Опротестовать Ультиматум в течении 72-х часов с момента получения — КиберПедия 

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Опротестовать Ультиматум в течении 72-х часов с момента получения

2020-11-03 190
Опротестовать Ультиматум в течении 72-х часов с момента получения 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Ультиматум — термин международного права, означающий категорическое требование одного государства к другому совершить требуемые действия, определиться в каких-либо вопросах или выполнить определенные условия.                по Римскому Праву с 1472 года де-юре


Я ЕСМЬ, © Татьяна!

Имею исключительные права являюсь участницей Единого Неба!

Заявляю исключительное право собственности на Личное имя © Татьяна, тело, ум, разум, душу младенца жива рождённой живой девочки, далее живой живорождённой ЖенЧины / Женщины с душой, духом, разумом.

Я ЕСМЬ, © Татьяна,

наследница доходов и аннуитетов по Божественному Трасту с 1302 года;
- гражданка СССР абсолютно здорова, заявляю и объявляю себя Живой,                                     по Римскому Праву с 1472 года де-юре

   Я ЕСМЬ, © Татьяна!

   Я ЕСМЬ, © Татьяна!

Жива Татьяна Рождённая – Живая Живорождённая ЖенЧина/Женщина, Самостоятельная Человеческая Личность, Живущая по Закону Свободной Воли и по Единому Существующему Универсальному Космическому Закону – Я ЕСМЬ.

Отменяю Ультиматум                                             Римского Понтифика Иоанна Павла II о том, что:
«… - с 1933 года все рождённые Русскими (Верноподданными) должны признать Святой Престол, а с 1969 года - должны состоять под приказом Римского Понтифика, с 1983 года должны приходить

В Мiр - как Римские Рабы

Я ЕСМЬ, © Татьяна!


Правило 2040

Трастовый капитал (?), созданный на основе «Субъектов пожизненного права» также известный

как «недвижимость» образован от двух латинских слов: e и statuo, которые в буквальном смысле

означают «в силу указа, закона или судебного решения». Однако, поскольку имущество является

временным, а не постоянным трастом, то лицо, как бенефициар имеет право на справедливый документ,

дающий право на собственность и использование собственности и, следовательно, право собственности

на имущество. Только корпорации, также известные как корпоративные объединения, недвижимость и

трастовый капитал, созданный на основе «Субъектов пожизненного права» обладают действительными

статусами юридических лиц.

Жива Татьяна Рождённая – Живая Живорождённая ЖенЧина/Женщина, Самостоятельная Человеческая Личность, Живущая по Закону Свободной Воли и по Единому Существующему Универсальному Космическому Закону – Я ЕСМЬ.

Отменяю Ультиматум Римского Понтифика Иоанна Павла II о том, что:
«… - с 1933 года все рождённые Русскими (Верноподданными) должны признать Святой Престол, а с 1969 года - должны состоять под приказом Римского Понтифика, с 1983 года должны приходить

В Мiр - как Римские Рабы





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I demand IT


Tatiana Born is alive – a Living, live-Born Woman/Woman, an Independent Human Person who Lives according to the Law of Free Will and according to the Single Existing Universal Cosmic Law – I AM.

I cancel the Ultimatum of the Roman Pontiff John Paul II that:

"...- since 1933, all those born Russian (loyal Subjects) must recognize the Holy See, and since 1969 - must be under the order of the Roman Pontiff, since 1983 must come


Rule 2039

In terms of the main elements concerning

trusts " Subject of a lifetime right»:

1) the "Subject of a lifetime right" can only be valid for seventy years, since this period is the traditionally accepted duration of ownership of property (by right of transfer, by " subjects of a lifetime right»);

2) the Person in whose interests the trust property is carried out by law

ownership, can be either a beneficiary or a trust for "Entities

a lifetime right." When the beneficiary loses direct benefit from any

property of the upper class, which is placed in a trust."

life rights "on their behalf, they do not own "subjects of life rights", and

only the beneficiary of the Trustee of the "Subject of life right" makes a target choice,

3) the Original purpose and function of trusts Of "subjects of perpetual right" was to form a temporary right of ownership in favor of another, because some event, state of Affairs or situation that does not allow them to assert their status as living to legally present

before the competent authority. Thus, any claims, statements, charters

or arguments that differ in terms of the origin and functions of the "subjects of life rights" are false and automatically invalidated.

In 1666, the king passed The law " on subjects of life rights/ Cestui Que (Vie), according to which all who did not declare themselves as living Men/Women to the king, or in court,

they were declared "dead" for the state system; their property was considered abandoned and transferred to the permanent or temporary possession (management) of a trust (Corporation, society), since only a legal entity has the right to receive the property of a person or an individual; but only the Beneficiary(the founder of the person) has the unconditional right to own and dispose of property, but the "individual" only acquires the right to own real estate (Canon 2040).

Rule 2040

Trust capital (?), created on the basis of "subjects of lifetime right" also known as

as "real estate" is formed from two Latin words: e and statuo, which are literally

they mean "by decree, law, or judicial decision". However, since the property is

a temporary rather than permanent trust, then the person as the beneficiary is entitled to a fair document,

giving the right to own and use the property and, therefore, the right of ownership

on property. Only corporations, also known as corporate associations, real estate, and

trust capital created on the basis of "subjects of lifetime rights" have valid

the status of legal entities.

The state does not register PROPERTY, but only PROPERTY RIGHTS.

A man/Woman from natural law passes into commercial (commercial) law-the property of corporations, companies, acquire the status of "PERSONS" - "dead in law", hence the shameful occult rituals of British courts with the wearing of black clothes and other attributes in honor of the "dead". Indirect property (slaves) can now be pledged to other companies in exchange for benefits – in growth at a rate of interest. As the body weight of a Man/Woman increases, its collateral value increases.

Starting in September 1802 Alexander I approved the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Empire in his Manifesto on the establishment of ministries


Thus binding the Russian Empire to the banking obligations of the commercial code. On November 7, 1917, at six o'clock in the morning, according to the instructions of the Petrograd Military revolutionary Committee, armed sailors of the Guards naval crew, without meeting any resistance, occupied the building of the State Bank. http://www.cbr.ru/today/?PrtId=nrbank– this is how Admiralty law was established in our country.

The uniform commercial code (UCC), was adopted in General or in substance by all States (See the Blacks Act, 6th ed., page 1531). Essentially, all court decisions are based on commercial law, and has criminal penalties associated with it. Instead of explicitly calling this new law Admiralty / Maritime jurisdiction, it is called "Statutory Jurisdiction".

I AM, © Tatiana, declare that the Russian Federation is a COMMERCIAL CORPORATION in strict accordance with the law of the Sea.

In order for the citizens of the USSR who are in the legal field of POSITIVE law to be able to translate into the legal field of COMMERCIAL law, a Scam was invented and implemented with various OFFERS with the collapse of the UNION and with the illegal renaming of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic into the still illegitimate Russian Federation-Russia.

I AM, © Tatiana, declare that I am the owner of my own country, not a migrant

I AM, © Tatiana, I declare that I was drawn to become a signatory of the Russian Federation passport in the field of commercial law as a representative of an individual and forced by forgery and deception to give my children under the care of an organization operating in the field of commercial law.

I AM, © Tatiana, declare that I am daily asked to give my consent to the processing of personal data (the same data of the "PERSON" - a citizen created in the registry office).

I AM, © Tatiana, declare that while I was under the jurisdiction of the organization-owner of the Russian Federation document-public contract of the Russian Federation, I AM, © Tatiana, declare that I was responsible under the laws of this organization of the Russian Federation and the laws of the field of commercial law, was guilty and debtor.

And in the field of commercial law, there are only individuals: individuals (persons with personal data), legal entities, officials, and their representatives.

I AM, © Tatiana, declare that I am without my Free Will, breaking the Rules Of the universe, transferred from the USSR through employment centers (labor exchanges) to the civil service in the position of "citizen-taxpayer" (tax resident) in the status of an individual, on the basis of obtained fraudulently, by forgery of consent to the processing of personal data (for example: an application for the replacement of a passport (USSR to Russia), or a signature in a postal notice – read carefully the same postal notice).

I AM, © Tatiana, declare that my Sovereign immunity has not been lost by receiving and signing any document in my name in other structures.

I AM, © Tatiana, declare that all the above stated in the text became the cause and instrument of my enslavement, became control over my artificially created false personal data, which is an important component of free Will and independence.

I AM, © Tatiana, declare that my personal data of an individual and a legal entity is my property, which is of considerable VALUE to all without exception, and I will continue to dispose of I AM, © Tatiana exclusively for MY own personal interests.

I AM, © Tatiana, declare, I AM, © Tatiana-an Independent Human Personality in the Universe, possessing a Higher Nature and an Individual Divine Plan in the Consciousness of a Higher mind, having the Original Right of self-determination (Ideal) at each specific Point of Existence.

Live in Mind, in Truth, in Honor.....because I'm a big girl...., use Choice and future Path of self-determination at a particular Point of the Universe and Existence, in full compliance with the manifested action of the Law of Free Will, have a Divine title in the Universe.

I AM, © Tatiana, who has expressed a Free Will to self-determination, I have the opportunity to Choose and Select the FORM of the WAY to achieve my Ideal at a specific Point in the Universe and Being.

The point of Creation annulled, liquidated irrevocably, undoubtedly, irrevocably-forever, namely, the certificate, the bill of birth, is an official document, is canceled and liquidated since 1837, it is issued, respectfully recording the poor (beggars) in the document, granting them certain basic rights and the right to benefits in exchange for recognition of their status of belonging as "property" and legal slaves. Also in the status of serving serfs as MOVABLE PROPERTY. The "Settlement" status of" Settlers " is equivalent to a voluntary slave plantation.

I AM, © Tatiana, declare and categorically revoke the following criminal rules, namely that birth Certificates are "extremely valuable" promissory notes with the holder in whose name the certificate is issued. A birth certificate is considered a security that is traded among private international organizations and elites. The owner, I AM, © Tatiana, in the person of an artificially created fake individual in whose name the certificate was issued, did not have access to such a cost. I AM, © Tatiana, declare that I was criminally assigned the status as a settler and opened a Deposit account without my Free will (previously provided by Sberbank during privatization), assigned the 18-digit Trust number, immediately after my live birth and after receiving my personal name, and forced to become a legal entity, and my Deposit account accumulated funds from the turnover of a bill called "birth Certificate", which I AM, © Tatiana, all my life have no idea.

I AM, © Tatiana, declare and categorically cancel the following rules introduced by criminal means, namely, that my human personality has Died, and that the process of transferring all property to accounts of third parties-banks, depositories begins http://www.csd.ua/, cancel and liquidate all administration transferred to the Roman cult (law).

I AM, © Tatiana, declare and categorically revoke the following rules introduced by criminal means, namely, that I in the biological body of a live, live-born baby girl became not of my own Free Will the property according to the classifier of the Corporation, under various names Ukraine, Russia, Poland and others, of the plantation that issued the bill. Promissory notes and all that is attached to them, I did not become a subject for exchange clearing – this is the procedure for settlements on exchange transactions, which provides financial guarantees, their implementation through the system of deposits and margin contributions of exchange trading participants.

I AM, © Tatiana, declare and categorically revoke the following rules introduced by criminal means, namely that I am in the biological body of a live live-born baby girl transformed into a Live live-Born Woman / Woman return my Soul, manifested with my biological Live-Born personal body given to me for centuries with a personal name I AM, © Tatiana, categorically revoke the status of an employee

Workhouse Test Act (1723), http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Workhouse_Test_Act#cite_note-1.

I AM, © Tatiana, declare and categorically revoke the following rules introduced by criminal means, namely, that I am in the biological body of a live live-born baby girl transformed into a Live live-Born Woman/Woman return my Soul, manifested with my biological Live-Born personal body given to me for centuries with a personal name I AM, © Tatiana, the moment of baptism of the Church, not conscious and unconscious transfer of my soul to the state-trust-Corporation.

I AM, © Tatiana, declare and categorically cancel the following rules introduced by criminal means, namely that I am in a biological body alive

alive born baby girl transformed into a Live live-Born Woman / Woman I return my Soul, manifested with my biological Live


Live-born personal body given to me for centuries with a personal name I AM, © Tatiana, I Return all my data transferred by criminal means, by forgery to CUSIP global service https://www.cusip.com/cusip/index.htm#. From this moment, the "Term of life or years" Cestui Que Vie Trust 1666 is liquidated and cancelled.

I AM, © Tatiana-an Independent Human Personality in the Universe, possessing a Higher Nature and an Individual Divine Plan in the Consciousness of a Higher mind, having the Original Right of self-determination (Ideal) at each specific Point of Existence.

Live in Mind, in Truth, in Honor.....because I'm a big girl...., use Choice and future Path of self-determination at a particular Point of the Universe and Existence, in full compliance with the manifested action of the Law of Free Will, have a Divine title in the Universe. I, as Tatiana, who expressed the free will to self-determination, have the opportunity to choose and choose the form of the way to achieve my ideal at a specific point in the universe and being.

The point of creation is annulled, eliminated irrevocably, irrevocably-forever, namely, annulled and eliminated - the action of the corps (actions of dead bodies), or Corporation, trust, namely rule 2036:

Subjects of perpetual law, also known by pseudonyms such as "right to real estate", "charitable authority", "trust established orally", is a pseudo - form of trust that first appeared in the 16th century under Henry 8 in England in the form of one or more presumptions, including (but not limited to) one or more persons presumed to be in custody, children, the feeble-minded(sick), lost or abandoned at sea(drowned), and therefore considered dead by a Statute of limitations equal to 7 years. Additional presumptions under which such a trust can be "legally" formed and added to later statutory facts include bankruptcy, incapacity, mortgages, and private companies.

I, © Tatiana-an independent human personality in the Universe, possessing a Higher nature and an individual divine plan in the consciousness of a higher mind, having the original right of self-determination (ideal) at each specific point of existence.

The point of being eliminated, namely the signing of consent to the collection of my data and all information about me, © Tatiana-an independent human person who entered the General database, http://protivkart.org/main/1766-ukraina-zakon-1049...o-spokoyno-prinyal-pechat.html

I, © Tatiana, declare and categorically cancel the following rules introduced criminally by the head of the Cabinet of Ministers from 26.12.1992 № 12-92 when introducing income tax (descendants from marriages). In 1993-1994, the concept of tax credit was introduced, which gave businesses the right to defer tax payments. At the beginning of 1994, in Ukraine, as in Russia, tax mechanisms began to be formed, including a tax on fishing, local taxes and fees began to be introduced, the control function of individuals (living people) by creating a state register of individuals. The year 1999 is considered to be the year of radical changes in the formation of the tax service this year, it consists in determining the main strategic directions for the development of the tax service, in the same year a new concept for collecting tax arrears is being developed http://podati.blogspot.com/p/2.html

I, © Tatiana, declare and categorically cancel the following rules for entering the warehouse receipt number-INN, entered by criminal means. The ID card or TIN was created by a state that created a second original birth certificate for the United States government under the uniform commercial code, produced by its authorized agent (a municipal employee or state Registrar).

I, © Tatiana, declare and categorically cancel the entered

the following rules are criminal, namely when a birth certificate as a government bond was sold on the new York stock exchange, where chambers of Commerce are authorized to issue certificates of origin (What is a certificate of origin? All States have started issuing serial numbers of documents certifying "warehouse receipts" of births and marriages to pledge us as collateral for loans and Federal reserve municipal bonds) a state-created birth certificate with all CAPITAL letters of the name is a document confirming the debt at the time of issue. The location of the warehouse where the goods are stored - (place of residence). Description of the product or packaging containing them - (name, gender, date of birth, etc.).



I, © Tatiana, declare and categorically cancel the following rules introduced by criminal means, namely all commercial corporations formed on the territory of the USSR: Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, etc., which are exactly "warehouse bases" - registers that represent a large warehouse of any parts. There are many "shelves"in such a warehouse. This is a specific country. On each rack there are prefabricated units (for example, gearboxes for cars, engines, bodies) - these are legal entities that have a certain number of employees ("invoices"), in addition to prefabricated units on the "shelves" there are individual parts - "persons" with birth certificates. In order to control all this in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, etc., Western countries have duplicates of all these "warehouse bases" - registers, for example, in Germany, at the address https://www.upik.de/

The bonds issued under the ALL CAPS birth certificate are then held at the Trust Corporation Depository at 55 water street in new York city

http://www.dtcc.com/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depository_Trust_%26_Clearing_Corporation



I, © Tatiana, declare and categorically revoke the following rules introduced by criminal means, through a legal name to connect a live live-born female / female to an egregor / set of social parasites, categorically revoke the right of parasites to parasitize on my personal name I, © Tatiana, and create written obligations to pay tribute in lieu of my development.

I, © Tatiana, declare that I mistakenly assumed responsibility for the Affairs of the state and its debts and as a responsible principal" to my legal "person" and, accordingly, automatically assumed the debts of commercial corporations of the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, etc.at place of issue of the birth certificate.

I, © Tatiana, declare and categorically cancel the following rules introduced by criminal means, control the payment of my mythical debts by "trusted managers" in the person of civil servants of virtual States-the tax service-courts, bailiffs, police, Ministry of internal Affairs, etc.

I, © Tatiana, declare and categorically revoke the following criminal norms, norms of individuals and legal entities.

I, © Tatiana, declare and categorically cancel the following rules introduced by criminal means, these are units of the Yu (Ri)DVK.

I, © Tatiana, declare that this ultimatum is also an act of joining this ultimatum about the resurrection of souls from the dead.

I'm here, © Tatiana!

I have exclusive rights and am a member of the United sky organization! Claim exclusive ownership of a personal name © Tatiana, body, mind, intellect, soul of a child live-born girls are alive, then live women live-born / women of soul, spirit, mind, heiress of income and rents by divine trust, 1302; - citizen of the Union is Healthy, represent and declare myself alive under Roman law since 1472 de jure

I'm here, © Tatiana!



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