What is the normal amount of blood in adult? — КиберПедия 

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What is the normal amount of blood in adult?

2020-07-06 181
What is the normal amount of blood in adult? 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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What are the main functions of blood?

3. What does blood consist of?

4. What is the function of erythrocytes?

5. What is hemoglobin?

6. What is the function of leucocytes?

7. What is the normal volume of white cells in healthy people?

8. How long do the platelets live?

9. What is the function of thrombocytes?

10. What are the components of plasma?



Organ Systems

Look at the table and study it

The human body is made up of several organ systems that all work together (Tab.1). The organ systems play different roles in helping the body work.

Table1.  Organ systems

System Organs in the system Functions of System
  Cardiovascular · - Heart · - Blood vessels (arteries, capillaries, veins)   Pumps blood and circulates it throughout the body
    Respiratory · - Nose · - Pharynx · - Larynx · - Trachea · - Bronchi · - Lungs     Adds oxygen to the blood and removes carbon dioxide from the blood
  Nervous · -Brain · -Spinal cord · -Nerves Controls all other body systems and the communications between all body components
    Digestive · - Mouth · - Esophagus · - Stomach · - Small intestine · - Large intestine · - Rectum · - Anus · - Liver · - Gallbladder · -Pancreas · - Appendix     Digests and absorbs food and excretes waste products from the body
    Endocrine · - Thyroid gland · - Parathyroid gland · - Adrenal glands · - Pituitary gland · - Pancreas · - Thymus · - Hypothalamus · - Pineal gland · - Ovaries · - Testes   Produces chemical messengers (hormones) carried in the blood, which direct the activities of different organ systems
    Urinary · - Kidneys · - Ureters · - Bladder · - Urethra   Excretion of organic wastes from body fluids and their elimination
  Musculoskeletal · - Muscles · - Tendons · - Ligaments · - Bones · - Joints     Provides structure and allows motion of the body
    Reproductive   Male: - Penis - Prostate gland - Seminal vesicles - Vasa deferentia - Testes Female: - Ovaries - Fallopian tubes - Uterus - Vagina - Mammary glands   Production of new living organisms

Answer the questions

1. What are the major organ systems of the body?

2. Name the organs of each system.

3. What are the functions of the organ systems?

4. Which system controls breathing?

5. Which organ system is not vital?6. Which system connects the brain to the rest of the body?7. What system includes the liver and the pancreas?8. What organ system differs women from men?



The Cardiovascular System

Choose the words to the topic

Ventricle, palm, dermis, capillary, skin, race, vein, atrium, finger, artery, foot, circulation, mouth, clavicle, aorta, skeleton, heart, blood vessels, bone, systemic circuit, face, pulmonary circuit.


Find the definition to the following terms

Heart is a tiny vessel which connects the smallest arteries and veins.
Blood is the biggest systemic artery in the body.
Artery is a blood vessel carrying blood to the heart.
Vein is a lower compartment of the heart.
Capillary is the fluid circulating through the heart, arteries, capillaries and veins.
Atrium is a blood vessel carrying blood away from the heart.
Ventricle is a muscular organ lying slightly to the left of the middle of the chest between the two lungs.
Aorta is an upper compartment of the heart.

Make up the sentences from the words:

1. is, of, in the body, a rich network, there, blood vessels

2. blood, kinds, are, three, vessels, capillaries, and, of, veins, there, arteries

3. no, between, is, the heart, there, connection, the two sides, of

Learn the new words

cardiovascular system – сердечнососудистая система

blood circulation – кровообращение

artery – артерия

vein – вена

capillary – капилляр

blood vessel – кровеносный сосуд

to pump blood – выталкивать кровь

oxygen-poor blood – кровь, бедная кислородом

oxygen-rich blood – кровь, обогащённая кислородом

chamber of the heart – камера сердца

atrium (atria) – предсердие

ventricle – желудочек

valve – клапан

cardiac cycle – сердечный цикл

vascular system – сосудистая система

pulmonary system – лёгочная система

to separate – разделять

portal system – портальная система


Read the text. Pay attention to the new words for better understanding

The Cardiovascular System

The cardiovascular system is the system of blood circulation. It includes the heart, the arteries, the veins and the capillaries.

The centre of the circulatory system is the heart. The heart is the size of about clenched (сжатый) fist. The average adult heart is about 14 cm long by 9 cm wide and weighs approximately 300 g. The normal weight of the heart is about half of one per cent of the total body weight. The human heart contracts from the first moment of life to the last one.

The contractions of the heart pump blood through the arteries to all parts of the body. Blood flows through your body using your blood vessels such as capillaries, veins and arteries. When the oxygen-poor blood goes to your lungs, the blood will be oxygen-rich and will give oxygen to your whole body and does this over and over again.

There are four chambers in the heart. There are two chambers on the top and two chambers on the bottom. The top two chambers are called the atria. There's a left atrium and a right atrium. They receive blood returning to the heart from the body and lungs. The bottom two chambers are the ventricles. There is also a right ventricle and a left ventricle. The ventricles give the blood to the body and lungs. The valves separate the atria from the ventricles. The valves are located at the entrance and exit of each ventricle.

Each beat of the heart is followed by a period of rest for the cardiac muscle. Each wave of contraction and period of rest of the heart compose a cardiac cycle.

The vascular system consists of three groups of vessels – arteries, veins and capillaries. The vessels carrying blood to and from the tissues of the body compose the general system. They are called the systemic vessels. The pulmonary system is formed by the vessels carrying blood to and from the lungs. The portal system is formed by the veins passing to the liver.

Figure 9. The blood pathway includes two circuits: systemic and pulmonary


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