Unit 5. Forestry (green business) — КиберПедия 

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Unit 5. Forestry (green business)

2020-10-20 141
Unit 5. Forestry (green business) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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I. Reading and Speaking Practice Section

1. Guess the meaning of the following international words:

plantation, landscape, ecosystem, biosphere, genetics, topography, erosion, recreation, stabilization, minimization, control, technology.


2. Match the English names of the trees with their Russian equivalents:

Aspen    дуб

Beech        кедр

Poplar   сосна

Willow  ива

Maple    осина

Birch     тополь

fir-tree   клен

cedar     ель

palm     берёза

oak        бук

pine       пальма


Discuss in small groups the following points (see Appendix 1 on p.107)

- your knowledge about forestry;

- your knowledge about the profession of a forester;

- forestry as an art or as a science;

- the related sciences.

Text A


Practice 4. The answers to the following questions are the summary of the text. Answer these questions and give the summary of the text.

1. What is forestry?

2. What are forests categorized into?

3. Why are forest ecosystems of great importance?

4. What range of concerns does the modern forestry embrace?

5. What is sustainable forest management?

6.  What methods are used in forestry?

7. What activities do foresters engage in?

8. Where can foresters work?

9. What are urban foresters busy with?

10. Should the foresters keep up with new digital technologies?

11. What positive and negative impacts on human health can forests have?


Practice 5.Does this text give you sufficient information about forestry? What questions would you like to ask the author of the text?


Text B

Growing Forests in Our Own Backyards

Consider the headline and the subtitles of the text. Read the text to find out:

- what organizations protect and restore trees and forests;

- what benefits trees provide in towns and cities;

- who takes part in creating urban forests.

By Scott Steen

When you hear the word “forest,” what do you think of? The mighty redwood forests of northern California with thousand- year-old trees rising hundreds of feet into the air? The majestic pine forests of the Pacific Northwest and Mountain West? The eastern hardwood forests, filled with an enormous variety of maple, ash, elm, oak, beech, aspen and other tree species?

What you may not think of is your local park, your community garden or the trees that line your street. Many Americans live in forest ecosystems and don’t even know it. But unlike forests in wilderness areas, they require human intervention to keep them healthy and growing.

At American Forests, we define urban forests as “ecosystems composed of trees and other vegetation that provide cities and municipalities with environmental, economic and social benefits. They include street and yard trees, vegetation within parks and along public rights of way, water systems, fish and wildlife.”

Urban forests provide many of the same benefits that large, rural forests do. For example, they produce oxygen, remove pollution and greenhouse gases from the atmosphere, clean water and provide animal habitat. But trees and green spaces in populated areas also produce a number of benefits that might surprise you. Various studies have shown:

- residents living in greener surroundings report lower levels of fear and less aggressive and violent behavior;

- street trees in urban communities are associated with a lower incidence of childhood asthma;

- views of nature reduce the stress;

- shoppers shop more often and longer in well-landscaped, tree-rich business districts and are willing to pay more for goods and services.

During the past years, American Forests has been working with urban forest experts around the nation to identify best practices and create new ways to promote the benefits of urban forests. What we have found is truly inspiring — private citizens, nonprofit groups, neighborhood associations, corporations, local businesses, and local, state and federal agencies all working together to make cities greener, healthier and more livable.

In Detroit, a city famously hard-hit by shifting economic and demographic trends, citizens and nonprofits have come together to do what the city is no longer able to do on its own. Nonprofit The Greening of Detroit has conducted tree plantings, educational programs, open space reclamation, green infrastructure initiatives, green workforce development etc. Such communities are showing that forests and trees can make a profound difference in the everyday lives of people.


American Forests is a national nonprofit conservation organization in the United States founded in 1875. Its aim is to protect and restore the country’s forests.

The Greening of Detroit is a nonprofit organization focused on enhancing the quality of life for Detroiters by planting trees, providing job training and involving youth in the education of the natural environment.   

Practice 1. Look through the text to find out who this text is intended for:

a) general reader;

b) students in forestry;

c) professional foresters.


Text C


It Is Interesting To Know

Practice 2. Choose the most urgent problems and suggest your solving the problems. Write an opinion essay on one of the topics “Forest ecosystems: threats and challenges”, “Save our world forests”, “How to protect forests”.

Your essay should consist of at least 3 paragraphs:




II. Vocabulary Section


1) science n                   наука

natural/ applied/ socials science естественная/прикладная/общественная наука

2) natural resources           природные ресурсы

3) benefit n                            преимущество; польза; благо

4) cover v                              занимать; распространяться; охватывать

5) naturally regenerating forests девственный, реликтовый лес

old-growth forests

primary forests

6) planted forest                        лесонасаждение

7) decline v                           уменьшаться, ухудшаться, приходить в упадок

  8) biodiversity n                 биологическое разнообразие

9) understorey                          подлесок, нижний ярус

10) canopy                            полог

11) concern oneself with      заниматься

12) timber n                       древесина

13) wildlife habitat n     среда обитания

14) raw material n             сырье

15) wood products n         изделия из дерева

16) water quality management качественное водоснабжение

17) watershed management n    управление водоразделами

18) landscape and community protection защита зелёных насаждений в                 

                                                                  жилых районах

 19) landscaping                   ландшафтный дизайн

20) erosion control           борьба с эрозией почвы

21) landslide n               оползень

22) sustainable forest management экологически рациональное ведение             

                                               лесного хозяйства; устойчивое управление 


                                               экологически устойчивое лесопользование

23) genetic improvement   улучшение генетических характеристик

24) thinning n                    прореживание

25) controlled burning      контролируемое сжигание

26) felling n                                рубка леса

27) reforestation n            лесопосадка

28) extracting and processing of timber заготавливать и обрабатывать 


29) tend v                         ухаживать (за деревьями)

30) forester n                     лесничий

31) impact n                         влияние, воздействие, последствие

Vocabulary Tasks


С oncern n 1) дело, фирма, предприятие;

 2) отношение, касательство;  

 3) беспокойство, тревога, забота.

С oncern v касаться, затрагивать, иметь отношение

Be concerned ( with smth ) - связанным (с чем-то), иметь oтношение к

Be concerned ( in smth ) - быть вовлеченным в, принимать участие

Heritage n - наследие, наследие, полученное при рождении.

Ср.: inheritance n 1)наследство, собственность, полученная наследником

 2) наследственность (генетическая );

Hereditary adj наследный, наследственный;

Inherit v наследовать, получать по наследству;

ancient, antique, antiquated adj - старинный, древний;

reckon v 1)подсчитывать, вычислять(неточно);

2) считать, полагать (выражение мнения)

Reckoning вычисление, счет, подсчет


Exercise 6. Translate these word-combinations into English:

богатое фольклорное наследие; хорошая наследственность; наше наследие, оставить наследство; право наследования; она унаследовала красоту матери;

вызывать озабоченность; затрагивать многие аспекты; иметь отношение; заниматься этой проблемой; неточный подсчет.


Exercise 7. Complete the sentences using the words from Ex.6 in the appropriate form:

1. These beautiful old churches are part of our national ….

2. The restaurant is a family ….

3. He took a course in … history.

4. Everyone who … …in the affair regrets it very much.

5. She … the land from her grandfather.

6. These problems … all of us.

7. This story … …with a Russian family in the 19th century.

8. He spent all his …in less than a year.

9. He’s … his father’s nose.


III. Presentation

Into the Green Wood

England was once covered in primeval forest but much of this is believed to have been cleared, regenerated and maintained by the time the Romans arrived in the first century AD. Space had been created for the grazing of animals and the growing of crops, and roads had been cut through the woods and forests.

Timber had also been used for building houses and ships, making of farm implements and tools and for repair work as well as domestic fuel.

Many village settlements were sited within clearings at this time.

These small monastic settlements began to be established.

Monks would cut down trees, root up bushes, tear up brambles and tangled thorns and soon convert a dense wood into an open clearing. By the time of the Norman Conquest when most English villages were in existence there were extensive forests.

Within some of these forests well protect hunting parks were established – large tracts of natural woodland and open country surrounded by a fence or a bank and a ditch. Such a park was Woodstock near Oxford which may date back to Alfred the Great.

At this time the term forest meant more than just the trees as it derived from the Latin foris which meant outside and encompassed many different landscapes.

William I, when he came to power revealed his interest in protecting his favourite sport of hunting by creating the New Forest for which he destroyed a number of villages and smallholdings.

William also established the Forest Laws.

When Henry II came to the throne the 80 Royal forests covered a third of the whole country and imposing Forest Law became impractical.

The people felt that it was worth paying fines in return for the land. Sometimes new villages were created by cutting down the woodland and these were often given names indicative of their origins such as Woodhouse, Woodcotts, Woodmancotes, Woodhall, Dean.

By the end of the 17th century it has been estimated that about 50 per cent of England and Wales was under cultivation as arable meadow or pasture.

From this date until the 20th century woodland resources declined reaching an all time low after World War One, as stocks already low after the industrial revolution were further depleted to provide timber for trench warfare.


IV. Final Activity

Visit the link www.izhgsha.ru to find out more about the Faculty of Forestry of the Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy.

Consider the following points:

- the history of the faculty;

- the faculty staff;

- the departments of the faculty;

- the total number of students;

- students’ life.



If you gently stroke a nettle,*

It will sting you for your pains,

Grasp it like a man of mettle

And it soft as silk remains.


One leaf for fame, one leaf for wealth,*

One for a faithful lover,

And one leaf to bring glorious health,

Are all in a four-leaf clover.

If you find even ash, or four-leaved clover,

You will see your love afore the day’s over.

The even-ash leaf in my hand,

The first I meet shall be my man.

The even-ash leaf in my glove,

The first I meet shall be my love.

The even-ash leaf in my bosom,

The first I meet shall be my husband.


Oak-logs will warm you well,*

That are old and dry;

Logs of pine will sweetly smell

But the sparks will fly.


Birch-logs will burn too fast,

Chestnut scarce at all;

Hawthorn-logs are good to last –

Catch them in the fall.


Holly-logs will burn like wax,

You may burn them green;

Elm-logs like to smouldering flax,

No flame to be seen.


Beech-logs for winter time,

Yew-logs as well;

Green elder-logs it is a crime

For any man to sell.


Pear-logs and apple-logs,

They will scent your room,

Cherry-logs across the dogs

Smell like flower of broom.


Ash-logs smooth and grey,

Burn them green or old,

Buy up all that come your way –

Worth their weight in gold.


Beware of an oak,*

It draws the sroke.

Avoid an ash,

It courts the flash.

Creep under the thorn,

It will save you from harm.


When elm-leaves are as big as a farden,

You may plant your kidney beans in the garden;

When elm-leaves are as big as a shilling,

It’s time to plant kidney beans if you are willing;

When elm-leaves are as big as a penny,

You must plant kidney beans – if you mean to have any!


Who sets an apple-tree may live to see its end,

Who sets a pear-tree may set it for a friend.


1. He loves me.*

2. He don’t!

3. He’ll have me.

4. He won’t!

5. He would if he could.

6. But he can’t.

7. So he don’t.


Good night, fair yarrow,*

Thrice goodnight to thee;

I hope before tomorrow’s dawn

My true love I shall see.                           


Through storm and wind,

Sunshine and shower,

Still will ye find

Groundsel in flower

Berries red, have no dread,

Berries white, poisonous sight.

Leaves three, quickly flee.                                  


Juniper, Juniper,*

Blue in the fall:

Give me some berries,

Prickles and all.

   Juniper, Juniper,

   Green in the snow;

   Sweetly you smell

   And prickly you grow.



The poplar is a French tree,

A tall and laughing wench tree,

A slender tree, a tender tree,

That whispers to the rain –


An easy, breezy flapper tree,

A lithe and blithe and dapper tree,

A girl of trees, a pearl of trees,

Beside the shallow Aisne.


The oak is a British tree,

And not at all a skittish tree,

A rough tree, a tough tree,

A knotty tree to bruise.


A drives-his-roots-in-deep tree,

A what-I-find-I-keep tree,

A mighty tree, a blighty tree,

A tree of stubborn thews.


The pine tree is our own tree,

A grown tree, a cone tree,

The tree to face a bitter wind,

The tree for mast and spar –




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