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2020-07-07 137
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Int: Hello, I’m from the local newsagents’ association and we’re doing a survey on people’s reading habits. Would you mind answering a few questions?

Ann: Not at all.

Int: Great. So, what kind of newspaper do you read?

Ann: Well, I don’t get one every day but I prefer broadsheet papers because they’re well-written and informative.

Int: You don’t read tabloids then.

Ann: No, because you have to take everything they write with a pinch of salt. It’s not really news.

Int: What about gossip magazines? Do you ever read them?

Ann: Oh, occasionally. Just for fun. I think everyone enjoys a bit of scandal now and then.

Int: Do you believe the stories in them?

Ann: Not really. You can’t believe everything you read, can you?

Int: Did you know that nearly all the people who took part in our survey today said that they get most of their information about what’s going on in the world from gossip magazines?

Ann: Really? That’s unbelievable! But then truth is stranger than fiction!


Тест № 2. Сделайте тест письменно.

The interviewer works at the local newsagent's association.

a) Интервьюер работает в ассоциации местных новостных агентов.

b) Интервьюер работает в ассоциации.


The survey is about people's reading habits.

a) Этот опрос о читательских привычках людей.

b) Этот опрос о котах.


According to Ann, broadsheet papers are well-written and informative.

a) Согласно Энн, широкоформатные газеты хорошо написаны и информативны.

b) Согласно Энн, широкоформатные газеты много врут.


According to Ann, tabloids don’t tell the complete truth/have real news.

a) Согласно Энн, таблоиды не имеют реальных новостей.

b) Согласно Энн, таблоиды рассказывают реальные новости.


Ann thinks the stories in gossip magazines are fun.

a) Энн считает, что истории в журналах сплетен - это весело.

b) Энн считает, что истории в журналах сплетен – это грустно.


Most of the people who were interviewed get informed from gossip magazines.

a) Большинство людей, которые были опрошены, получают информацию из желтой прессы.

b) Большинство людей, которые были опрошены, получают информацию из книг..



Урок № 55

Тема урока «В будущем»

Задание 3. Выучить новые слова, прочитать текст устно. Выполнить тест № 3 письменно.

achieve - добиваться

banish - изгонять, выгонять

candidate - кандидат

composer - композитор

congress - конгресс

countless - бесчисленный

defeat - побеждать

elect - избирать

failing - недостаток

failure - провал, неудача

fault - недостаток, вина, ошибка

goal - цель

hopeless - безнадежный

initially - с самого начала, первоначально

insurmountable - непреодолимый

long - страстно желать, стремиться к чему-либо

obstacle - помеха, преграда

overcome - преодолевать

perseverance - упорство, настойчивость

perspiration - потение, выделение пота

process - процесс, ход, развитие

prove - доказывать

reject - не принимать, отвергать

self-doubt - неуверенность в себе

solve - решать, разрешать, находить решение

symphony - симфония

Phrasal verbs

come up against - сталкиваться с

end in - приводить к, оканчиваться

run for - выставлять свою кандидатуру на выборах, баллотироваться


a dream come true - осуществление мечты

dash one’s hopes - разбить чьи-либо надежды

get one’s hopes up - успокаивать, подбадривать

give up hope - потерять надежду

have high hopes of - возлагать большие надежды на

in the hope that - в надежде, что

pin one’s hopes on - возлагать надежды на кого-либо

take steps - предпринимать шаги, попытки

take things as they come - принимать как есть

I have a dream…

       Did you know that it took Abraham Lincoln thirty years to achieve his dream of becoming President of the United States? After losing his mother at a young age, his first attempt at business ended in failure. Then he failed to get into law school, which he desperately wanted. He eventually became a lawyer, but then he was defeated for congress three times and got less than one hundred votes when he ran for Vice-President. He was finally elected sixteenth President of the United States when he was sixty years old. He faced countless insurmountable obstacles, but he never gave up. He just kept on going until he reached his goal!

       So what about you? You may not dream of being a world leader, but perhaps you long to become a lawyer, an astronaut or an inventor, to climb Mount Everest or perhaps simply to do something to help those less fortunate than yourself. At times, achieving these ambitions may seem impossible and, like Abraham Lincoln, you might come up against incredible difficulties. But take heart because there are some very practical steps you can take to help make your dreams come true…

       • Believe in yourself

       Without a doubt, this is the first step on the road to achieving your dreams! And this means not listening to anyone who tells you, ‘You can’t.’ Einstein, Beethoven and Edison, all knew about this. Einstein was considered an ‘unteachable fool’ by his early teachers, Beethoven’s music teacher told him he was a ‘hopeless composer’, and Thomas Edison’s mother was told to remove him from school because he was ‘too stupid to learn’. Sometimes, though, it’s not others that we have to worry about. Many times, we are our own worst enemy. We look at ourselves and all we can see are our weaknesses, failings and defeats. But when you banish self-doubt, you are capable of doing everything you attempt to the best of your ability because you believe you can succeed. As Henry Ford once put it, ‘If you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re probably right.’

       • Take steps to achieve your dreams

       Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day! In other words, achieving your dreams is usually a process involving a lot of hard work and perseverance. Therefore, read books, take courses, practise for hours or do whatever you need to do that will give you the skills to achieve your goals. After all, in the words of Thomas Edison, ‘Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.’

       • Don’t give up

       Finally, don’t be afraid of failure on the way to achieving your dreams. Michael Jordan is someone who understands this very well. ‘I’ve failed over and over again in my life,’ he once said, ‘and that is why I succeed.’ Thomas Edison’s life proves to us that this is true. After thousands of failures, each of which showed him how not to make a light bulb, he was able to achieve a success that would change people’s lives for ever. In the same way, George Lucas’ script for Star Wars was initially rejected by various studios. If he had given up at this point, he would have never seen Star Wars become one of the most popular films of all time!

       So, never say never. Believe you can climb that mountain, swim that ocean or reach that place, and surely one day you will. There would be no Ford cars, Star Wars, light bulbs or Beethoven symphonies if this was not true!

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