Выберите правильное прилагательное, из двух данных в скобках, чтобы закончить предложение: Каждый правильный ответ – 1 балл — КиберПедия 

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Выберите правильное прилагательное, из двух данных в скобках, чтобы закончить предложение: Каждый правильный ответ – 1 балл

2020-07-06 116
Выберите правильное прилагательное, из двух данных в скобках, чтобы закончить предложение: Каждый правильный ответ – 1 балл 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. I get (angry| worried) when my sister uses my things.

2. I have taken up yoga and now I feel more (relaxed| excited).

3. I have just passed my driving test and I am (worried| delighted).

4. My little brother doesn t like talking to people because he is very (shy| sensitive).

5. My best friend always keeps promises. She is rather (thoughtful| reliable).


   Don t believe that teenagers and adults argue all the time – teenagers and their grandparents get on very well together. Researchers at the University of Glasgow have done a study on the relationship between teenagers and their older relatives.

    They interviewed 75 young people aged 10-19, and 73 older people aged 50-70. It shows that grandparents play very important role in families. They look after children, and they give a link to the past. They can also help when there are disagreements between teenagers and parents.

     Most people believe that only very young children have a close relationship with grandparents. This is because they often take care of the children, when parents are at work or out in the evening. The study shows that when children become teenagers, they are still very close to their grandparents. Although teenagers spend more time with friends than with their grandparents, many young people say that their grandparents are very important to them. So, in what ways are grandparents important?

- They are good listeners. It is easy for teenagers to share their problems and express their feelings with their grandparents.

- They can provide financial help in small ways, like pocket money, and in bigger ways, like school fees.

- They help young people develop respect and responsibility. They also help communication in the family.

- They know a lot about a families history and so can help teenagers understand about the past.

- And what are the advantage for old people?

- They can fun with their grandchildren and take part in different activities.

- They can stay active and take part of the modern world.

- They often learn about modern technology so they can keep up with their grandchildren.

    There is a lot of negative news about the generation gap, so it is good to hear that older people and teenagers can be good friends.


Задание 3:

Прочитайте текст и выполните следующее задание: дополните предложения по смыслу данными фразами или ответьте на поставленные вопросы по тексту, выбрав один из 4 –х ответов. Каждый правильный ответ -1 б

1. Don t believe that teenagers and adults…

a) are rather quite and tolerant,      b) get on very well together

c) arguing all the time,               d) are impatient and rude

What did the interview show?

a) Grandparents don t mean much for teenagers;      

 b) Grandparents never look after children;

c) Grandparents give a link to the past; d) Grandparents don t play an important role

3. Most people believe that…

a) only middle children are usually independent;

b) only senior teenagers have a close relationship with grandparents;

c) only very young children have a close relationship with grandparents;

d) only parents have close relationship with grandparents.

4. The study showed that…

a) teenagers usually sociable and like being with people;

b) teenagers spend more time with their friends than with their grandparents;

c) teenagers are responsible people;

d) teenagers often have to look after their younger brother or sister.

In what way are grandparents important?

a) It is not easy for teenagers to listen to their grandparent s problems.

b) It is possible to get a financial help from their grandparents.

c) It is easily to communicate in a family with grandparents.

d) It is useless for grandparents to tell teenagers about the familie s past.


Задание 4: Подберите значения к данным словам (эквиваленты) Каждый правильный ответ – 1 балл

1. tennis court       a) the person who is a leader of a team;

2. athletics track    b) the place where you play tennis;

3. sky slope           c) if you do a lot of exercises, you will…

4. get feet              d) the place where athletes run

5. captain              e) the person who is in charge of a team

6. coach                 f) what players do before they start playing

7. referee               g) the people who watch a sport

8. warm up            h) the person who controls e.g. football match

9. train                   i) the place where you ski

10. spectators         j) what professional sports people have to do every day



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