Role of the hotel general manager (part 1) — КиберПедия 

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Role of the hotel general manager (part 1)

2020-08-20 158
Role of the hotel general manager (part 1) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Hotel general managers have a lot of responsibilities. They must pro­vide owners with a reasonable return on investment (ROI), keep guests satisfied and returning, and keep employees happy. This may seem easy, but because there are so many interpersonal transactions and because hotels are open every day, all day, the complexities of operating become challenges that the general manager must face and overcome.

Larger hotels can be more impersonal. Here, the general manager may only meet and greet a few VIPs. In the smaller property, it is easier —, though no less important — for the GM to become acquainted with! guests, to ensure their stay is memorable, and to secure their return. One \ way that experienced GMs can meet guests, even in large hotels, is to be j visible in the lobby and food and beverage (F & B) outlets at peak times ] (check-out, lunch, check-in, and dinner time).

Guests like to feel that the GM takes a personal interest in their well-being. Max Brown, who was general manager of the famous George V Hotel hi Paris for more than thirty years, was a master of this art. He was always present at the right moment to meet and greet guests. In fact, he often made such a spectacle that other guests would inquire who he was and then would want to meet him. Hoteliers always remember they are


Rick Segal, vice president of Sheraton's luxury hotel division, credits his success to several things, but the quality he mentions first is paying attention to detail. As general manager of the famous St. Regis Hotel hi New York City, he has plenty of opportunities to do just that.

The GM is ultimately responsible for the performance of the hotel and the employees. The GM is the leader of the hotel. As such, she or he is held accountable for the hotel's level of profitability by the corporation or owners.

General managers with a democratic, situational, and participating leadership style are more likely to be successful. There are, however, times when it is necessary to be somewhat autocratic — when crisis situa­tions arise [1, 121].

(to be continued)

Vocabulary notes

responsibility                                                       зд. должностная обязанность

reasonable                                                      приемлемый, обоснованный;                                                                             находя­щийся в разумных пределах

return on investment                                     экон. прибыль на                                                                                                           инвестированный (вложенный)                                                                                капитал                             

to keep guests satisfied and returning              добиться, чтобы гости остались всем                                                                           довольны и вернулись [в этот отель] и в                                                                                  следующий раз                                                   interpersonal transactions                                           межличностные отношения

complexities of operating                                   сложные моменты в работе руково-                                                                                                        дителя       

to face (smth.)                                                      сталкиваться (с чем-либо) [употребляет­ся, как ср. также                                                       правило, когда речь идет о чем-либо            to be faced (with smth.)                             трудном или неприятном]


to overcome                                                         преодолевать

impersonal                                                           зд. лишенный каких-либо личностных                                                                                пристрастий; сугубо деловой

VIPs                                                                     очень важные персоны. «ВИП-персоны».                                                                           VIP — сокр. от «Very Important Person»

to ensure                                                              обеспечивать

way                                                                      зд. способ

memorable                                                          незабываемый

outlet                                                              место отпуска (напитков, продуктов);                                                                                     торговая точка

to greet                                                           приветствовать                            

hotelier                                                                 владелец отеля или его управляющий

vice president                                          вице-президент

detail                                                                    подробности

opportunity                                                         возможность, шанс

employee                                                              работник, сотрудник

accountable                                                         подотчетный

somewhat                                                            зд. до некоторой степени; в известном смысле

autocratic                                                            автократический, диктаторский; деспо­тичный,                                                                  властный



Vocabulary focus

4. Match each word or phrase on the left with the correct equivalent on the right:

1) remember

2) well-being

3) inquire

4) be responsible

5) performance

6) become acquainted

7) successful

8) pay attention

9) famous

10) lobby


a) функционирование

b) помнить

c) знакомиться

d) отвечать за что-либо

e) наводить справки, осведомляться, узнавать

f) благосостояние

g) обращать внимание

h) успешный, удачливый

i) холл в гостинице

j) знаменитый

5. Match each word on the left with the correct definition on the right:

1) marketing

2) executive

3) cooperation

a) adrink, for example — tea, coffee, or wine

b) abuilding where you pay to stay in a room and have meals


4) beverage


5) profit


6) student


7) stuff


8) property


9) hotel


10) staff


11) money





c) asenior manager in a business or other organiza­tion

d) what you earn, save, invest and use to pay for!

e) someone who goes to a university, college, or high I school

f) the ways in which a company encourages people] to buy its products by deciding on price, type of cus­tomer, and advertising policy

g) avariety of objects or things


h) people who work for a particular company

 i) asituation in which people or organizations together to achieve a result that will benefit all of them

j) money that you make by selling    something or
from your business, especially the money that
remains after you have paid all your business costs

k) things, especially valuable things, that owned are by someone [7], [8]



6. Match the synonyms:

1) responsibility

2) each

3) time

4) head

5) some

6) master

7) corporation

8) secure

a) period

b) leader

c) company

d) duty

e) ensure

f) several

g) owner

h) every

7. Match the antonyms:

1) complex

2) autocratic

3) never

4) forget

5) few

6) success

7) visible

8) seldom

a) crisis

b) many

c) always

d) democratic

e) invisible

f) simple

g) often

h) remember



8. Answer the questions on the text:

1. What must general managers provide hotels' owners

2. Who was general manager of the famous George V Hotel in France for more than thirty years?

3. Whose responsibility is it to ensure the guests' stay is memorable, and to secure their return?



4. Why must general managers keep guests satisfied and returning?

5. Why are some periods (check-out, lunch, check-in, and dinner!
time) considered to be «peak times* in large hotels?                     '

6. Why do experienced GMs often meet guests in the lobby and F & B outlets at peak times?

7. What management style is more likely to be effective in running a large hotel?

8. What is one of the main things Rick Segal, vice president of Sheraton's luxury hotel division, credits his success to?

9. What makes him think so? Do you agree with him?

10. When is it recommended to be somewhat autocratic in running a hotel?

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