Тема: Этикет делового и неофициального общения. Телефонные переговоры . — КиберПедия 

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Тема: Этикет делового и неофициального общения. Телефонные переговоры .

2020-06-05 811
Тема: Этикет делового и неофициального общения. Телефонные переговоры . 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Тема: Этикет делового и неофициального общения. Телефонные переговоры.


I.  Read and translate the texts:

Features of business telephone etiquette and talking on cell phone

According to specialists today over 50% of all business problems are solved over the phone. This is the fastest method of communication, which allows to establish contacts, to arrange a meeting, business discussion, negotiation, without the need for direct communication. But from the sound of your voice, your manner of talk on the phone depends largely on the reputation of the company and the success of its business operations. Therefore, the ability to correctly and properly talk on the phone is now becoming an integral part of the company image policy.


Culture requires knowledge of business communication: the telephone conversation of common rules and the basic rules of business etiquette phone.


General rules of the telephone conversation:


1. Lift the handset to call the fourth: the first impression about you or your company already develops on how long you have to wait an answer;


2. Talking on the phone should be on time to leave all extraneous conversations. Your friend has every right to attention to themselves;


3. During a call, considered indecent, something to eat, drink, smoke, rustling paper, chewing gum;


4. It is unacceptable, lifting the handset and replied, "Just a minute", to make the caller wait for you to deal with their affairs. This is possible only in extreme cases and only within one minute. If you are currently very busy and can not talk, it is better to apologize and offer to call back;


5. Сall back whenever waiting for your call;


6. If you do not "get there", you should not find out, "And what is your number?" You can specify: "This number so and so...?", He heard a negative response, apologize and hang up;


7. Call Home is an invasion of privacy, so always ask at your convenience any time you call: "Do you have time to talk to me?", "You are very busy?" And so on. N. If the answer is yes, you can talk to your heart's content, but he heard the first signs of wanting to end the conversation, you should politely say goodbye. In the service of a call is also limited;


8. Talking on the phone to be extremely polite. It is unacceptable to scream and irritated during a telephone conversation, it is a flagrant violation of the ethics of interpersonal and business communication. In response to an insult put a tube. Swearing on the phone is considered to be illegal;


9. The conversation on the phone to be polite, but once completed, if you come to the house guests or visitors to the office. Should apologize and briefly describing the reason of the call to negotiate. At home you can say, "Excuse me, I have come to visit, I'll call you tomorrow night (morning)"; at work: "Excuse me, came to me a visitor, I'll call you back in about an hour." Be sure to make your promise.


10. If during the conversation was cut short communication should hang up; re-dials the one who called. If a company representative talked to the customer or client, then he has to dial the number;


11. The initiative belongs to the completion of a call to the person who called. The exception is a conversation with the senior age or social status;


12. Nothing can replace the warm words of thanks and farewell at the end of each conversation, a conversation. It should be remembered that the farewell should include the possibility of future contact, 'Let's call each other next Tuesday, "" I'll see you tomorrow, "and so on. D.


II. Study the words and expressions:


Прощание.Farewell (этикет)

Happy to make your acquaintance. Счастлив(а) нашему знакомству. Greetings to… /My best regards to… Передайте привет… My best wishes. Наилучшие пожелания. Good bye. Bye. Bye-bye. До свидания Ta-ta. Бывай. Farewell. Прощай! So long. Пока. See you soon. До скорой встречи! Keep in touch. Не пропадай. Good luck! Счастливого пути! Keep well! Будь здоров! I’ll miss you. Буду скучать. My best regards to everybody. Всем привет! Благодарность. Gratitude Благодарю. Thanks. Thank you. Спасибо. Thank you very much. Огромное спасибо. It’s so kind of you. Так мило с вашей стороны.

Ответы. Replies (этикет)

You are welcome. Пожалуйста. Don’t mention it.   Not at all. Не стоит.

Извинение. Apology (этикет)

Excuse me. Извините. Sorry. Pardon. Forgive me. — Простите. No offense. Не хотелось обидеть. Never mind. Ничего. No harm done. Ничего страшного. It doesn’t matter. Неважно. It’s inexcusable. Это ничем нельзя извинить.

Ответы. Replies (этикет)

Thank you. Спасибо. No, thank you. Нет, спасибо. Enough. / That’ll do. Достаточно.

Ответы. Replies (этикет)

Thank you. The same to you. Спасибо. И вам того же желаю.

Ответы. Replies.

You’re flattering me. Вы мне льстите. It’s very nice of you to say so. С вашей стороны очень мило, что вы так говорите.

Подбадривание. Encouragement (этикет)

Cheer up! Не унывайте! Don’t worry! Не беспокойтесь. Come, come. There, there. Well, well. Ну, ну, успокойтесь

Мнение. Opinion (этикет)

Pull yourself together. Возьмите себя в руки. Take it easy. Не принимайте это близко к сердцу. Let’s hope for the best. Будем надеяться на лучшее. Things happen. Всякое бывает. Next time lucky. В следующий раз вам повезет больше. Hear to reason! Будь благоразумным! Don’t lose heart. Не падай духом! Never fear! Не бойтесь! For Heaven’s sake, don’t! Ради Бога, не надо! Things will come right. Все обойдется. It’s a pity! Как жаль! I do condole with you. Я выражаю вам свое соболезнование. I really sympathize with you. Я действительно вам сочувствую. Take it easy. Не принимайте близко к сердцу. Pull yourself together. Возьмите себя в руки. Let’s hope for the best. Будем надеяться на лучшее. Things happen. Всякое бывает. I feel for you. Я вам сочувствую. Accept my condolences. Примите мои соболезнования. Forget it. Не думайте об этом.

V. Do the exercises


Exercise 1.

Закончите приводимые ниже предложения обращениями, выбранными из предлагаемого списка. Если нет необходимости использовать обращения, пишите рядом с этим предложением слово nothing. Некоторые из списка слов могут быть использованы в нескольких случаях, другие же ни в одном.

Приведем три примера:

  1. Department store assistant to a woman customer: Can I help you,…?

Answer: Madam.

2. Parents to their child: What are you doing,…?

Answer: dear, love, darling.

3. Railway traveler to a ticket clerk: one ticket to Lancaster, please,…

Answer: nothing

Grandma Sir Mum Mr Granddad Love Officer Caller Mummy My friend Madam Dad Viewers Gentleman Listeners Granny Dear Mate Ladies and Gentleman Your Majesty Man and women Daddy Darling Grandpa
  1. Child to his or her mother: Can I go out,…?
  2. Telephone operator: Please, hold the line…
  3. Television presenter to people watching at home: Welcome to the Saturday Night Show,…
  4. Child to his or her Grandfather: Thank you for the present,…
  5. Someone to a bank clerk or librarian: Can you help me,…
  6. Someone making a speech to his audience: I’ll try to be brief,…
  7. Polite shop-assistant to a mate customer: Can I help you,…
  8. Someone to the Queen: Good evening,…
  9. Customer to a shop-assistant: Can I try on this coat,…?
  10. Wife to her husband: you look tired,…
  11. Radio presenter to people at home: Now we have a surprise for you,…
  12. Workman to a man passing by: What’s the time,…?
  13. Policeman to a man who asks for help: Yes,…
  14. Policeman to a woman who asks for help: Yes,…
  15. Someone to a policeman: Excuse me,…
  16. Child to his or her grandmother: here are your glasses,…
  17. Woman shopkeeper in a small, friendly shop to a customer: What would you like,…
  18. Soldier to his commander: Can I go,…?
  19. Child to his or her father: Good night,…
  20. Someone to a stranger in the street: Excuse me,…


Приветствие (Greeting)

1. Say “Hello” to your English friend.

2. Say “Hello” to your English teacher.

Знакомство (Acquaintance)

1. Introduce a new friend to your mother or father.

2. Introduce your English teacher to Mrs Burke.

3. Introduce two students to each other.

Благодарность (Gratitude)

1. Say “Thank you” to your English friend for his small present for you.

2. Say “Thank you” to the policeman who explained to you how to get to the downtown.

Тема: Этикет делового и неофициального общения. Телефонные переговоры.


I.  Read and translate the texts:

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