)


Final home assignment: prepare a talk / a report on one of the perspectives in the modern psychology and describe the research methods or designs used in it. Make an emphasis on the point you find the most essential.

Your talk can be given orally in the format of a PowerPoint presentation or submitted in the written form (typed, Times Roman, 12 points, 350 –500 words) on a separate sheet of paper.



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