Информационный листок к путевке туристского путешествия — КиберПедия 

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Информационный листок к путевке туристского путешествия

2020-08-20 142
Информационный листок к путевке туристского путешествия 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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от 21.06.1994 No. 177


к путевке туристского путешествия


(наименование путешествия)

Обязательная информация

1. Указание вида и типа туристского путешествия, основного содержания программы обслуживания в путешествии, протяженности и продолжительности всего маршрута и его походной части, категорийности походов.

2. Описание трассы путешествия - пунктов пребывания, продолжительности пребывания и условия размещения в каждом пункте обслуживания (тип здания, число мест в номере, его санитарно-гигиеническое оборудование).

3. Краткое описание района путешествия (достопримечательности, особенности рельефа местности и т.п.), программы обслуживания в каждом пункте путешествия (в соответствии с технологической картой туристского путешествия).

4. Перечень услуг, предоставляемых за дополнительную плату.

5. Наличие и краткая характеристика спортивных сооружений и площадок, автостоянок, пассажирских канатных дорог, водоемов, пляжей, аттракционов, детских игровых площадок (комнат), библиотек, кинозалов и т.д.

6. Адрес туристского предприятия, в котором начинается туристское путешествие, и проезд до него.

Примерный перечень дополнительной информации

1. Информация о возрастных ограничениях, приеме родителей с детьми, семейных.

2. Специальная информация для туристских путешествий с походом.

3. Прочая информация и рекомендации.

Примечание. Целесообразно отмечать, что "лицам, нуждающимся в лечении и постоянном врачебном наблюдении, путешествовать по туристским маршрутам не рекомендуется".


3.3 Карта маршрута и описание достопримечательностей пешеходной экскурсии (на английском языке)



Welcome to St. Petersburg!

One would be hard-pressed to name another city in the world which could be described in such human-like terms. Fiercely independent, (he city has served as the cradle of both uprising and revolution. Countless treasures of art, both inside and outside of the museums, and in all manners of expression, testify to its creative spirit.

On the other hand, St. Petersburg has known anguish. Indeed, no city in the world has suffered in the manner experienced by the city during the 900-day siege by the Nazis during World War ft.

Even the geography of St. Petersburg manifests a certain human flavor to it. Like some great circulatory system, the various canals and channels flowing through the city environs carry the lifeblood from the city"s spiritual heart, the Neva River.

A fair appreciation of the city would require far more time than is afforded most of St. Petersburg's visitors. Regardless of the length of your stay, however, there are certain essential points of interest that should not be missed. We invite you to discover for yourself some of these outstanding features. We've tried to design this self-guided tour so that you'll succeed in visiting many of the outstanding highlights of St. Petersburg within one afternoon. A second optional tour offers you the opportunity to experience even more, You'll capture & feel for the city impossible to match within the constraints of ordinary tours. And perhaps, your experience will help make it easier for you to appreciate the almost spiritual nature of the relationship which exists between the city and its residents.


During the 17th and 18th centuries, Russia and Sweden were engaged in a series of struggles to gain power over areas inhabited by Finnish and Slavic nationalities from early times. The land upon which the city of St. Petersburg now sits fell to forces under Peter the Great during the Northern War (1700-21), which settled the issue once and tor all. The city dates from May 27, 1703. On that day, Peter the Great ordered the construction of what is now known as the Peter and Paul Fortress near the mouth of the Neva River to protect the newly won region. The city takes its name from its patron, St. Peter, and not from the famous czar.

In 1712 Peter the Great decided to move the capital here from Moscow to facilitate contact with Europe. Hundreds of thousands of peasants, soldiers, and craftsmen were brought here to transform the uninhabited, marshy area to Peter's capital. To speed up construction the czar issued a special decree forbidding stone work anywhere else in the country for several years. He assessed a kind of tax; every barge that went down the Neva and every cart that entered St. Petersburg had to bring a certain number of building stones. Workers used these to lay the foundations of houses and to pave streets. Later, special brick factories were built.

The czar himself supervised the construction. A special office was built where architectural plans were drawn up. Over the years St. Petersburg has retained the harmony which characterizes its layout through adherence to such planning. From this initial activity, a remarkable variety of architectural ensembles, churches, and memorials arose in what is today considered the historic section of St. Petersburg.

Walking tour № 1. The excursion beginning – M. Gorkovskaya

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