Task 2. Lecture, Part One: Rewards and Punishments — КиберПедия 

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Task 2. Lecture, Part One: Rewards and Punishments

2020-06-02 715
Task 2. Lecture, Part One: Rewards and Punishments 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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A. The following items contain important vocabulary from Part One of the lecture. Work with a partner. Using the context and your knowledge of related words, take turns trying to guess the meanings of the words in bold.

  1. I'd like to focus on three of the ways that children acquire their behaviour.
  2. A reward can be defined as a positive reinforcement for good behaviour.
  3. Most parents use rewards unconsciously.
  4. Punishments are the second important way in which a child is socialized.
  5. Both rewards and punishments are controversial. Many people think that they are not effective.
  6. Some people argue that this reward is unnecessary because it is like a bribe.
  7. The child should be taught that it's his duty to help with household chores.
  8. Some of us grew up expecting to be spanked if we misbehaved.
  9. Our parents may have hit us on the hand if we talked back to them.
  10. Some children are subject to really serious physical abuse.

B. Work with your partner. Match the vocabulary terms with their definitions by writing the letter of each definition below next to the sentence containing the correct term in A. Check your answers in a dictionary if necessary.

a) hit by someone as a kind of punishment

b) things that people have different opinions about

c) taught how to behave with other people

d) very hard and extreme physical punishment

e) encouragement

f) learn, get

g) without thinking

h) spoke impolitely to, argued with

i) something offered to someone to make the person do something

j) responsibility

C. Look at these notes on Part One of the lecture. Notice that the main ideas are in the left column and the supporting details are in the column on the right.

Listen to Part one of the lecture and fill in the missing details.

Ms. Beth Handman: Family Lessons

Part One: Rewards and Punishments

Main Ideas Details 1. Type of family (traditional or nontraditional) is not as important as love and support at home.   2. Three ways children learn social behaviour from their families: rewards, punishments, modeling.   3. Children learn good behaviour through rewards. · ____________________________________ · ____________________________________ · finish homework – then TV · ____________________________________ 4. Another way children learn to behave is through punishments. · ____________________________________ · ____________________________________ · ____________________________________ 5. Rewards and punishments are controversial. · ____________________________________ · ____________________________________ · if parents are violent, children may become violent


Task 3. Lecture, Part Two: Modeling

A. The following items contain important vocabulary from Part Two of the lecture. Work with a partner. Using the context and your knowledge of related words, take turns trying to guess the meanings of the words in bold.

  1. Children's first role models are their parents.
  2. There is an old saying in English: "Don't do as I do. Do as I tell you."... But this advice doesn't work most of the time.
  3. If you smoke yourself, it is probably ineffective to tell a child not to smoke.
  4. Many people do not even realize the impact that they can have on a child.
  5. It is common for babysitters, relatives, and child-care centers to take care of children.
  6. The most important thing for children is to grow up in an environment where there are fair rules that are clearly established and followed consistently by everyone.

B. Work with your partner. Match the vocabulary terms with their definitions by writing the letter of each definition below next to the sentence containing the correct term in A. Check your answers in a dictionary if necessary.

a) influence

b) not going to work

c) in the same way all the time

d) opinion about what you should do

e) people who are an example for them to copy

f) places where professionals take care of young children

C. Look at these notes on Part Two of the lecture. Notice that the first main idea is number 6 because the last main idea in Part One was number 5.

Listen to Part Two of the lecture and fill in the missing main ideas and details.

Ms. Beth Handman: Family Lessons

Part Two: Modeling

Main Ideas Details 6. Modeling means: _____________________.   7. ___________________________________. · ____________________________________ 8. “Don’t do as I do, ___________________” doesn’t work. · ____________________________________ · ____________________________________ 9. Modeling is the most important way children learn. · Children have many models: ____________, _____________, babysitters, professionals in child-care centers, each other, TV. 10. Parents worry about negative lessons. · ____________________________________ · ____________________________________ 11. Most important thing: ________________  


Task 4. Use your notes in Tasks 2 and 3 to write a text of the lecture. Use the questions below as guidelines for your writing. Be ready to retell the text.

  • How do children learn/ acquire social behaviour/ skills? Give examples of rewards and punishments.
  • Why are rewards and punishments controversial?
  • What does modeling mean?
  • What models are children exposed to?
  • What is an ineffective way of teaching children social behaviour?
  • What is the most important thing about modeling?
  • Do children learn only positive behaviour from the role models provided?


Task 5. Work with a partner. Think of times in your own lives when your parents or caregivers rewarded you, punished you, or provided you with a clear model. Tell your partner about your experiences and compare your stories. Which of the three methods were successful? Which were not? Why?

1. Work with two or three other students. Think back to when you were 14 or 15 years old and discuss:

1 What did you like to wear?

2 What type of music did you like?

3 Who were your favorite singers, TV and film stars, and sports stars?

4 What did you do in your free time?

5 What did your parents think about your interests and fashions?

2. Still working in the same groups, discuss teenagers now:

1 What clothes do they like to wear?

2 What type of music do they like?

3 Who are the popular singers, TV and film stars, sports stars, etc?

4 What are some popular activities?

5 What do you think about these teenage interests and fashions?




Task 1. Work with your partner and answer the following questions without looking back at the material of the unit.

ü What are the characteristics of a well-socialized person?

ü What is socialization?

ü What are socializing agents? Name as many socializing agents as you can.

ü How does the process of socialization depend on the family environment?

ü What are the two ways of socialization? Elaborate.

ü Why are people of different cultures socialized differently? Provide examples.



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