English Tenses (Active and Passive) — КиберПедия 

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English Tenses (Active and Passive)

2020-06-02 181
English Tenses (Active and Passive) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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English Tenses (Active and Passive)

Variant 1

Определить время и залог предложения, перевести.

1. She never drinks tea in the morning.

2. Have you ever been to Norway?

3. The translation will be finished in the evening.

4. Teenagers were having a very noisy party and we called the police.

5. Did you like the performance yesterday night?

6. By the end of the month the results of our experiment will have been got.

7. Their children aren’t driven to school.

8. I was promised a new computer last month.

9. He said his wallet had been stolen in a bus.

10. Is my sister having supper with you at the moment?


Сделать предложения отрицательными и вопросительными.

1. He was exhausted by his hard work.

2. This programme begins at 7 o’clock in the evening.

3. She looked at her watch twice.

4. The things will be packed soon.

5. This house is still being redecorated.


Переведите предложения из действительного залога в страдательный.

1. We shall settle the matter very easily.

2. My father built this cottage.

3. He has just repaired his car.

4. Somebody is opening the window now.

5. This bookshop always sells love stories well.


Раскрыть скобки, правильно употребив время и залог глагола, перевести предложения.

1. My daughter (to like) pies. They (to cook) now.

2. At this time tomorrow I (to swim) in the Black Sea.

3. Her friend already (to see) this film. It (to see) by him yesterday.

4. She (to play) the piano when her neighbours came.

5. When John moves to a new flat this event (to celebrate) by us.


Перевести предложения, определив залог и время глагола.

1. Водитель вчера весь день ремонтировал свою машину.

2. Товар уже упакован.

3. Завтра будет холодно.

4. К тому времени как ты придешь, я уже вымою посуду.

5. Мы его никогда раньше не встречали.

6. Письмо печатают сейчас в нашем офисе.

7. Комнату красили, когда мы вошли в нее.

8. Эта чашка была разбита моим сыном.

Control work

English Tenses (Active and Passive)

Variant 2

Определить время и залог предложения, перевести.

1. Who has been invited to dinner by Tom?

2. They are looking for their dog at the moment.

3. His son studied well when he was at school.

4. This product is being tested now.

5. She has just come from Spain.

6. Will your parents be invited to dinner on Saturday?

7. The article was being translated when they came.

8. I returned all her books after she had asked me.

9. Our train will have already gone by the time we come to the station.

10. Where did you lose your passport?


Сделать предложения отрицательными и вопросительными.

1. He will be passing his English test from 9 to 11 tomorrow.

2. Somebody is being attacked in the yard.

3. My parents left for the station two hours ago.

4. They usually meet with their friends in the café.

5. The letter has just been written and sent.


Переведите предложения из действительного залога в страдательный.

1. Snow covered everything.

2. The secretary is still typing this list.

3. He has already tested all the machines.

4. Everybody listens to the speaker very attentively.

5. The best athletes will represent the club at the Games.


Раскрыть скобки, правильно употребив время и залог глагола, перевести предложения.

1. Animated cartoons always (to watch) by the children.

2. He (to ring) me the day before yesterday.

3. I (not to visit) by you for ages.

4. When Nick looked out of the window his friends (to play) in the yard.

5. You always (to speak) so loudly.


Перевести предложения, определив залог и время глагола.

1. Его отвезли в больницу час назад.

2. Что ты делал весь день вчера? – Я переводил очень интересную статью.

3. Проблема сейчас обсуждается.

4. Сколько дней вы читаете эту книгу?

5. К началу лета я буду жить здесь уже в течение двух лет.

6. Этот фильм еще не показали по ТВ.

7. Стадион скоро будет построен здесь.

8. Оборудование всегда тщательно тестируется.

Control work

English Tenses (Active and Passive)

Variant 3

Определить время и залог предложения, перевести.

1. The dog has already been taken for a walk.

2. We shall meet your mother at the airport.

3. Many mistakes were made during the test.

4. Does she know how to get to the city center?

5. They will be driving the whole day tomorrow.

6. Kate hadn’t read this interesting article before her boss rang.

7. He thinks his decisions must not be discussed.

8. The USA is the fourth largest country in the world.

9. When was this telegram received?

10. My cousin is going to draw a portrait of her mother.


Control work

English Tenses (Active and Passive)

Variant 4

Control work

English Tenses (Active and Passive)

Variant 1

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